정치성 구획어업 개발예정지의 해양환경특성을 조사하기 위하여 2001년 8월과 11월 2회에 걸쳐 해양관측이 실시되었다. 관측결과 수온은 마산만에 비해 진동 내 외만 및 서부해역이 8월에는 2℃, 11월에는 약 0.7℃ 정도 놀게 나타났다. 염분은 진동만 서부 해역의 표층 염분농도가 가장 낮았고 진동만과 마산만으로 갈수록 점점 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 마산만 부근해역이 상대적으로 저온 고염을 나타내며, 진동만 서부해역과 진동 내 외만은 고온 저염으로 나타났다. 부유물질의 농도를 살펴보면, 8월의 경우 진동 내만에서 부유물질의 농도가 15mg/L 이상으로 높았다. 11월에는 진동 내만에서 외만으로 갈수록 농도가 마산만의 경우는 내해에서 외해로 갈수록 낮아지는 역 현상을 보였다. 화학적 산소요구량(COD)의 농도는 만산만에서 7mg/L로 가장 높게 나타났다.
Various numerical models that have been developed for marine environments and applied to coastal waters in USA were introduced briefly. Inter alia, with regard to an integrated monitoring and modeling system, the main features and outline of system, the system architecture for data management and representation system, and the incorporation of internet based technology were described. An example of application of an integrated system to coastal waters was also presented. The prospective research works to improve the capabilities and to advance the functionality of an integrated monitoring, modeling and management system were suggested to be the instrumentations for various monitoring parameters, the new development and/or advancement of various numerical models, the relevant internet based technologies. etc..
This study is to integratedly examine coastal management policy and marine tourism development project for Korean coasts, especially for the South Sea of high development pressure, presenting sustainable tourism development policies for the future. To do so, it is examined central government-level coastal development projects set up by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Ministry cf Construction and Transportation, setting the direction of south coastal management and tourism development at a level of national territory planning. The problems of coastal management first and then the problems of the South Coast Tourism Belt Project are analyzed in order to present political and administrative alternatives. To overcome such problems and make Korea a marine tourism base in East Asia, there is a need for re-recognition of the value of the project and its continuous push through cooperation between central and local governments. Also, under the presupposition of consensus building among local people and the sustainable development of environments, there should be are-recognition that the future cf Korean marine tourism in the 21st-century and the success of an inverted π-axis national development depend on the South coastal Tourism Belt Development Project.