Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AtMT) has been widely used for generation of fungal transformants and recently applied to Beauveria bassiana. In this study to comprehend how the AtMT promoter influences on the expression of selection marker (hygromycin B resistance gene; hph), two different Ti-Plasmids were constructed: pCeg (gpdA promoter-based) and pCambia-egfp (CaMV 35S promoter-based). Putative transformants were subjected to the PCR, RT-PCR and qRT-PCR to inspect the T-DNA insertion rate and gene expression level. In conclusion, more than 80% of the colonies succeeded in AtMT transformation and the hph expression level of AtMT/pCeg colonies was higher than that of AtMT/pCambia-egfp colonies. This result can provide useful information on the AtMT of B. bassiana, especially antibiotics susceptibility and promoter-dependant expression level.
Enhanced green fluoresce protein gene (egfp) was expressed in Beauveria bassiana ERL836 based on the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AtMT) method in this study. The ERL836 transformants were generated with pCambia-egfp binary vector. Ten transformants were randomly selected and analyzed for the T-DNA insertion and gene expression. The results revealed that 60% of the fungal putative transformants were inserted by the T-DNA fragment. Of these transformants, 33.33% (2 transformants) expressed the egfp gene. The egfp transformants showed strong green fluorescence with different expression levels. The results of this study could provide a reference for foreign protein expression in B. bassiana by using the AtMT method.
Human GH (hGH) has been available over 40 years for the treatment of children with GH deficiency. Human growth hormone (hGH) is mainly produced in the somatotrophic cells of the pituitary in brain and is the product of the GH-N gene. Among the edible mushrooms, the king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii ) is one of the most popular mushrooms in Asia, Europe and North America. The increasing popularity of P. eryngii among consumers is due to its flavor, texture and shelf life. We report a modified Agrobacteriummediated method for the efficient transformation of hGH2 in Pleurotus eryngii . The binary vector pCAMBIA1304 was used for the initial transformation and detected by GUS and GFP. Infiltrated samples transformed with pCAMBIA1304 showed a wider GUS response than the co-cultivated in the 50㎍/㎖ hygromycin selection medium. This transformation technique offers new prospects for the production of useful protein in the genetically improved mushroom.