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        검색결과 62

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, research trends in mushroom science were examined using North Korean journal articles published in 1978–2023. Researchers in each field reviewed 450 papers and finally selected 429 papers, excluding 21 papers classified in different fields. The number of researchers was 872, and the number of authors per paper was 2.03. Kim Cheol-Hak published the most academic papers in the field of mushroom science in North Korea, with 12 papers. The number of research articles increased annually, from 7 in 1985, 12 in 1998, 11 in 2008, and 27 in 2020, and has especially increased rapidly since the mid- 2010s. The study by mushroom type was as follows: 42 pine mushrooms (17.8 %), 25 oyster mushrooms (10.6 %), 23 Ganoderma sp. (9.8 %), 19 shiitake mushrooms (8.1 %), 17 button mushrooms (7.2 %), and 16 manna lichens (6.8 %). This study is considered meaningful in reviewing the research status and technology level in North Korea through analyzing North Korean academic journals in the field of mushroom science for the first time.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ganoderma applanatum is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms due to the various biologically active components it produces. In order to study for the possibility of artificially cultivating G. applanatum, we investigated the growth status of G. applanatum mycelium using oak sawdust bottle(850 ml). It took approximately 17~27 days for G. applanatum cultivation and 15~16 days for G. lucidum cultivation with sawdust until the mycelial growth was complete. The weight of dried fruiting bodies showed that G. applanatum GBGA-01 weighed 16.0±7.4 g, and G. lucidum ASI 7125 weighed 7.9±2.7g. The thickness of the pileus was measured as 10.6±2.6 mm for G. applanatum GBGA-01, 16.3±8.7 mm for G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 8.6±3.5 mm for G. lucidum ASI 7125. The color of Ganoderma spp. showed that L degree was 55.5±1.1 for the contex of G. applanatum GBGA-01, 47.7±2.2 for the contex of G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 39.6±2.9 for the contex of G. lucidum ASI 7125.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study addresses the current demand of the Korean mushroom export industry to establish an export strategy and governing policies.The enoki mushroom exports increased by 89% in 2009 and 23% in 2010, resulting in the largest export volume (17,163 tons) and export value ($26,292,000) being recorded in 2010. In contrast, exports in 2020 yielded only $18,525,000, which was 29% lower than that in 2010. In case of king oyster mushrooms, exports increased by 10% in 2012, 13% in 2013, and 2% in 2014, maintaining a moderate-growth trend. Moreover, Korea’s mushroom exports are focused on a few specific countries. Enoki mushrooms accounted for more than 50% of the total exports to North America and Vietnam from 2012 to 2022, whereas king oyster mushrooms accounted for more than 50% of the total exports to Europe and North America (USA and Canada) from 2009 to 2022. Another characteristic trend in Korean mushroom exports is the diversification of export markets. The number of countries importing enoki mushrooms and king oyster mushrooms from Korea is increasing.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High-income mushroom crops require complex farming. Therefore, we conducted a test to identify the optimum temperature for the production of antler-shaped Ganoderma lucidum using the King Oyster mushroom cultivation facility. T-N showed 0.28% of oak sawdust and 2.2% of nutritional source. The pH of oak sawdust was 6.0, indicating weak acidity, and that of rice steel was 6.6, indicating neutrality in nutrition source. Study on the quality characteristics of mushrooms showed that the number of days at 25°C were 5~6 and those at 30°C were 3~5; the representative length at 25°C was 57.5 mm and that at 30°C was 92.2 mm; the biological weight at 25 °C was 43 g, which was greater than that at 30°C.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine the major domestic and foreign regulations related to the production of organic products. The production and consumption of organic products have been expanding due to the increase in consumer demand for safe food, as well as improved certification procedures and industry trends. In case of organic mushrooms, there were 405 certified farms nationwide in 2021, with a cultivation area of 3,886,628 m2 and a planned production of 6,011 tons. Jeollanamdo has 221 farms, a cultivation area of 2,923,402 m2, and a certification plan for 2,132 tons. Shiitake mushrooms are ranked first with 369 farms, a cultivation area of 3,805,636 m2, and a certification plan for 3,576 tons, representing 91% of the farms, 98% of the cultivation area, and 60% of the certification planning.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The incorporation of Shiitake culture into sawdust is a widely utilized technique that can assist in reducing the cost and time consumption associated with oak cultivation. In sawdust cultivation, browning of the surface mycelia is an important stage with respect to the utility and longevity of the sawdust media. Surface browning forms a protective coating on the substrate, which can inhibit the invasion of pathogens and suppress water evaporation. Several different light sources (red LED, white LED, blue LED, and fluorescent light) were used and the intensity of illumination was carefully controlled (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs and 10, 100, 300 lux for the fluorescent light) to induce browning. The light sources were regulated via a 1 h on/off cycle in a controlled room environment at a temperature of 20°C, 60% humidity, and 1200 ppm CO2 concentration for 60days.The browning effect varied depending on the source and the intensity of illumination. This effect was most effectively induced at 1.5 μmol/m2s for the red and blue LEDs. All light sources induced less browning at the highest intensity of illumination. This indicates that intensity values higher than 20.5 μmol/m2s in the case of the LEDs and 300 lux for the fluorescent light are not effective. After harvesting of the fruit bodies, we measured the weight, length, and width of the pileus and stipe in addition to their chromaticity and hardness. Treatment with 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED produced the best harvest with the highest average chromaticity, weight (21.2 g), stipe length (30.8 mm), and hardness (377.9 g), with a fine length and width of the pileus.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 참나무원목을 이용한 영지버섯 재배하우스의 토양의 이화학성조사와 재배지 온도와 같은 영지 관리 특성을 조사하였으며, 초발이 소요일수는 부직포 피복 처리 등 처리 별로 차이 없이 12~13일로 나타났으며, 색 도조사에서 적색도(a)의 경우 비닐처리 19.5, 관행처리 20.2, 부직포처리 19.5로 나타났으며, 황색도(b)는 비닐처리 12.7, 관행처리 13.3, 부직포처리 12.4로 나타나 처리 간 비슷한 경향을 나타내었다. 처리별 생육특성은 관행처리인 무피복 토양의 경우 갓의 길이 145.7 mm, 두께 23.6 mm, 대 길이 73.9 mm, 두께 11.5 mm, 중량은 130 g 을 나타내었고, 부직포피복처리에서는 갓의 길이 157mm, 두께 22.3 mm, 대 길이 93.3 mm, 두께 11.9 mm, 중량은 164 g으로 관행처리보다 우수하였다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양송이는 전세계에서 가장 많이 재배되는 버섯이다. 최근 갈색 계통의 소비는 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. ‘단석1호’는 다포자임의재배법으로 육성되었으며, 국내 양송이 최초 재배지인 경주지역 단석산을 지명을 유래하여 명명되었다. 균사 생장적온은 20~30°C이며, 버섯 발생온도는 15~20°C이다. 갓 색깔은 중간정도의 갈색이며, 갓의 형태는 구형이다. 갓의 넓이는 45.1 mm, 두께는 23.5 mm이다. 경도는 8,937g/Φ5 mm이고, 갓의 색도는 L 값이 50.4이다. 배양일수는 20일이면 가능하고, 복토 후 버섯의 발생은 18일 정도 소요된다. ‘단석1호’의 대표적인 특징으로는 개별발생비율이 높기 때문에 수확중 버섯 손실이 적은 특성이 있다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 시설재배와 토경(매립) 복령의 성분 분석 및 생리활성 비교를 위해 연구하였다. 일반성분 분석 결과 산소가 45~46%로 가장 많이 포함하고 있었으며 다음으로 39~41%의 탄소, 6.06~6.1% 수소, 0.21~0.22% 질소로 나타났다. 그리고 시험을 실시한 복령 모두에서 황 성분은 발견되지 않았다. 시설 및 토경 재배 복령을 ICP 분석법으로 11종의 무기질을 분석한 결과 S, Fe, Mg, Zn의 함유량은 1년차, 2년차 모두 토경 재배 복령이 시설 재배 복령보다 많았으며 특히 Fe와 Zn의 함유량은 각각 약 3.1~4.9배, 3.6~3.9배 높았다. 50% 에탄올 복령 추출물의 DPPH와 ABTS radical 소거활성과 FRAP 방법을 실행하여 항산화 효과를 알아보았다. 복령 추출물 10 mg/ml의 농도에서 시설 및 토경 재배 복령의 DPPH IC50 값은 1년산 시설 재배(8.601mg/mL), 1년산 토경 재배(12.85mg/mL), 2년산 시설 재배(1.23mg/mL), 2년산 토경 재배(1.18 mg/mL)로 나타났으며 ABTS IC50값은 1년산 시설 재배(15.85mg/mL), 1년산 토경 재배(14.59 mg/mL), 2년산 시설 재배(3.9 mg/mL), 2년산 토경 재배(14.92 mg/mL)로 계산되었다. 연구에 사용한 복령의 항산화 활성은 농도 의존적인 증가를 보였고 2년산 시설 재배 복령이 가장 높은 항산화 활성을 나타냈다. FE-SEM을 이용하여 복령 입자의 초미세구조를 관찰한 결과 샘플간의 뚜렷한 차이점은 발견되지 않았다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        큰느타리버섯 수확 후 배지를 이용한 유기퇴비를 제조하여 퇴비 원료로서의 이용가능성에 대해 실험을 진행하였다. 퇴비의 발아능력을 검증하기 위해 오이, 무, 상추, 배추를 파종한 후 발아율과 발아지수를 측정하였으며 미강과 미생물제의 첨가비율이 높을수록 높은 발아율을 나타내는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 오이와 무의 발아지수는 전체적으로 높았으며, 상추의 경우 SMS 100%와 미강 5% 첨가구만 발아지수 70을 넘었고 배추는 미생물제 5% 첨가구에서 가장 높은 발아지수를 나타내었다. 또한 상추를 이용하여 SMS 상토 제조비율과 생육특성을 조사하기 위해 생육시험용 상토 제조비율은 일반상토 100%와 SMS 10%, SMS 20%, SMS 30%, SMS 50%, SMS 70%, SMS 100%로 제조하여 상추묘를 이식하였다. 먼저 상토재료의 이화학성 분석을 시행하였으며 SMS 첨가량이 높을수록 질소전량이 높아지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 하지만 상추의 SMS 처리구와 일반상토에서의 생육정도를 비교하였을 때, 중량은 SMS 10% 43.9 g, 일반상토 46.4 g로 비슷하였으며 엽록소 함량도 SMS 10% 32.8, 일반상토 SMS 10% 32.8로 같았고 나머지도 비슷한 수치를 나타내었으나 총장에서 SMS 10% 14.6 cm, 일반상토 16.8 cm로 일반상토가 더 큰 것으로 확인되었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the 21st century, information and communication technology (ICT) worldwide presents a new vision for agriculture. Time and place, as well as the high-tech industry, to overcome barriers to the fusion of the so-called "smart agriculture," are changing the agricultural landscape. Core container production in precision agriculture for mushroom cultivation, optimal temperature, humidity, irradiation, self-regulation of factors such as carbon dioxide, and environment for mushroom cultivation were adopted. Lentinula edodes (shiitake) is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is considered to be medicinal in certain practices of traditional medicine. We used different controlled light sources (Blue-Red-White-combined LED, blue LED, red LED, and fluorescent light) with different LED radiation intensities (1.5, 10.5, and 20.5 μmol/㎡s for LEDs) to compare growth and development. Mushrooms were treated with light in a 12-hour-on/ 12-hour-off cycle, and maintained in a controlled room at 19~21°C, with 80~90% humidity, and an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 1,000 ppm for 30 days. Growth and development differed with the LED source color and LED radiation intensity. Growth and development were the highest at 10.5 μmol/㎡s of blue LED light. After harvesting the fruit bodies, we measured their weight and length, thickness of pileus and stipe, chromaticity, and hardness. The 10.5 μmol/㎡s blue-LED-irradiated group showed the best harvest results with an average individual weight of 39.82 g and length of 64.03 mm, pileus thickness of 30.85 mm and pileus length of 43.22 mm, and stipe thickness of 16.96 mm with fine chromaticity and hardness. These results showed that blue LED light at 10.5 μmol/㎡s exerted the best effect on the growth and development of L. edodes (shiitake) mushroom in the ICT-system container-type environment.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Information and communication technology(ICT) around the world in the 21st century presents a new vision of agriculture. Time, place, and the high-tech industry to overcome barriers to the fusion of the so-called “smart agriculture” is changing the landscape of agriculture. Precision Agriculture’s core container production for the mushroom cultivation temperature, humidity, irradiation, self-regulation, such as carbon dioxide, the optimal environment for mushroom cultivation was implemented. The Lentinula edodes (shiitake) is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is considered a medicinal mushroom in some forms of traditional medicine. The fungus was first described scientifically as Agaricus edodes by Miles Joseph Berkeley in 1877. It was placed in the genus Lentinula by David Pegler in 1976. We controlled different light source (Blue-Red-White combined LED, blue LED, red LED and fluorescent light) with different intensity of LED irradiation (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs) to compare growth and development. Lights were treated with 12 hour on/ 12hour off cycle maintained in a controlled room with 19 ~ 21oC temperature, 80~90% humidity, and 1,000 ppm CO2 atmosphere concentration for 30 days. Growth and development differed from the LED color source and intensity of LED irradiation. Growth and development was most effective in 10.5 μmol/m2s for blue LED. All LED light sources showed less growth and development in lowest intensity of irradiation, which indicates that higher than 1.5 μmol/m2s for LED is not effective. After harvesting fruit bodies, we measured their weight and length, thickness of pileus and stipe, chromaticity, and hardness. 10.5 μmol/m2s blue LED group was the best result of harvest with average individual weight (24.7g) and length (61.98mm), thickness (29.93mm) of pileus and length (33.60mm), thickness (16.86mm) of stipe with fine chromaticity, hardness. This results show us that 10.5 μmol/m2s blue LED was the best effect on growth and development of Lentinus edodes (shiitake) mushroom’s ICT system container type environment.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Shiitake culture in sawdust is a widely applied method, which can supplement the disadvantages of costly and time consuming oak log cultivation. In sawdust cultivation, browning of surface mycelia is an important stage for the productivity and longevity of sawdust media. Surface browning forms protection coat for the substrate, which can block the invasion of outer pathogens and suppress water evaporation in the substrate. We controlled different light source (red LED, white LED, blue LED, and fluorescent light) with different intensity of illumination (1.5, 10.5, 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs and 10, 100, 300 lux for fluorescent light) to induce browning. Lights were treated with 1 hour on/ 1 hour off cycle maintained in a controlled room with 20oC temperature, 60% humidity, and 1200 ppm CO2 atmosphere concentration for 67 days. Browning effect differed from the source and intensity of illumination. Browning was most effective in 1.5 μmol/m2s for blue LED. All light sources showed less browning in highest intensity of illumination, which indicates that higher than 20.5 μmol/m2s for LEDs or 300 lux for fluorescent light are not effective. After harvesting fruit bodies, we measured their weight, length and width of pileus and stipe, chromaticity, and hardness. Treatment with 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED produced the best harvest with highest average individual weight (21.2g), stipe length (30.8 mm), and hardness (377.9 g) with fine length and width of pileus, and chromaticity. This results indicate that 1.5 μmol/m2s blue LED showed the best browning effect which resulted in the best harvest yeild.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The lingzhi mushroom or reishi mushroom (traditional Chinese: 靈芝; pinyin: língzhī; Japanese: 霊芝; rōmaji: reishi; Vietnamese: linh chi; Korean: Yeong Ji; literally: "soul/spirit mushroom") is a species complex that encompasses several fungal species of the genus Ganoderma, most commonly the closely related species Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma tsugae, and Ganoderma lingzhi. G. lingzhi enjoys special veneration in East Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years, making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used medicinally. Yellow rot on Reish mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has been the most destructive disease in the mushroom cultivation area in Korea. The causal pathogen was first reported as Xylogone sphaerospora (Anamorph Sporendonema purpurascens) by Lee et al in 1996 and some effective fungicides were selected to control the disease. A cultural method, vinyl cover method (VCM), in which wood logs are wrapped in two layers of polyethylene film and sterilized before spawning, was also developed by Oh et al. to control the disease by preventing soil inoculum. However, the control methods were not so effective in the farm that severe yield losses have occurred in the mushroom farm in which the disease have occurred. In order to prevent air-borne inoculum as well as soil-borne inoculum we used the 4-floor cultivation shelf and Soil contact barrier (crushed stone, reflective film, metal sound barrier). In the first year of the cultivation, none of the woods observed was infected with the pathogen.
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