This study conducted a marine experiment to improve the fishing system using miniaturized nets for anchovy boat seine to reduce the fleet size. As a result, the miniaturized net for anchovy boat seine properly opened the entrance of the bag net using the buoyancy of the flotation for position indication and the setting force of the ground rope without operating a separate fish detecting boat by attaching a large flotation at the entrances of the inside wing net and the bag net. This also enabled an operation type where the entrance of the bag net is confirmed using a flotation for position indication from a netting boat. The time and the number of people used for net casting and net hauling in the marine experiment were average of five minutes and 25-30 minutes, respectively, and 23-30 people for the existent net, while for the miniaturized large-scale net were average of three minutes and 23-25 minutes, respectively, and 19-25 people. This indicates that the operation time was shortened, the number of fish detecting boats was reduced by one boat, and the number of people for fishing work was decreased by four or five people due to the improvement of fishing operation system according to the reduction of fishing net size. As a result of measuring the shaft horsepower during net towing, the maximum net towing horsepower was 250 HP in comparison to the maximum RPM of the engine (1,200 RPM), indicating that the legal horsepower of 250 HP is enough to conduct net towing and the competitiveness of fishing using the net for anchovy boat seine is ensured through operation cost reduction.
This study collected and analyzed the fishing process of existing fishing boat and newly built fishing boat by using the video observation methods to understand the improvement of fishing operation efficiency and safety according to the scale change of coastal composite fishing boat. The fishing operation efficiency was calculated by analyzing the frequency of movement, the movement distance and the moving time per basket used in the fishing process to derive the improvement of the newly built fishing boat compared to the existing fishing boat. It was confirmed that the mean frequency of movements decreased to 13.9%, the average moving time decreased to 21.8%, the mean movement distance increased to 20.5% and the movement through the top of gunwale did not occur. Movement of frequency, increased and time according to the fishing operation were directly affected by the width of side passages and the presence or absence of walking obstruction such as bulwark stay, hatch coaming and fishing gears on deck. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for redesigning into a safe and efficient coastal composite fishing boat in the future.
In this study, a high speed Rigid Inflatable Boat(RIB) with about 10 meters length is developed. Design speed of the boat is 30 knots (15.43 m/s) using 250 hp twin engines and main material is aluminum. Resistance performance related to the free running attitude as trim and sinkage are discussed and wave patterns are observed to make clear the relationship between the performance and wave characteristics using model test and CFD analysis. The results show that not only wave patterns but also free running attitude of the boat have a strong influence on resistance performance. CFD results including free surface give good relative tendency for effective power and the attitude comparing model test results. CFD analysis used in this study can be used at initial ship design stage of high speed boat.
This study was conducted in order to improve opening efficiency of the miniaturized small-scale net for anchovy boat seine gear to reduce the fleet size. Field experiment was performed to observe geometry of nets by catcher boats. When the distance between the two ships was 150, 300 and 450 m and the speed of towing nets was 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 kt, the vertical opening and actual opening of each part of the miniaturized small-scale net was as follows: the front part of the wing net, 6.8-9.5 m, 45-63%; the middle part of the wing net, 16.1-30.7 m, 34-65%; the entrance of the inside wing net, 21.6-41.2 m, 44-84%; the square and bosom, 17.4-34.0 m, 38-75%; the entrance of the body net, 16.5-29.4 m, 36-64%; the entrance of the bag net, 14.5-21.9 m, 70-106%; the flapper, 6.7-7.7 m, 81-83%, and the end of the bag net, 8.6-10.9 m, 64-81%. The tension of towing nets was measured to be 2,734-6,812 kg approximately, which indicates that the fleet can tow nets with 350 hp, the standard engine horse power. The fishing operation time was shortened comparing to existent net with the large-scale buoy attachment operation. It was also possible to operate the ship without fish detecting boat.
This study was conducted in order to improve opening efficiency of the miniaturized large-scale net for anchovy boat seine gear to reduce the fleet size. Field experiments were performed to observe geometry of nets by catcher boats. When the distances between the two ships were 150, 300 and 450 m, and the speeds of towing nets were 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 k't, respectively. The vertical opening and actual opening of each part of the miniaturized large-scale net was as follows: the front part of the wing net, 8.7-13.3 m, 51-78%; the middle part of the wing net, 28.1-34.2 m, 55-67%; the entrance of the inside wing net, 31.3-38.5 m, 60-73%; the square and bosom, 22.7-29.6 m, 47-62%; the entrance of the body net, 20.9-26.4 m, 42-52%; the entrance of the bag net, 17.2-21 m, 72-89%; the flapper, 13.2-15.3 m, 78-83%; and the end of the bag net, 13.2-15.7 m, 72-75%. By connecting the net pendants with the front part of the wing net, the opening of the front part of the wing net was significantly improved compared to the traditional gear, which ensured both the wing net and the inside wing net with a normal net height. This, in turn, increased the efficiency of herding. The height of the body and bag nets was also higher than that of the tradition gear. In particular, the body net attached to the gear significantly improved the pocket shape of the gear and reduced the number of fish that were caught and escaped from the bag net, which increased the rate of fishing. The tension of towing nets was measured approximately between 2,958 and 7,110 kg, which indicates that the fleet can tow nets with 350 ps, the standard engine horse power. The fishing operation time was shortened compared with of the existent net, and the large-scale buoy attachment operation was also possible to operate the ship without fish detecting boat.
기선권현망어업의 어구 개량과 조업시스템 개선을 목적으로 자루그물을 A, B 2가지로 달리한 축소형 개량어구를 설계, 제작하여 현장조업선에 의한 해상실험을 실시하여 어구의 형상을 관찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 축소형 개량어구의 실제 전개율은 오비기에서 20% 정도로 가장 작았고, 뒤쪽으로 갈수로 커지며, 자루그물에서는 110% 정도로 가장 컸으며, B형이 A형에 비하여 5~10%정도 크게 나타났다. 자루그물 입구와 뒤끝의 망고 변화폭은 A형이 9.0~13.6, 9.3·10.4m이고, B형이 10.9~14.8, 5.8~8.0m로 나타나서 B형이 A형에 비하여 자루그물 입구는 1~2m 크고, 뒤끝은 2~3m 작았다. 2. 축소형 개량어구는 오비기의 수직방향 전개성능이 개선되어 수비에 이르기까지의 예망수층이 완만하게 형성되었으며, 예망수층의 변화폭이 기존어구에 비해 적게 나타났다. 나발 그물이 포켓형상을 개선시켜 그물코의 날림현상 감소와 수비에서 자루그물까지의 어구형상이 완만하게 이루어졌으며, 예망속도가 느린 경우에도 어구의 형상이 안정되었다. 3. 축소형 개량어구 B형은 자루그물의 변화폭이 적었고, 이중깔대기의 부착으로 인해 입망된 어군의 도피율이 감소하였다.
한국 제주도와 대마도 주변해역을 중심으로 고등어와 정어리를 주어획대상으로 선단조업을 하고 있는 건착망어업의 어선의 성능, 어패의 크기, 어획성능, 조업해역별 단위노력당 어획량등을 조업어선의 톤급별로 분석, 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 망선의 총톤수(x)와 건착망의 면적(y)간에는 y=538.8x+99657.3의 관계가 있었다. 2. CPUE의 계절변동지수는 11~4월은 기분보다 높고, 5~10월은 낮은 현상을 나타내었다. 3. 각 해역에 있어서 톤급별 어획성능지수는 톤급별, 해역별 CPUE는 1%의 유음수준에서 차가 인정되었다. 4. 톤급별 망어패의 효율은 A와 D급선 보다 B와 C급선이 높은 현상을 나타내었다