In the past 20 years, passenger and cargo transportation performance at the international passenger ports in Korea have increased by 8.6% on the compound annual growth rate, respectively. The Korean government had expected to continue expanding the market of car ferries and the government included plans for the development of additional routes and lanes with neighboring countries such as China, Japan, and Russia as a part of the Plan of the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in 2019. However, compared to the development of routes, the management and operation of passenger terminals are inefficient. The purpose of this paper was to introduce the overall improvement of the passenger terminal operating system that reflects the recent changes in the supply and demand of international passenger vessels and the needs of the government and private sector passengers. To this end, a basic survey was conducted on the status of operations and facilities at the Busan International Passenger Terminal and a questionnaire survey was administered on the subject of use. The results of the survey were analyzed using the IPA model. As a result of the analysis, three items in the operation sector, three items in the facility sector, and four items in the system sector of the Busan International Passenger Terminal were identified as in need of improvement. Based on the results, the need for investment to improve the international passenger terminal operating system is suggested.
본 연구는 신규로 건설되는 국제여객터미널의 최적 항만운영안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 컨조인트 분석을 활용하여 최 적 항만운영이 될 수 있는 대안을 분석하였다. 또한 사용자 관점과 실사업 주관입장인 인천항만공사와 인식차이 비교분석을 실시한다. 사 용자 컨조인트 분석결과 ‘임대료 산정방식’이 신국제여객터미널 항만운영 방안에서는 가장 중요한 요인으로 도출되었다. 다음으로 자동화 구축, 부지면적 순으로 분석되었다. 수준별 효용결과를 살펴보면 임대료 산정방식에서는 ‘국유재산법 적용방식’, 자동화구축에서는 ‘야드장 비의 자동화’, 부지면적에서는 ‘61,000평∼66,000평’순으로 효용성을 보였다. 신국제여객터미널 실사업 주관자인 인천항만공사의 경우, 사용 자 결과와 마찬가지로 중요도에서 ‘임대료 산정방식’이 신국제여객터미널 항만운영방안에서 가장 중요한 요인으로 나타났으며, 자동화구 축, 부지면적 순으로 도출되었다. 각 요인의 수준별 효용결과로는 임대료산정방식에서는 ‘투자비 보전방식’, 자동화구축에서는 ‘야드장치장 의 자동화’, 부지면적에서는 ‘43000평∼48000평’ 순으로 효용치를 보였다.
As the international society becomes more and more open, the international marine transportation demand is growing. And the growth of international tour demands and the developments of new passenger ship routes make the role of passenger terminals crucial. In this context this study analyzes and compares the terminals of Korea and Japan and defines design criteria for the construction of a passenger terminal. As a result of this study, it is proposed that an urban context, an architectural type and spatial characteristics be taken into account for the construction cf a passenger terminal. The ultimate purpose cf this study is to build a future-oriented international passenger terminal based on the result of this study, which will lead the ocean culture.