RFID/USN, are recognized as the new growth engines for the future, regardless of the advanced and developing countries. RFID, in particular, already entered practical stage by global companies. EPCIS, which is the one of the EPC golabal network components, makes a huge load on the system due to the large amount of entering data by following events. In this study, a data model developed based on ER-WIN by collecting four kind information that occurred in the EPC global networks. This model supports both in processing of high performance and huge capacity of data by a considerable storage capacity and input speed. A simulation was developed in order to verify the performance. Each model tested several times and results were compared.
Obtaining and applying information is considered as a critical task in the modern informationized society. Finding the one's necessary information and processing it into a detailed knowledge are becoming more priortized in the enormous amount of information. Data modelling is the process that does not only reflect the demands of the user but the one that also facilitates the user's comprehension of the model itself. Ultimately, data modelling fully supports the processes that are requisite for the implementation of a data base and minimizes the alternations of the model during the development of applications.
EPCIS(EPC Information Services) system is a core component of EPCglobal Architecture Framework offering information of the freights, the time of awareness and the location of awareness on the EPCglobal Network. The role of EPCIS is to exchange information based on EPC. There are four kinds of event data which are object event data, aggregation event data, quantity event data, and transaction event data. These EPCIS events data are stored and managed in EPCIS repository. This paper deals with the method which diversifies the data flow load of intensive EPCIS events and effectively manages EPCIS repository for exchanging data smoothly. In order to verify a effectiveness, we measure the performance of the system using a simulation by comparing the existing method with the suggested method.
EPCIS(EPC Information Service) system is a core component of EPCglobal Architecture Framework offering information of the freights, the time of awareness and the location of awareness on the EPCglobal Network. EPCIS Repository continuously stores and manages mass EPCIS Event input data from a great number of RFID devices simultaneously. The Hybrid DBMS can deal efficiently mass necessary data. This study suggest the plan which can efficiently manage EPCIS Repository using Hybrid DBMS. We offer three schema and stores EPCIS Event data to Altibase DB that can efficiently manage EPCIS Repository using Hybrid DBMS and compare the performance about three schema through simulations.
EPC Information Services (EPCIS) is an EPCglobal standard designed to enable EPC-related data sharing within and across supply chain. The EPCIS standard defines standard interfaces to enable EPC-related data to be captured and subsequently to be queried using a set of service operations and an associated data model. There are two kinds of EPCIS data: event data and master data. Event data is created in the process of carrying out business processes. Traceability of goods across supply chain is based on event data. Therefore, each company must have an event data. This study compared he difference between MS-SQL(DRDBMS) and ALTIBASE(MMDBMS) for data storage. We compared the difference between two database management in many respects such as insert time and select time. We come to a conclusion that ALTIBASE is more efficient than MS-SQL.
일반적으로 물류센터에서는 많은 작업이 발생하고, 처리되는 물품 또한 그 수량이 매우 많아서 작업 제품 정보들을 빠르고 정확하게 처리하기 위해서는 많은 비용이 발생한다. 이러한 오류를 줄이고, 실시간 정보처리, 객체의 가시성 확보, 제품 이력 추적 등의 이점을 얻기 위해 RFID 기술을 도입하는 기업들이 증가하는 추세이며, 최근에는 RFID를 활용하여 전 세계적으로 표준화된 단일 네트워크를 만들고자 하는 EPC Global Network에 대한 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 EPC Global Network의 게이트웨이 역할을 하는 EPCIS에서, 정보의 저장소 역할을 하는 EPCIS Repository의 최적화에 대해 연구한다. 실제 물류 센터에서 발생하는 비즈니스 프로세스를 바탕으로 시나리오를 작성하고, 물류센터의 시나리오에 따라 발생되는 EPC 데이터를 DRDBMS와 MMDBMS를 통해 각각 저장하고 검색하여 두 DBMS의 성능을 비교하였다. DRDBMS는 MS-SQL을 사용하였고, MMDBMS는 ALTIBASE를 사용하였다. 실험 결과 AlTIBASE가 MS-SQL보다 좋은 성능을 보임을 알 수 있었다.
EPCIS(EPC Information Service)시스템은 EPC기반의 정보교환을 목표로 EPC global Network 상에서 RFID 태그에 기록된 화물의 EPC데이터, 인식시점, 인식장소 등의 정보를 제공하는 EPCglobal Architecture Framework의 구성요소 중 핵심부분이라고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 EPCIS 시스템의 구성요소 중 동시에 수많은 RFID 단말기로부터 입력되는 대용량의 EPCIS Event 데이터를 지속적으로 저장하고 관리하는 EPCIS Repository를 효율적으로 관리하기 위하여 고성능이 필요한 데이터와 대용량이 필요한 데이터를 모두 처리할 수 있는 Hybrid DBMS를 적용하여 EPCIS Repository를 효율적으로 관리할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.
Electronic Product Code Information Services(EPCIS) is an EPCglobal standard for sharing EPC related information between trading partners. EPCIS provides a new important capability to improve efficiency, security, and visibility in the global supply chain. EPCIS data are classified into two categories, master data (static data) and event data (dynamic data). Master data are static and constant for objects, for example, the name and code of product and the manufacturer, etc. Event data refer to things that happen dynamically with the passing of time, for example, the date of manufacture, the period and the route of circulation, the date of storage in warehouse, etc. There are four kinds of event data which are Object Event data, Aggregation Event data, Quantity Event data, and Transaction Event data. This thesis we propose an event-based data model for EPC Information Service repository in RFID based integrated logistics center. This data model can reduce the data volume and handle well all kinds of entity relationships. From the point of aspect of data quantity, we propose a formula model that can explain how many EPCIS events data are created per one business activity. Using this formula model, we can estimate the size of EPCIS events data of RFID based integrated logistics center for a one day under the assumed scenario.
EPCIS(EPC Information Services) system is a core component of EPCglobal Architecture Framework offering information of the freights, the time of awareness and the location of awareness on the EPCglobal Network. The role of EPCIS is to exchange information based on EPC. There are four kinds of event data which are object event data, aggregation event data, quantity event data, and transaction event data. These EPCIS events data are stored and managed in EPCIS repository. This study suggest the quantitative modeling about total number of EPCIS event data under the assumption to aware the RFID tags of items, cases(boxes), vehicles(carriers, forklifts, auto guided vehicles, rolltainers) at a time on the reading points. We also estimate the number of created EPCIS event data by the suggested quantitative modeling under scenario of process in the integrated logistics center based on RFID system And this study compare the TO-BE model with the AS-IS model about the total sizes of created EPCIS event data using the simulation, in which we suggested the TO-BE model as the development of the repository by skipping the overlapped records.
In the recent years, the companies have manually recorded a production status in a work diary or have mainly used a bar code in order to collect each process's progress status, production performance and quality information in the production and logistics process in real time. But, it requires an additional work because the worker's record must be daily checked or the worker must read it with the bar code scanner. At this time, data's accuracy is decreased owing to the worker's intention or mistake, and it causes the problem of the system's reliability. Accordingly, in order to solve such problem, the companies have introduced RFID which comes into the spotlight in the latest automatic identification field. In order to introduce the RFID technology, the process flow must be analyzed, but the ASME sign used by most manufacturing companies has the difficult problem when the aggregation event occurs. Hence, in this study, the RFID logistic flow analysis Modeling Notation was proposed as the signature which can analyze the manufacturing logistic flow amicably, and the manufacturing logistic flow by industry type was analyzed by using the proposed RFID logistic flow analysis signature. Also, to monitor real-time information through EPCglobal network, EPCISEvent template by industry was proposed, and it was utilized as the benchmarking case of companies for RFID introduction. This study suggested to ensure the decision-making on real-time information through EPCglobal network. This study is intended to suggest the Modeling Notation suitable for RFID characteristics, and the study is intended to establish the business step and to present the vocabulary.