Comprehensive identification and systematic classification of all features, events and processes (FEP) that influence on the performance of a high-level radioactive waste disposal system is essential for safety assessment. Nuclear energy agency (NEA) has been developing and updating the standardized generic FEP list, so-called NEA international FEP list, which may be used as the basis to develop project-specific FEP lists to reflect diverse system and site characteristics in different countries. On the basis, Finland and Sweden have recently got licenses to construct spent nuclear fuel deep disposal facilities. Also in Korea, timely construction of a high-level radioactive waste disposal facility is an urgent issue for stable operation of nuclear power plants. For this end, a FEP list that properly considers for system and site characteristics of Korean high-level radioactive waste disposal facility needs to be developed. In this study, the most recent NEA international FEP list published in 2019 was comprehensively reviewed with focus on the structure of the classification system and the physicochemical mechanisms associated with the key elements. The obtained results will be used for the comparative analysis of domestic and oversea project-specific FEP lists and for the development of a generic FEP list relevant to Korean high-level radioactive waste disposal system.
The purpose of this study was to review regulatory management of the classification system and scope of veterinary medical devices in Korea. In Korea, the four categories of the classification system for veterinary medical devices (instruments, supplies, artificial insemination apparatus, and others) is somewhat differently than that for human medical devices (instruments, supplies, dental materials, and reagents for in vitro diagnostics). In 2013, veterinary medical devices were classified into approximately 1,400 items, whereas, human medical devices were classified into approximately 2,200 items. Dissimilar to human medical devices, veterinary medical devices have no individual identification codes for effective market management. In conclusion, it is necessary to introduce a device identification code system and re-examine scope of the classification system for veterinary medical devices in Korea.
목적 : 노인의 IADL에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인들을 기존 문헌들의 고찰을 통하여 분석하고, 도출된 요인들을 ICF에 따라 분류하여 최근 IADL의 연구 경향 및 각 요인들 간의 상관성을 살펴보고자 하였다.
연구방법 : 노인의 IADL에 대해 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하기 위하여 다양한 데이터베이스를 이용하여 관련 문헌들을 검색하였다. 연구의 최근 동향을 알아보기 위하여 2000년도 이후 10년간의 문헌을 조사 및 분석하였다. 조사된 각각의 변인들은 ICF의 분류 체계의 의거하여 재분류하였다.
결과 : 본 연구의 고찰 대상으로 선정된 논문은 총 44편이었으며, 연구결과 노인의 IADL에 영향을 미치는 주된 요인으로는 노인의 건강상태로 나타났으며, 신체적 기능과 우울을 포함한 정신 질환이 그 뒤를 이었다. 또한 ICF의 분류에 의해서 분석한 결과 personal factors 영역에 포함된 논문이 많았다.
결론 : 빠르게 변화하는 현대사회에서 노인의 긍정적인 삶의 유지를 위해 노인의 IADL에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 대한 필요성과 중요성을 인식시키고, 노인의 IADL 증진을 위한 지속적인 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다.