
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, Pleurotus ostreatus were grown in bottles at temperatures set to 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C inside the cultivation room. Changes in temperature, CO2 concentration, and humidity inside the bottles were measured, and growth characteristics according to the temperature conditions were evaluated. CO2 concentration increased overall as the temperature increased and was particularly stable at 20°C, suggesting that 20°C is the optimal condition for the physiological respiration of P. ostreatus . While humidity was relatively constant at 15°C, it decreased over time at 20°C and was maintained at a stable level at 25°C, suggesting that water retention capacity may occur at high temperatures. As a result of the growth investigation, the yield per bottle and individual weight were the highest at 20°C, confirming that 20°C is the most suitable temperature condition for the growth of oyster mushrooms. At 25°C, the yield per bottle was maintained but the individual weight decreased and the color tended to change. These results suggest that the interaction between CO2 concentration, humidity, and temperature has a significant effect on the growth and quality of oyster mushrooms, and that it is effective to control the cultivation room temperature to 20°C for optimal growth.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fatigue crack growth retardation of 304 L stainless steel is studied using a neutron diffraction method. Three orthogonal strain components(crack growth, crack opening, and through-thickness direction) are measured in the vicinity of the crack tip along the crack propagation direction. The residual strain profiles (1) at the mid-thickness and (2) at the 1.5 mm away from the mid-thickness of the compact tension(CT) specimen are compared. Residual lattice strains at the 1.5 mm location are slightly higher than at the mid-thickness. The CT specimen is deformed in situ under applied loads, thereby providing evolution of the internal stress fields around the crack tip. A tensile overload results in an increased magnitude of the compressive residual stress field. In the crack growth retardation, it is found that the stresses are dispersed in the crack-wake region, where the highest compressive residual stresses are measured. Our neutron diffraction mapping results reveal that the dominant mechanism is by interrupting the transfer of stress concentration at the crack tip.