
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        「곤충산업의 육성 및 지원에 관한 법률」 제6조에 따라 국립농업과학원에서는 2020년도에 곤충산업 종사자를 대상으로 실태조사를 실시하 였다. 곤충산업 종사자의 유형은 생산업이 가장 많았고(98.5%), 남성 비율이 높았으며(80.4%), 연령은 50대가 36.4%로 가장 많았다. 산업곤충 의 생산 유형은 식약용 곤충 66.5%, 사료용 12.8%, 애완용 20.7%였으며, 식약용 곤충 중 흰점박이꽃무지는 69.6%로 가장 많이 생산되고 있었 으며, 사료용으로는 귀뚜라미류가 31.2%, 애완(정서)용으로는 장수풍뎅이가 45.6%로 가장 많이 생산되고 있었다. 제품의 형태는 분말이 68.5% 로 가장 높았고, 생물로 판매되는 경우는 40.9%로 조사되었다. 연간 소득이 있는 곤충농가는 77.3%이고, 그 중에서 연간 판매금액이 2천만원 미 만인 경우가 65.4%를 차지하였다. 곤충산업 종사자들의 가장 큰 애로사항은 판로 확보로 조사되었다(84.0%). 이와 같이 곤충산업 종사자는 매 년 늘어나고 있지만 20대~40대 청년 곤충농가 대표는 줄어들고 있고, 생산은 특정 대표 곤충 종에 한정되어 있으며, 매우 영세하게 농가가 유지 되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 또한 곤충 농가에서는 판로확보에 가장 큰 어려움을 느끼고 있어 산업곤충 소비 촉진을 위한 이용 기술 개발이 시급하다 고 판단된다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to be used as a basic data for building the insect industry, the preference of the consumers and market value of insect were analyzed. The survey was conducted on 302 ordinary citizens aged 19 to 59 on their perceptions of industrial insects. Questionnaire about the awareness of insect-related products was found to be ‘mostly known’ at 94.7%, and the product information was obtained by TV/radio > Introduction by an acquaintance > Internet search > Newspaper magazine. The experience for the product was 61.6 %, and the type of experience was the highest in edible/pharmacic (67.0%), and the next in the study/attraction (26.2%). It was found that more than half (58.3%) of the purchase experience was never purchased before. The purchase of insect products was the most widely used for edible/pharmacic, followed by the study/ attraction insects. The route of purchase was in the order of specialized stores > exhibition/fairs > acquaintances, etc. Satisfaction with the purchase of products was relatively high in quality, route of purchase, and farming techniques, with the exception of price.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Precautionary measures are cost-effective for the introduction and management of industrial insects. However, the Influx of exotic pests has not been managed very well in Korea, because of the system problems such as the lack of quarantine facilities. Additionally, there is no managing facilities or regulations for their installation according to the categories about industrial insects in Korea. Firstly, we studied the foreign guidelines for arthropod containment system such as ACLs(Arthropod Containment Levels) and the applicable guidelines for insect quarantine facilities in Korea. Secondly, we classified the types of industrial insects by their characteristics and considered the practicable guidelines for installation of quarantine facilities according to the industrial insect types. Lastly, with the related references including the details about installation and management for LMO(Living genetically Modified Organism) research facilities, we discussed appropriate guidelines for installation and management of pest quarantine system in Korea.