
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To establish a new creative economy, the worldwide efforts have been made to wriggle out the old economic paradigm after the financial crisis of 2008. When it comes to the limitation of the viability. the start up companies have a high risk of failure. Therefore business incubator (BI) should carry out the role to improve their viability. As for the maximization of the effect on the business incubating services as move in companies, it is important for BI to increase the level of business incubating services by the systemic and scientific measurement. This study showed that the quality of the BI center services was measured by Kano analysis and the previous research as follows. First, BI quality attribute by Timko’s customer satisfaction came out into the attractive qualities on the 14 items that amount to the 70% of 20 business incubating services items. It is desirable to perform the strategy for the satisfaction. Secondly, basic business incubating services were interpreted as the one-dimensional quality like incubating spaces, parking facilities, security facilities, industry technology development funds, and incubating managers. Finally, training and educational service was recognized as indifferent quality. Futhermore, the improvement and the limitation of this study as well as the interpretation of analysis results are also provided.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The instance-based learning is a machine learning technique that has proven to be successful over a wide range of classification problems. Despite its high classification accuracy, however, it has a relatively high storage requirement and because it mus
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Instance-based learning methods like the nearest neighbour classifier have been proven to perform well in pattern classification on many fields. Despite their high classification accuracy, they suffer from high storage requirement, computational cost and sensitivity to noise. In this paper, we present a data reduction method for classification techniques based on entropy-based partitioning and center instances. Experimental results show that the new algorithms achieve a high data reduction rate as well as classification accuracy.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Changes in society organization of rural villages in our country are caused by aging society and lessening of economic activity population aggravates the economy of rural villages. With this, it joins in with the aging of village community center, the representative center space of the rural village and therefore, it is a point of view where the change is necessary in the size and the side of function. The research which it sees is made on-the-spot inspection and literature investigation compensate in behalf of 25 administrative village community centers led in the object by grasping present status and drew up the layout sketches and plane surface degrees of the village community centers. By referring to the photographs and the topographical maps taken in the spot, it was able to divide the village community centers into side of arrangement, side of plane surface and side of form and managed to seize the characters, problems and improvable directions of each of them. The research result could be used as a guidable provision and be applied in the fundamental research in developing model of village community centers during space planning in the future.