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        검색결과 7

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the microscopic characteristics and genetic relationships of Ganoderma applanatum fruiting bodies. Basidiospores were brown, ellipsoid, and had one or two large vacuoles and a double wall. The surface of basidiospores was smooth or wrinkled and most had numerous small and shallow holes. The length and width of basidiospores of Ganoderma applanatum isolates GBGA-01, GBGA-02, ASI 50167, ASI 52821, ASI 52822, ASI 52823, and ASI 53399 were on average 7.6×4.8 mm, 7.9×4.6 mm, 7.7×4.9 mm, 8.2×5.3 mm, 7.7×5.0 mm, 8.0×4.9 mm, and 7.9×4.9 mm, respectively. In contrast, the basidiospores of Ganoderma lucidum isolate ASI 7125 were 7.7×5.2 mm. Using the universal ITS1/ITS4 primer set, the ITS region of the isolates were amplified and sequenced. The ITS sequences were very closely related to G. applantum isolate GBGA-01, GBGA-02, ASI 50167, ASI 52821, ASI 52822, ASI 52823 and ASI 53399, but were not the same species. Whereas, G. lucidum isolate ASI 7125 belongs to different group.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. M. Fr. (=R. rubescens Tul. & Tul.), known as “shoro” in Japan, is a hypogeous basidiomycete that is an important ectomycorrhizal symbiont of the Pinaceae. Rhizopogon roseolus produced a fruiting body with a basic globose to subglobose shape. Basidiospores were encompassed in a glebal chamber in the fruiting body. However, little is known about basidiosporogenesis and nuclear behavior after karyogamy. We treated R. roseolus glebar chambers with Gimsa acid and observed their hymenium microscopically to characterize nuclear behavior and basidiosporogenesis. Our observations revealed the following five characteristics: ⅰ) meiosis and postmeiotic mitosis took place in the basidium; ⅱ) meiosis occurred in the center of the basidium; ⅲ) the sterigma appeared when the first meiotic division occurred; ⅳ) the center of the basidium constricted slightly when the second meiotic division occurred; ⅴ) after postmeiotic mitosis, asynchronous nuclear migration from the basidium to the basidiospores took place, producing eight uninucleate basidiospores. However, unusual nuclear behavior was frequently observed, indicating that regulations of the timing and the way of nucleus entering to the spores were not exact in R. roseolus.
        1993.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Apexes of basidia in Rhodophyllus muraii var. albus are divided into four sections or depressed in the center. A spore is formed by inflation of the apex of the sterigma. The apex of the sterigma is swollen and changed from a papilla through a peinsform and a club into a globeform. Six spots of globose spore are regularly or irregularly depressed with hilum axes. Finally the spores come cuboid.
        1993.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Apexes of basidia in Rhodophyllus(synonyum of Entoloma) muraii var. albus are divided into four sections or depressed in the center. A spore is formed by inflation of the apex of the sterigma. The apex of the sterigma is swollen and changed from a papilla through a penisform and a club into a globeform. Six spots of globose spore are regularly or irregularly depressed with hilum axes. Finally the spores are cuboid. Basidia of Entoloma squamiferrum are developed from hymenium layer of crator-shaped parabasidium. Apex of basidium is flat or depressed in the center. Although four sterigmata are developed, only two sterigmata are symmetrically swollen to two spores in certain basidia. It means that two sterigmata among four sterigmata are infertile. The apex of the sterigma is swollen into a paillaform, and then turned into a penisform. It is swollen from a clubform into a globeform. Six spots of the surfaces of globose spore are deperssed with hilum axes. Finally the spore is cuboid, and then it is released from hilum. Four sterigmata of papillaform of E. violaceobrunneum are developed from cartor-shaped basidium. The apex of sterigma is swollen to a small globeform. And then it is swollen to a clubform. The clubform is again swollen to a ellipticalform, and then more than six spots of spore surfaces are ramomly depressed with hium axes. When the depression of surface of a elliptical spore is over, it is the multi-angular spore of the heterometrical-form.
        1993.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Four sterigmata of papillaform E. violaceobrunneum are developed from crator-shaped basidium. The apex of sterigma is swollen to a small globeform. And then it is swollen to a clubform. The clubform is again swollen to a ellipticalform, and then more than six spots of spore surfaces are ramdomly depressed with hilum axes. When the depression of surface of a elliptical spore is over, the spore is a heterodiametrical spore of multi-angular.
        1993.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Basidia of Entoloma squamiferrum are developed from hymenium layer of cartor-shaped parabasidium. Apex of basidium is flat or depressed in the center. Although four sterigmata are developed, only two sterigmata are symmetrically swollen to two spores im certain basidia. It means that two sterigmata among four sterigmata are imfertil. A spore is formed by inflation of the apex of the sterigma. The apex of the sterigma is swollen into a paillaform and then turned into a penisform. It is swollen from a clubform into a globefrom. Six spots of the surfaces of globose spore are depressed with hilum axes. Finally the spore is cuboid, and then it is released from hilum.