The primary purpose of this study is to develop system modules of school buildings and the seismic loss function of the system modules for regional loss assessment of school buildings. System modules of school buildings were developed through statistical analysis of school facilities in Korea. The structural system of school buildings with non-seismic details is defined as reinforced concrete with partially masonry walls (RCPM), and 27 system modules of RCPM were developed considering the number of stories, spans, and the age of the building. System modules were designed to assess the structural behavior by applying the shear spring model and the shear failure of the columns of the school building. Probabilistic seismic demand models for each component of system modules were derived through nonlinear dynamic analysis to determine the relationship between seismic intensity, drift ratio, and peak floor acceleration of system modules. The seismic loss function was defined as the total damage ratio, which is the ratio of replacement cost to repair cost to evaluate the seismic loss quantitatively. The system module-based seismic loss well predicted the observed data. It will be possible to help many stakeholders make risk-informed decisions for a region through the regional loss assessment of school buildings in Korea.
In Korea, most existing school buildings have been constructed with moment frames with un-reinforced infill walls designed only considering gravity loads. Thus, the buildings may not perform satisfactorily during earthquakes expected in Korea. In exterior frames of the building, un-reinforced masonry infill walls with window openings are commonly placed, which may alter the structural behavior of adjacent columns due to the interaction between the wall and column. The objective of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance of existing school buildings according to the procedure specified in ATC 63. Analytical models are proposed to simulate the structural behavior of columns, infill walls and their interaction. The accuracy of the proposed model is verified by comparing the analytical results with the experimental test results for one bay frames with and without infill walls with openings. For seismic performance evaluation, three story buildings are considered as model frames located at sites having different soil conditions ( , , , , ) in Korea. It is observed that columns behaves as a short columns governed by shear due to infill masonry walls with openings. The collapse probabilities of the frames under maximum considered earthquake ranges from 62.9 to 99.5 %, which far exceed the allowable value specified in ATC 63.
본 연구에서는 1980년대 표준설계도면에 의해서 건설된 국내 학교건물을 대상으로 일본 내진진단 기준, 비선형 정적 및 동적해석을 수행하여 내진안전성을 평가하였다. 내진진단 결과, 구조내진지표(IS)는 0.2~0.4로 평가 되었으며, 이 결과는 150gal정도의 지진 규모에서 중규모 이상의 지진피해를 받을 가능성이 있다고 판단된다. 비선형 정적해석결과, 장변방향은 부재각 R=1/150rad., 단변방향은 1/100rad.에서 각각 항복하였으며, 비선형 동적해석결과, Hachinohe. EW(200gal)입력지진동에서 대상건물 1층 장변방향 19.85cm 및 단변방향 23.3cm의 최대 지진응답변위를 각각 나타내었다. 지진피해도 판정법을 이용하여 1980년대 국내 학교건물의 내진안전성을 최종적으로 평가한 결과에 의하면 150gal이상의 지진에서 중규모 지진피해가 발생할 가능성이 예측되며, 내진보강 등 실제적인 지진대책이 시급하다고 판단된다.