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        검색결과 8

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Identifying plausible scenarios is necessary to evaluate the performance of the repository reliably over a very long period. All features, events, and processes (FEPs) expected in the repository should be comprehensively well-defined and structured into scenarios based on the relation analysis. A platform for the FEP DB management and relation analysis is needed to facilitate the efficient composition of the scenarios. For this purpose, the CYPRUS program was developed, but abandoned due to suspended FEPs and scenario research. Thus, it became necessary to build a new easy-tomaintain platform that inherits the legacy of CYPRUS and reflects the latest research. The data structure and user interface configuration were derived to develop a new platform. The new platform provides extensive data such as the assessment context, the FEP DB, the interaction between FEP contents, the relevance to other project FEPs, the influence on performance, the scenarios for the TSPA, the AMF, and the PA Data. The platform displays the long-term evolution FEPs developed by KAERI, the international and major project FEPs in table format. The correlation between FEP items is composed of a detailed interaction matrix and visualized as the chord diagram or arc diagram. The relevance and linkages between the project FEP items are mapped and presented in the form of network diagrams and network tables. The platform designed in this study will be used to manage the FEP DB, analyze and visualize the relationship between the FEP and scenarios, and finally construct the performance assessment scenarios. It is expected that the platform itself will be used as a part of the knowledge management system and facilitate efficient collaboration and knowledge exchange among experts.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The decommissioning of Kori unit 1 is just around the corner. Accordingly, it is required to construct a hot cell facility for decommissioning nuclear power plants to analyze the characteristics of intermediate-level waste and low-level waste generated in the decommissioning process. In this study, a Design Base Accident (DBA) scenario of the facility is developed. To identify and characterize potential hazards at the facility, a Preliminary Fact Sheet (PFS) is filled out and consider external events in consideration of the surrounding site environment. The external event screening and evaluation method is based on the external event evaluation method covered in the probabilistic risk assessment. In PFS, only natural and artificial hazards that may have a meaningful impact on the facility are considered as the sources of the accident, and accident prevention and mitigation systems, etc., which exist in each compartment or facility, are described. Based on PFS and external events, potential hazard assessment is systematically performed using each potential hazards, impact and defense function identified using the preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) methodology. The potential hazard analysis methodology applied to this assessment is a qualitative assessment method consistent with the US DOE Hazard Analysis methodology (DOE 1992b; DOE 1994b). After that, the potential mitigation functions that can be used under normal, abnormal and accident conditions are examined, and the contribution of public and workers to safety is evaluated. The results of the PHA are basic data that prioritize potential hazards and can be used to develop potential accident scenarios. Among potential hazards generally considered for non-reactor facilities, only possible accidents during operation of the facilities are selected as potential hazards. The level of potential hazards is obtained by qualitatively examining the frequency and consequence estimates for each hazard or accident scenario developed in PHA. Based on the results of the potential hazards assessment, representative accidents that require further quantitative analysis are screened. Selected accidents are DBA and are the most dangerous and most significant impacts on workers.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While companies in the field of e-commerce have long engaged in the collection of large amounts of customer data and consider them one of their most important assets, insurance companies have only recently started to collect customer data on a large scale (Smith, Dinev & Xu, 2011). Recently, insurance companies have developed tariffs which adjust premiums based on collected data about the insurant’s behavior (e.g. steps/day, visits to the gym etc.). Benefits like fitness courses or lower insurance rates are provided to encourage a healthy lifestyle and attract healthy customers. However, this model can only succeed, if customers are willing to disclose data. As many customers fear an intrusion of their privacy by companies and consider personal health data to be especially sensitive, this disclosure cannot be taken for granted (Anderson & Agarwal, 2011). The paper evaluates two main influencing factors for the willingness to disclose private health data (benefit offered to customers and sensitivity of data requested). It analyzes their effect by conducting an online scenario-based quasiexperiment with 408 participants. Participants are presented with six hypothetical offers by a health insurance (financial and non-financial benefits; low, medium, high data sensitivity) and indicate how they would respond to these offers in terms of data disclosure. We control for individual heterogeneity by including privacy concerns and trust as between-subject factors (Malhotra, Kim, & Agarwal, 2004). Our results indicate that the willingness to disclose health data can be increased by financial rewards at low and medium sensitivity levels. If information is highly sensitive, the willingness to provide data decreases and cannot be compensated by a tariff reduction. Health care providers should therefore carefully consider which data points they choose as mandatory to participate in personalized insurance tariffs, as they could easily scare off potential customers. In our study non-financial benefits (prevention courses) are not able to increase the willingness to disclose data as much as financial benefits. This could be due to a general preference for financial rewards or to the unknown quality of the courses offered.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to recent heavy rain events, there are increasing demands for adapting infrastructure design, including drainage facilities in urban basins. Therefore, a clear definition of urban rainfall must be provided; however, currently, such a definition is unavailable. In this study, urban rainfall is defined as a rainfall event that has the potential to cause water-related disasters such as floods and landslides in urban areas. Moreover, based on design rainfall, these disasters are defined as those that causes excess design flooding due to certain rainfall events. These heavy rain scenarios require that the design of various urban rainfall facilities consider design rainfall in the target years of their life cycle, for disaster prevention. The average frequency of heavy rain in each region, inland and coastal areas, was analyzed through a frequency analysis of the highest annual rainfall in the past year. The potential change in future rainfall intensity changes the service level of the infrastructure related to hand-to-hand construction; therefore, the target year and design rainfall considering the climate change premium were presented. Finally, the change in dimensional safety according to the RCP8.5 climate change scenario was predicted.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is about a design method for deriving task safety scenarios for the application of collaborative robots. A five-step process for deriving task safety scenarios for collaborative robots has been proposed, which focuses on the type of collaboration between human and collaborative robot. The three types of collaboration were classified according to the collaboration workspace and the worktime of human and collaborative robot. Based on these three types of collaboration, task safety scenarios include scenarios that predict risk from unintended use during work. Collaboration with collaborative robot is a human-centered process because human actions can create dangerous situations. Besides, we improved the understanding of this design methodology by presenting examples of the application of task safety scenarios according to the process for each type of collaboration.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As occurrence of gradually increasing extreme temperature events in Jeju Island, a hybrid downscaling technique that simultaneously applies by dynamical method and statistical method has implemented on design rainfall in order to reduce flood damages from severe storms and typhoons.As a result of computation, Case 1 shows a strong tendency to excessively compute rainfall, which is continuously increasing. While Case 2 showed similar trend as Case 1, low design rainfall has computed by rainfall in A1B scenario. Based on the design rainfall computation method mainly used in Preventive Disaster System through Pre-disaster Effect Examination System and Basic Plan for River of Jeju Island which are considering climatic change for selecting 50-year and 100-year frequencies. Case 3 selecting for Jeju rain gage station and Case 1 for Seogwipo rain gage station. The results were different for each rain gage station because of difference in rainfall characteristics according to recent climatic change, and the risk of currently known design rainfall can be increased in near future.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        게임에서 시나리오는 매우 중요한 요소이다. 그러나 아직까지 게임 시나리오 제작을 위한 범용적인 툴은 개발되어 있지 않다. 이를 해결하기 위해서 게임 시나리오와 일반적인 시나리오의 차이점을 알아보고 시나리오 UCC를 분석하여 게임 시나리오에 적합한 구조를 설계하였다. 또한 OSMU의 적용을 쉽게 하기 위해 XML로 게임 시나리오 구조를 정의 하였다. 정의한 시나리오 구조의 활용 가능성을 확인하기 위하여 시나리오 편집기를 만들어 게임 시나리오를 작성한 후 시나리오 기반 게임 "필온라인"에 적용하였다.