
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since delivery food has become a new dietary culture, this study examines consumer awareness through big data analysis. We present the direction of delivery food for healthy eating culture and identify the current state of consumer awareness. Resources for big data analysis were mainly articles written by consumers on various websites; the collection period was divided into before and after COVID-19. Results of the big data analysis revealed that before COVID-19, delivery food was recognized as a limited product as a meal concept, but after COVID-19, it was recognized as a new shopping list and a new product for home parties. This study concludes by suggesting a new direction for healthy eating culture.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to explore the change in the market issues on HMR (Home Meal Replacements) using local foods after the COVID-19 outbreak. Online text data were collected from internet news, social media posts, and web documents before (from January 2016 to December 2019) and after (from January 2020 to November 2022) the COVID- 19 outbreak. TF-IDF analysis showed that ‘Trend’, ‘Market’, ‘Consumption’, and ‘Food service industry’ were the major keywords before the COVID-19 outbreak, whereas ‘Wanju-gun’, ‘Distribution’, ‘Development’, and ‘Meal-kit’ were main keywords after the COVID-19 outbreak. The results of topic modeling analysis and categorization showed that after the COVID-19 outbreak, the ‘Market’ category included ‘Non-face-to-face market’ instead of ‘Event,’ and ‘Delivery’ instead of ‘Distribution’. In the ‘Product’ category, ‘Marketing’ was included instead of ‘Trend’. Additionally, in the ‘Support’ category, ‘Start-up’ and ‘School food service’ appeared as new topics after the COVID-19 outbreak. In conclusion, this study showed that meaningful change had occurred in market issues on HMR using local foods after the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, governments should take advantage of such market opportunity by implementing policy and programs to promote the development and marketing of HMR using local foods.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to explore university students’ experiences of participating in online classes during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: A survey was conducted with 169 third- and fourth-year students at five universities in W City from May 5 to 22, 2021 through an online survey platform. Qualitative data were collected from 13 third- and fourth-year students at five universities in the same area through three focus group interviews between May 22 and 25 and analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The experience of online classes was rated in the following order: live lectures (92.9%) and recorded lectures (73.4%). Satisfaction with online classes was rated for recorded lectures, which were scored 3.54±1.05 (out of five), and live lectures, which were scored 3.32±1.02. Lack of interaction with faculty (37.9%) and lack of participating practicum (30.8%) were cited as dissatisfaction factors in online classes. From the qualitative data, five sub-themes were identified: “not being respected in one’s learning”, “increased burden of learning in a situation of poor communication,” “it's not that I hate online classes”, “efforts to improve the loose will and attitude toward classes”, “reduced quality of experience and uncertain future”. These sub-themes were abstracted under the theme of “everyday life of learning alone toward an uncertain future”. Conclusion: To ensure more effective online learning, it is necessary to strengthen the interaction between faculty and students, apply online teaching strategies suitable for class objectives, and support various programs to motivate students for self-directed learning.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 코로나 19 이후, 유아자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스, 결혼만족도, 자녀 스마트 폰 과의존 등 삶의 질을 조사하는 것이다. 연구 참여자는 서울, 수도권지역 유아자녀를 둔 어머니 총 186명이다. 비확률 임의표집으로 표본을 취합하고 온라인 설문을 실시하였다. 취합된 데이터는 SPSS 21.0 프로그램을 활용하여 기술통계, t-test, 일원배치 분산분석, Scheffe 검증 및 Cronbach’s α로 제시하였다. 연구결과, 코로나19는 유아자녀를 둔 어머니 삶에 일정한 인식 변화―경도(輕度)에서 중도(中度)로의 인식 변화―를 가져온 것으로 밝혀졌다. 그리고 사회적 거리 두기로 인하여 가정에서 자녀 및 배우자와 시간을 오래 보내게 됨에 따라 양육 스트레스, 결혼만족도 저하, 유아자녀의 스마트폰 과의존 등이 나타나게 되었고, 이는 어머니의 삶의 질을 낮추는 원인이 되었다. 이같은 결과는 유아자녀를 둔 어머니들이 사회적 거리 두기로 인하여 심적 고통을 경험하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 본 연구는 코로나 19 이후 유아자녀를 둔 어머니들의 심리적 방역을 실시하는 데 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.