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        검색결과 6

        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 한국어 학습을 위한 웹 기반 한자 사전 모델을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 중국 문화권 학습자를 대상으로 한 이 연구에서는 웹 기반 한자 사전의 필요성을 확인하고 기존 사전의 한자 단어 학습의 문제점 을 분석하였다. 한자 단어 학습 시 한자 원어 형태소 인식이 중요하다고 보고 이를 반영한 별도의 팝오버 (popover) 창을 개발하였다. 한자 사전의 미시구조에는 항목, 단어 유형, 발음, 한-베트남어 단어(있는 경우), 한자의 어원, 한-베 소리(voice)가 포함되며, 이밖에 베트남어 어원에 대한 설명, 한자의 원래 형태소 와 관련된 한-베 단어, 번역, 설명, 예시 등이 포함되어야 함을 밝혔다. 그런 다음, 한자어 형태소와 한자- 베트남어의 발음을 포함하는 어원 틀, 베트남어 및 한자어의 한자 형태소 의미를 포함한 웹 사전을 구성하 고 그 활용 방안을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 한자어 형태소와 관련된 베트남 단어에 대한 정보를 추가하고, 프로그래밍 기술, 데이터베이스 업데이트 과정, 300개 규모의 한자 사전 모델을 제시한 기초연구로써 이후 한국어 학습자를 위한 웹 한자 사전 구축에 보탬이 되고자 한다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is a multilingual dictionary of Chinese characters marked in multiple characters. It records the pronunciation and interpretation of Korean, Japanese, Northern Mandarin and Manchurian language corresponding to Chinese characters. There are few Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries in modern Korea, and the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary, which records many Chinese words, is evaluated as the prototype of Chinese-Korean dictionaries. In this study, we examine the Chinese and Korean meanings of the ‘火部’ Chinese monosyllabic cooking verbs in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary. We then analyze their meanings, summarize their meaning-positions and classify the semantic fields. Furthermore, the accuracy of their Chinese and Korean interpretations in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is examined, and the prominent interpretation methods and characteristics of the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary are investigated. This study examines the influence of Modern Times food culture and language, and also points out the problems of Modern Times Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries and the direction of future dictionary compilation. This paper discussed the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionary definitions, examine the interpretation strategies of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries, summarize their similarities and differences. This paper also discusses the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries from the perspective of language learners. This study has significance for researchers on the historical development of Chinese-Korean dictionary compilation.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary, which was compiled by the National Institute of Korean Language, is a web dictionary translating Korean Basic Dictionary into Chinese. As more and more Chinese wanted to learn Korean, the National Institute of Korean Language planned for the translation. A research team in Korea University carried out the project for 3 years from 2016 to 2018. The main focus of the project was to present Chinese counterparts with Korean headwords by translating them into Chinese.  This paper aims to provide an overview of the compiling project, Korean-Chinese Learning Dictionary, the principles applied to the actual translation process, and to examine the current status of the Sino-Korean headwords and the detailed translation method. In Chapter 2, the review of the purpose, steps, and progress of Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary is provided. Chapter 3 presents the statistical results of the Sino-Korean headwords in Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary. In addition, the detailed principles applied to the process of Chinese translation are reviewed along with the main cases by the headword type. Moreover, the characteristics of the cultural vocabulary and the band system according to them are discussed.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the most commonly used Chinese character dictionary in Korea, Korea's the Chinese-Korean Dictionary was originally revised from the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary(1964) and retained Chinese characters from ancient times to around 1950. Since the initial edition of 1973, the dictionary has been reprinted several times and has not been revised. In view of the deletion of some worthwhile Chinese characters in the Chinese-Korean Dictionary on the basis of the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary, or the inappropriate deletion of some entries, and the many imperfections in the compilation style, such as the lack of illustrations, Chinese phonetic notes and Chinese annotations, etc., this paper holds that the Chinese-Korean Dictionary should be revised and properly included and deleted. In addition to the valuable Chinese characters, and improve the compilation style, so that it is more detailed, more convenient for readers to use. At the same time, in order to overcome the limitations of paper dictionary, expand its capacity, update entries in time, and make it easy for readers to carry, it is necessary to launch the Internet dictionary of the Chinese-Korean Dictionary.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As an interest in the Chinese language, culture, society, and economy increases in Korea, a large amount of spoken and written narrative texts in Chinese are encountered in daily life and occupational areas. During the interaction process between the Chinese and Korean cultures, many difficulties can arise in understanding the definitions of Chinese vocabulary. The Chinese-Korean dictionary is an essential search tool for Koreans who wish to look up the definitions of Chinese texts. There are many things to consider when compiling a Chinese-Korean dictionary for native Korean speakers or those who study Chines through Korean: which vocabulary must be included, how to arrange them, how to select and explain their definitions and examples, etc. Among the vocabulary listed in the Chinese-Korean dictionary, this study analyzed the definitions of those that appeared less than 10 times in the Chinese corpus, and focused on determining the propriety of the vocabulary selections, as well as the accuracy of their definitions. Moreover, this study is the third study of section D and focused on the vocabularies included in D3 for our analysis.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The word “dictionary” originated in China. China used to call the dictionary a “word book” which was used as a general term for the interpretation of Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the era of modern China's alternating old and new cultures and Chinese and Western cultures, the social language has undergone tremendous changes, which has caused obstacles to the reading of the people and has also seriously affected academic research. In almost the same period, the Korean peninsula, which borders China, has also abolished the status of Chinese characters as an orthodox script under the influence of Japanese colonial rule. In the context of a similar era in which the culture of the country is influenced by foreign cultures, the “New Dictionary” and the “New Dictionary” of the Republic of Korea should be born on time. Both are compiled on the basis of the “Kangxi Dictionary” to comply with the new situation and new Form, hence the name of the "new dictionary." The characters in the two “The New Dictionary” are mostly the same, but there are also some characters in them, which are different because of factors such as referral and transmission. This article starts with the differences between the Chinese characters in the Chinese and Korean New Dictionaries and uses the Chinese character configuration theory to classify the differences in the shape of the characters and to trace the origin of the characters, combining ancient Chinese characters such as Oracle, Bronze, and Warring States. Further analysis of the reasons for the differences in the type of characters to analyze the characteristics of Chinese and Korean dictionary compilation.