This study was performed to investigate the effect of laser-assisted hole in the zona pellucida (ZP) of frozen-thawed ICR mouse embryos on the process of hatching that is critical for expanded blastocysts to implant into endometrium, Vitrification medium, composed of ethylene glycol and sucrose supplemented with 7.5% (w/v) PVP, was used to freeze cell stage embryos recovered from oviducts of superovulated and mated female mice before storing them in . Right after thawing them, a laser beam was shot to make a hole in ZP followed by culturing in KSOM for and examining development to blastocyst and hatching every 12 hr. Laser-treated embryos showed significantly higher hatching rate compared to control (92.9% vs. 22.1%, p<0.05). From around Day 4, blastocysts developed from laser-treated embryos started hatching while the blastocysts of control group failed to hatch showing a lot of shrinkage. This study shows that a laser-assisted hole in ZP improves the hatching rate of blastocysts developed from frozen-thawed, in vitro cultured ICR mouse embryos.
생쥐 배반포로부터 내부세포괴(inner cell mass, ICM)를 outgrowth로 분리하여 증식 시킴으로써 배아주(embryonic stem, ES)세포를 확립하고자 본 실험을 실시하였다. 과배란처리와 교미에 의해 생산된 ICR 생쥐의 3.5일 배반포를 sDMEM내의 배아성 섬유아단흥배양층에 배양하여 ICM세포의 증식을 조사한 결과, 3.5일부터 분리한 ICM세포들은 배양 7, 8일에 각각 1,500 및 3,200세포의 미분화세포로 증식하였다.