Genomic reprogramming factors in the GV cytoplasm improved cloning efficiency in mice through the pre‐exposure of somatic cell nuclei to a GV cytoplasmic extract prior to nuclear transfer. In this study, a pig GV oocyte extract (pGV extract) was developed. Treatment of pig fibroblasts with the pGV extract promoted colony formation after 2–3 weeks in culture, concomitant with the expression of stem cell markers (Oct‐4, Rex1, Nanog, Sox2) and repression of differentiated cell markers (CKAP2, NPR3 ). Using fibroblasts transfected with human Oct‐4 promoter‐driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (Oct4‐EGFP), pGV extract treatment induced the reactivation of the Oct‐4 promoter in Oct4 ‐ EGFP cells by 10 days post‐treatment. These transgenic donor cells were injected into 8‐cell embryos. Oct‐4 promoter activity was subsequently detected in most ICM cells of the host blastocyst. Interestingly, reconstructed embryos with pGV extract‐treated Oct4‐ EGFP fibroblast nuclei showed prolonged expression of Oct4 in the ICM of embryos. Additionally, the pGV extract promoted somatic cell reprogramming and cloned embryo development when assessed by measuring histone H3‐K9 hypomethylation, the expression of Oct4 and Nanog in blastocysts, and the production of increased numbers of high‐ quality blastocysts. Under specific culture conditions, pGV extract‐treated fibroblast cells differentiated into neuronal, pancreas, cardiac, and endothelial lineages that were confirmed by antibodies against specific marker proteins. These data provide evidence for the generation of stem‐like cells from differentiated somatic cells by treatment with GV oocyte extracts in pig.
This research was attempted to seek for a positive approach within the framework of physical therapy instead of the drug treatment in the past, with regard to the ischemic brain injury in the early stage. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to observe the change of HSP27 and HSP70, the genes that are expressed in the early stage of brain injury and to investigate the effects of needle electrode electrical stimulation(NEES), upon applying NEES after ischemia. The experimental method is to give rise to global ischemia and apply NEES to 27 SD-Pat rats with the particulars of being eight-week-old, male, around 300g, and adapted to laboratory environment for more than a week, and divide them into three groups, that is, GV20 NEES group(n=9), L14 NEES group(n=9), no applied NEES global ischemia(GI) group(n=9), and then observe their changes of HSP27 and HSP70 at the time lapse of 6, 9 hr and 12 hr after ischemia, using immunohistochemistry methods. Upon observing through the immunohistochemistry method, it was noticed that there was a significant difference between the GV20 NEES group and the L14 NEES group as for HSP27 and there were significant differences among all groups as for HSP70(p<.05). Accordingly, it is supposed that the application of NEES after the outbreak of cerebral ischemia delay the apoptosis in the early ischemic part of forebrain or protect neurons against apoptosis.
This study aims to reveal how EA affects BAX and NF-kB involved in cell deaths from global ischemia, and to do this, observes the changes of BAX and NF-kB caused by EA application after transient global ischemia. The experimental method is to give rise to global ischemia and apply EA to 27 SD rats with the particulars of being six-week-old, male, around-300 gram-weighing, and adapted to laboratory environment for more than a week, and divide them into three groups, that is, GV20 EA group(n=9), L14 EA group(n=9), no-treatment GI group(n=9), and then observe their changes of BAX and NF-kB at the time lapse of 6 hours, 9 hours and 12 hours after ischemia, using western blotting. The numerical decrease of BAX expression at the time lapse of 9 hours after EA application, though not statistically significant, was observed in GV20 EA group and L14 EA group, and the NF-kB expression appeared statistically significant decrease in GV20 EA group and L14 EA group, but the expression was higher in the group with EA application. Therefore, EA application at the early phase of global ischemia is considered to affect BAX and NF-kB and play a positive role in decreasing apoptosis and cell deaths by inflammation.
Correlations between cumulus cells and germinal vesicle (GV) chromatin configuration were examined in porcine oocytes. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from 2~6 mm follicles and divided into three categories according to cumulus cell morphology. "A" group was compacted COCs with more than three cumulus cell layers. "B" group was COCs with less cumulus cell layers than "A" group. "C" group was COCs with one or less layer of cumulus cells. Cumulus cells were removed 0.1% hyaluronidase, and denuded oocytes were stained with Hoechst 33342. GV chromatin configuration was classified into GV-Con and GV-Dis. GV-Con meant that a nucleus was surrounded by condensed chromatin in a ring. GV-Dis meant that filamentous chromatin clumps were distributed in nucleus. The proportion (80.2%) of GV-Con in "A" group was significantly higher than "B" (62.0%) or "C" (44.9%). The proportion (55.1%) of GV-Dis in "C" group was significantly higher than "A" (19.8%) or "B" (38.0%). The meiotic competence of COCs was examined after 44 h culture. The proportion (90.0%) of oocytes reaching to metaphase II (M-II) in "A" group was significantly higher than "B" (76.5%) or "C" (45.5%). In conclusion, oocytes with good quality cumulus cell layers are synchronized early GV stage, and early GV stage is important for meiotic competence in pigs.
본 연구는 미성숙, 성숙 단계의 돼지 난포란이 유리화 동결에 의한 동결보존이 가능한지를 조사 하고자 실시하였다. 난포란은 세포질 내 지방구를 분극시키기 위해 원심분리를 실시하였고, 미세조작기를 이용하여 지방구를 제거하였다. 돼지 난포란을 CB 처리하여 원심분리 후 지방구를 제거한 지방제거구(Delipated), CB 처리 후 원심분리만 하여 지방구를 분극시킨 원심분리구(Centrifuged), 아무처리도 하지 않은 대조구(Control)를 EM grid
This research was studied whether umbilicus level of belly is to same Gv4 (命門) level of back or not. we know that Gv4 (命門) is located at L2-L3 The survey was done on 50 case of low back pain with L-spine X-ray. The resurts obtained here were as follows: 1. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L4 body level of back. (52%) 2. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L4-L5 level of back. (30%) 3. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L3- L4 level of back. (10%) 4. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L5 body back. (8%) As you see on the above results, umbilicus level of belly is not to same Gv4 (命門) level of back.
멜라토닌(N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine)은 포유동물의 뇌의 송과선에서 분비되는 호르몬으로 수면과 생체 리듬 등을 조절하고 난소 기능과 번식에도 영향을 미친다. 또한, 강력한 scavenger로서 항산화제의 역할을 한다. 이 연구의 목적은 멜라토닌이 생쥐 난구세포-핵낭(germinal vesicle, GV) 시기 난자 복합체의 체외성숙에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 3주령의 ICR 암컷 생쥐의 난소에서 회수된 난자-난구세포 복합체
미성숙의 Germinal Vesicle(GV 단계에서 성숙한 Metaphase II(MII) 단계가 되는 난자성숙 과정은 핵과 세포질의 성숙을 통해 이루어지며, 이를 통해 수정과 배 발달을 할 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된다. GV 난자는 prophase I 단계에 arrest 되어 있다가 meiosis 과정을 거쳐 성숙한 MII로 되는데 이를 조절하는 기작에 대해서는 거의 알려져 있지 않다. 따라서 본 연구는 미성숙 난자와 성숙 난자간의 유전자 발현의 차이