더덕은 폴리페놀, 알칼로이드, 아미노산 및 기타 화합물로 구성되어 있고, tangshenosideⅠ과 lobetyolin의 함량은 더덕의 주요 화합물로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 UPLC를 이용하여 주요 성분 tangshenosideⅠ과 lobetyolin을 동시 분석하였다. 최적 추출조건으로는 50% 에탄올을 이용하여 온도 60℃, 1시간 추출하였고, UPLC를 이용한 빠르고 간편한 분석조건을 확립하고, 정확성, 정밀성, 직선성, 특이성 등 분석법의 유효성을 검증하였다. 지역별로 더덕을 추출하여 UPLC로 주요 성분 함량을 분석한 결과, tangshenosideⅠ과 lobetyolin의 함량은 0.36~3.54 mg/g, 0.24~1.29 mg/g으로 나타났다. 지역별 생육환경에 따라 함량 차이가 나타났으며, 지역별 품질 관리를 위한 객관적이고 과학적인 근거를 제시하여 국내에서 재배되는 더덕의 품질 평가에 대한 하나의 기준이 될 것으로 기대된다.
Various Korean healthy foods containing Deoduk were developed and standardized recipe. Sensory evaluations of Koreans and foreigners for these developed foods were performed by using the 5-point hedonic scale. The results of the sensory test on foods containing Deoduk were as follows: Deoduk bap (2.90~3.91), Deoduk seolgidduk (3.19~4.40), Deoduk gangjeong (3.00~4.60), riasted Deoduk with red pepper paste (2.73~4.20), Deoduk pine nut juice salad (2.40~3.96), and Seopsansam (3.91~3.81). Deoduk seolgidduk, developed by using a recipe for Sansambyeong which in a Chosun dynasty cook-book, was highly preferred by Africans, Japanese, and Koreans. In particular, all foreigners except Southeast Asians liked Deoduk gangjeong, and both Koreans and foreigners liked Seopsansam. Foreigners’ experience of eating foods containing Deoduk was high at ‘No’ (68.9%), whereas Japanese (60.0%) had previous experience. Exactly 91.6% of Koreans responded ‘Yes’ to the question of whether or not Deoduk food is good for health, whereas the proportion of foreign respondents who said ‘Yes’ was 43.2%, ‘No’ was 5.4%, and ‘I don’t know’ was 51.4%. Deoduk seolgidduk was preferred by Japanese, and most foreigners preferred Deoduk gangjeong and Seopsansam. Therefore, Deoduk could be developed as a healthy food for globalization of Korean food. However, as foreigners’ awareness of Deoduk is low, we must positively promote the health function of traditional food ingredients and develop various menus suitable forforeigners’ tastes for the globalization of Korean food.