이 연구는 2010년대 후반 이후 일본 여성만화에 나타난 집합주택단지의 두 이미지에 대해서 이시야마 사야카의 『천 개의 창문, 천 개의 문』과 미즈나기 도리의 『행복은 먹고 자고 기다리고』를 중심으로 살펴본다. 일 본 대중문화콘텐츠는 집합주택단지를 다양하게 묘사하고 중요하게 다뤄 왔다. 이에 대해 영화를 중심으로 단지 이미지에 관한 연구가 이뤄진다. 그러나 2010년대 이후의 대중문화콘텐츠에서 단지가 어떻게 묘사되는지 에 관한 연구는 부재하다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 선행연구를 통해 단지 이미지의 변천에 대해 논한다. 나아가 2010년대의 이후의 여성만화 속에 서의 단지 이미지에 관해 고찰한다. 지금까지 단지 이미지가 변화해왔어 도 단지는 ‘표준’의 이미지로 대변되었다. 또, ‘고립의 장’으로 그려지거 나 ‘정치의 장’으로 기능했다고 지적됐다. 이 논문에서는 2010년대 후반 이후 일본 여성만화에서는 소위 ‘표준’을 벗어난 연령대와 직업군의 주민 들이 묘사되며, 적당한 거리감 있는 연결을 보이는 탈정치화된 생활 공 동체로 묘사되고 있음을 밝힌다.
The study was carried out to assess the production performances of Japanese quail parent stock raised under open housing system and the study was conducted in a local farm with 2000 Japanese parent stock quail birds (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Observed body weight gain was recorded in each weekend up to 7 weeks of their age; birds gained weight 15.73, 31.45, 47.20, 90.80, 125.27, 153.14 and 175.20 grams, respectively. There have been observed sharp decline of fertility and hatchability of birds with increase of their age. Optimum fertility was recorded at third week and optimum hatchability at fifth week of their age. Average flock uniformity was found 83.68%. The hen day egg production of the flock was recorded 81, 83, 85, 86, 89, 89, 89, 89 and 88% in each weekend, respectively. It may therefore be concluded that Japanese quail parent stock performs well under open housing system in Bangladesh and future study can be taken to better understand their production performances.
This study examines the details and characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition promoted by Daily Cho-Sun Company during Japanese colonial period. The main features of Cho-Sun housing plan competition were that the competition held with an application of popular newspaper readers and a judging committee was composed of only Korean architects, especially Park, Gil-Ryong as the president of the board of examiners. Cho-Sun housing plan competition put ideological factors for the improvement of living as like advancing to the cultured(modern) life, respecting for family life, respecting for privacy of family members and so on. First of all, the competition suggested the direction of the improvement of dwelling spaces which focused on making harmonious home life. This study found common characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition as the result. First, Cho-Sun housing plan competition introduced a centralized house plan as a model of the improvement of small-sized houses. Second, architectural orders of western or japanese style mingled with ones of korean traditional style in prizewinning plans as entrance hall, western style reception room(parlour), maid's room, bathroom for example. And a manner of seating using chairs was brought into the style of living which would be assumed in the prizewinning plans. Third, traditional way of composing dwelling spaces was maintained, receiving the characteristics of dwelling spaces of japanese style simultaneously, which central corridor was put at the heart of house for improving arrangement of rooms and flow lines. Fourth, lavatory and bathroom were placed inside of the house.