Growth and development of succulents were studied in response to two leaf cutting types, the tip and base, using four Echeveria species (E. ‘A Grimm One’, E. ‘Momorato’, E. pulvinata ‘Frosty’, and E. pulidonis) and the planting position, either upright and faced-downward, using Graptoveria optalina. The shoot diameter (mm), height (mm), and number of leaves were significantly affected by the leaf cutting type. Results revealed that the shoot diameter of buds from base leaves were significantly larger by 4 - 9 times than those of buds from tip leaves. Shoot height of buds from tip leaves either not developed or reached a maximum of 2.29 mm while buds from base leaves had an average height of 11.61 mm from E. ‘Mamorato’. Using base leaves allowed to obtain roots and leaves for all selected succulent species after 60 days from planting. Regarding planting position, upright planted and downward-facing plants showed significant differences: buds from upright planting showed taller shoots, greater number of leaves which in turn gave higher visual quality rating and superior color reading using Hunter’s Cielab compared with buds in downward-facing planting position. Planting succulents in an upright position led to well-formed shoots and roots which had a high-quality rating and color evaluation compared with faced-downward planting producing etiolated and abnormal grown shoots. Based on these findings, we suggest that the use of base leaf cuttings and an upright planting position provides a rapid vegetative propagation method for selected succulent varieties.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplementary lighting intensity and duration on selected Cassulaceae species grown in a hydroponic system. Five subfamilies in Crassulaceae with corresponding species were chosen as experimental units namely Sedeveria ‘Letizia ’, Sedum ‘Sun Red’, Crassula rupestris, Echeveria ‘Momotaro’, and Graptoveria opalina. Light duration (3 and 6 hours) and intensity (4,000 lux or 60 μmol • m−2 • s−1 and 8,000 lux or 120 μmol • m−2 • s−1), and their combinations served as factors which were replicated twice. Results revealed that the use of supplementary lighting using LED fixtures had influenced selected species under Crassulaceae. The use of three hours supplementary lighting under low light intensity had statistically similar results with those of the control S. letizia, C. rupestris and G. opalina in particular parameters. Meanwhile, succulents under six-hour with high intensity condition grew well, compared to species S. letizia, C. rupestris and E. ‘Momotaro,’ demonstrating that the data was significantly different. Interestingly, there were no statistical significant differences between species C. rupestris and the control regardless of change of variables (duration and intensity) in all parameters.
돌나물과(Crassulaceae)의 돌나물속(genus Sedum)은 약 400여종이 전 세계적으로 광범위하게 분포하고 있으며, 기린초속(genus Phedimus)은 약 20종이 아시아부터 유럽까지 분포하고 있다. 일반적으로 현대 분류체계에서는 기린초속과 돌나물 속을 독립된 각각의 속으로 인정하고 있으나, 한국산에 대한 연구에서는 기린초속이 돌나물속 아래 가는기린초아속(subgenus Aizoon)으로 사용되고 있어, 가는기린초아속이 기린초속으로 승격되는 것이 타당한지 정리가 필요하다. 본 연구 결과, 식물의 전체적인 크기와 외형, 잎의 형태 등의 영양형질과 종피 표면의 무늬와 같은 생식형질이 기린초속과 돌나물속의 식별에 주요한 자료로 판단되었다. 특히, 종자의 표면 무늬는 돌나물속은 육각형의 무늬와 그 속에 하나의 유두상 돌기를 가지고, 기린초속은 사각형의 무늬와 양 끝에 하나씩 유두상 돌기를 가져 두 속을 구분하는 중요한 식별형질로 판단된다. 본 연구의 외부형태 학적 결과는 돌나물속과 기린초속을 독립된 각각의 속으로 인정하는 분류체계를 지지한다.
기린초 자생지 네 곳(광덕산, 사명산, 용화산, 통영지역)의 집단에 대하여 이들의 종내 유연관계를 알아보고 야생화의 원예화 또는 품종개량을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 자생지별 식생조사 및 외부형태 형질을 측정하여 비교 분석하였다. 50개의 형태 형질을 이용한 주성분 분석 결과 주성분 1, 2, 3은 전체 변이에 대하여 각각 22.9%, 14.2%, 7.4%를 설명 하였으며, 주성분1에 대한 주성분2의 도시 결과 4개의 자생지 집단은 서로 중복되어 구별이 불가능하였다. 형태적 형질에 대한 주성분 분석은 여러 자생지들의 집단 간에 모든 외부 형태적 형질들이 연속적 양상을 나타냄을 보여주었고, 편차가 가장 큰 형질은 잎의 크기와 형태에 관여되는 형질들이었다. 식생은자생지에서 18개의 조사구를 선정하여 식생군락을 조사한 결과 좀깨잎나무하위군락, 넓은잎외잎쑥하위군락, 맑은대쑥하위군락, 노랑물봉선하위군락, 까치고들빼기하위군락, 쐐기풀하위군락, 더위지기하위군락, 닭의장풀하위군락, 개망초-쑥하위군락, 전형하위군락의 10개 하위군락으로 구분되었다.
Optimum culture conditions for high frequency plant regeneration from leaf explants of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet &Perrier were established. Shoot regeneration was achieved from leaf explant cultures using MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and thidiazuron (TDZ) or benzyladenine (BA). Percent regeneration was influenced by plant growth regulators and source of explants. MS medium supplemented with TDZ (1.0 mg/l) and IAA (0.4 mg/l) was the most effective, providing shoot regeneration for 76.7 % of ex vitro leaf explants associated with a high number of shoots per explant (9.5 mean shoots per explant), whereas 100% shoot regeneration associated with 12.4 shoots per explant occurred from in vitro leaf explants on the same medium. Clusters of shoots were multiplied and elongated on MS medium containing several concentrations of BA. MS medium supplemented with 0.25 mg/l BA was proved as the most effective shoot elongation medium. Elongated shoots (2-3 cm) were rooted at 100% on half-strength MS medium. Rooted plantlets were then transferred to potting soil. Regenerated plants were established in the soil with 90% success.