
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study covered the Mulmae, architectural drawing recorded on Yeonggeon-uigwes and Sanleung-uigwes during the late Joseon Dynasty. In uigwes, the term ‘Mulmae’ was used as a mixture until the 17th century, but from the 18th century, the term ‘Mulmae(勿乙每, 勿每, 水每)’ was unified into ‘Mulmae(水每)’. The paper of the Mulmae was made to be used during the construction period by using a thick oil paper called Yudun. Four Yudun were connected, and its size was 197.4×141cm, which was rather large. The Yingzaofashi(營造法式) of Song Dynasty describes how to draw a longitudinal section on a scale of 1/10. The scale of 1/10 was the maximum when comparing the size of the Mulmae with the buildings in uigwes. A sectional drawing of Gongpo in Geunjeongjeon was drawn on a scale of 1/10. There is a testimony that a senior carpenter drew a cross-section on a scale of 1/10. Therefore, it was determined that the scale of the longitudinal section drawn on the Mulmae paper was 1/10. The term 'the Mulmae' was used equally by carpenter active in Japanese colonial era. The scope of the painting was clarified from pillar to rafter. Uigwes records that the Mulmae was made for wood processing. Through this, it can be understood that the Mulmae painted the entire structure as a longitudinal section.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Architectural Drawing has been settled down the very effective means of exchanging their architectural ideas and data on the construction process. However, it was not easy to conserve the original drawings, which aims had been accomplished, at the same time, building was built. The same phenomena were occurred in our traditional architectural construction project, especially before pre-modern age. And do not understand soundly building documentation accepted by craftsmen in the period of earliest Chosun dynasty and how to present their idea and information of architectural as means of sketches and drawings. So, this paper aimed to clarify the drawing occurrence and the development steps of their rendering, representation methodology in the construction process in Sannungdogam-Uuigue, which were the construction documents of government based on the royal family's tomb and building projects in the late Chosun Dynasty. There are three development stages of architectural space representation, pre-drawing stage, drawing occurring stage and drawing settlement stage, They had been adapted unique drawing presentation method which were drawn by artisan, so called Doseol(圖說)and Painter Hwawon(畵員) The results are 1. In the Pre-drawing stage, they had been used the systematic explanation method of character 2. Do not have the evidence of adapting drawing before 17th centry, it was originated in early 17's century started with Onga(甕家). Onga's Drawing was drawn very elementary skill, and became development, settlement and standardization of their drawing representation around 19th century 3. The drawing presented by client's recognition view of space and building, integrated data within a sheet of drawing with practical and hierarchy and using graphic and description.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There remain several archiectural drawings which was made in Chosun dynasty, which are quite different from current drawings. The site plan which is composed of slanted elevations doesn't exhist in Western drawing method. This elevation development method is common in Korea, China, and Japan. These three nations also have a common point which the wooden structure are popular. So elevation development method is reasonable to represent the wooden structure. Because a drawing mehod reflects cultural character and thought, it is important to read the architectural perception at that time. In this viewpoint, I studied the characters of the drawing method in Chosun dynasty according to the peoriodical articulation of century, and how the drawing method reflects the thought at that time. And I suggested a new posibility of effective and reasonable drawing method for the wooden structure.