
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 명대(明代) 소설 금병매(金甁梅)의 주요인물인 반금련(潘金蓮)을, 19세 기 독일 철학자 프리드리히 니체(Friedrich Nietzsche)의 철학적 관점에서 재해석하 고자 한다. 니체가 살았던 시대와 반금련이 살았던 시대는 초월적 가치가 중시되던 과거에서 벗어나 개인에게로 관심이 옮아가던 시대라는 공통점이 있다. 개인의 욕망 과 개인의 육체에 관심을 갖던 시대적 유사성에 근거하여 니체의 철학적 개념, 특히 ‘노예 도덕’, ‘힘에의 의지(Will to Power)’, ‘위버멘쉬(Übermensch)’ 개념을 중심으로 반금련의 행동과 욕망을 분석해보았다. 연구 결과, 반금련의 행동은 전통 봉건질서에 순응하지 않고 자신의 삶을 개척하려는 주도적 면모를 보였다. 또 그녀의 욕망에 대한 강렬한 에너지과 열정은 니체의 ‘힘에의 의지’ 개념을 통해 자신의 잠재력을 최대 한 실현하고 환경을 지배하고자 하는 근본적인 생명력의 표현으로 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 새로운 해석에도 불구하고 그녀가 비극적 결말을 맞을 수밖에 없는 것은 그녀 자신의 한계 때문이다. 이는 니체의 위버멘쉬 개념을 통해 해석할 수 있 다. 그녀는 욕망을 적극적으로 추구했지만 이는 진정한 자기 결정에 의한 것이 아니 며 단순한 쾌락 추구에 그쳤다. 또 기존 질서에 도전했지만 새로운 가치를 창조하지 도 못했다. 그녀의 행동은 파괴적이었을 뿐 건설적인 대안을 제시하지 못했다는 점 에서 한계를 보였다. 니체의 관점을 통해 반금련의 욕망과 행동을 해석하는 것은 단 순히 ‘선’과 ‘악’을 기준으로 그녀를 판단하는 것을 넘어서 한 인물의 근원적 동기와 내면의 욕구를 더 깊이 이해할 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 가진다.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The book Shuowen Jiezi Yizheng (说文解字翼徵) written by Piao Xuan-Shou, which is a book specializing in the study of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) in the late Joseon Dynasty, is the first one to utilize materials of bronze inscriptions objects and stone inscriptions to make supplements and textual criticism of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字). The article organizes the stone-carved material of Zuchu Wen (詛楚文), which is quoted in the book, and analyzes it from the aspects of the meaning of the quotation, the source of the quotation, the quotation and the copying. After that, this paper revises and supplies the situation of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) by quoting Zuchu wen (詛楚文) in the book,and combines with specific examples of characters to annotate and comment. According to whether there is any interpretation, whether there is any new content in the interpretation, etc., it is divided into three categories. And under each word, the original content of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) quoted in the book, the supplementary ancient characters as well as the main content of the interpretation are cited firstly, and then explains Piao’s analysis of the words’ form and meaning appropriately, and Piao’s viewpoints are evaluated by making full use of ancient character materials and the results of the existing studies and interpretations. The purpose of this article is to clarify the factual situation of Piao’s quotation of the Zuchu Wen (詛楚文) , evaluate the gains and losses of Piao’s textual criticism of the Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) objectively, and supply the shortages of current research on Piao’s quotation of materials other than the bronze inscriptions.
        2024.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the “宀” radical of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字): “家,凥也。从宀,豭省聲。𠖔,古文 家.” Duan Yucai believed that, the character “家” (jia) is composed of the radicals “宀” and “豕”, and should be classified under the radical “豕” instead of “宀”. The so-called “豭省聲” mentioned by Xu Shen is baseless. Based on the research of scholars in the Qing Dynasty, as well as the evidence from oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, it can be concluded that “豭” is a newly created character, and its ancient form should be “𢑓”, which is “豕” with an additional semantic stroke indicating a male pig. The original intention of “豭省聲” should be to omit the character form of “叚” while preserve the pronunciation of “叚”. This takes into account both the ideographic character “家” derived from “ (𢑓)” and the phonetic-semantic character “家” derived from “ (豭)”. Duan Yucai proposed the concepts of “the original meaning of character creation” and “the original sense of character usage” to distinguish between the original meaning and the extended borrowed meaning, which is the value of his theory.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper reports on the semantics study regarding the words expressing ‘Space’ in Japanese. The previous studies on Japanese spatial nouns were focused on individual meanings of the vocabulary. The present study, however, sought to categorize each space to each spatial noun in order to sort spatial nouns more systematically. It was found that unlike region-reference spatial nouns, direction-reference spatial nouns could be used in both exterior region-reference and partial region-reference. Partial region-reference is classified with boundary region-reference and interior region-reference. Furthermore, in order to make theoretical frame for translating of nouns which have various meanings, we analyzed the characteristics of sentence structure of Japanese spatial noun /mae/, and proposed “ambiguity analysis rules of spatial noun /mae/. This rule is proposed under the hypothesis that the meaning of /mae/ is determined by the meaning of predicate and the property of reference. This rule also contributes to a job of translation related to ambiguities of spatial-nouns.