To maximize the operational efficiency of production and operations systems, Six Sigma and Lean Production System have been widely used. The main focus of Six Sigma is reducing variations, whereas that of Lean Production System is eliminating losses. To take advantage of the two approaches Six Sigma and Lean Production System was integrated into Lean Six Sigma, and the integrated approach has been used in recent years. In the implementation of Lean Six Sigma, the problems under consideration have often physical or technical contradictions which are difficult to be solved by conventional methods. To solve such contradictions TRIZ is useful in many cases. In this thesis, it is considered that how TRIZ can be applied to Lean Six Sigma. An integrated road-map of Lean Six Sigma and TRIZ is suggested and some cases are reviewed.
Today, many companies will be isolated in competition if they do not have competitive power to overcome quick change and big crisis of market. Nowadays, globally high-grade companies have done their best for increasing their competitive power through a many kinds of methods in keen competition for making of pacesetting position. This study focuses on distribution with the domains like capacity, layout, amount of location, assignment of product, operation procedure and operation rule in order to improve these domains, we make a further application of eight analysis ways based on DMAIC method for improving operation of processes of distribution center as the third profit source. The purpose of this study is to seek an approach that can easily adopt of Lean Six Sigma in operational management of distribution center by a kind of data, analysis method and template.
In most recent years, the business competition has spreads over all fields of corporations and their management area regardless of time and place, which makes the survival environment of each enterprise fiercer. In order to secure a high position in the competitive market, the various firms has implemented many methods related to price, quality, and service efficiency. However, the implementation with only low price or high quality might be helpless to hold a high position in modem market. Moreover more attention should be paid to the internal business processes of an organization. Therefore, a new and different method should be searched or developed in order to win the competitive power among other enterprises. This research will focus on the improvement of the business processes within the non-manufacturing industry by applying Lean Six Sigma methodology. DMAIC method will be applied to improve the inbound and outbound logistics processes, manage the inbound and outbound vehicles, and control the receiving and shipping activities.
Nowadays, globally high-grade companies have done their best for increasing their competitive power through a many kinds of method in incisive competition for making certain of a pacesetting position. Among the rest, Six Sigma have been the best methodology of improving process and have proven to be effective by the result of improving process in many of manufacturing business, however, it has not obtained excellent results in the transaction business. In transaction business, a 30~50% costs in total costs is generated by slow-speed working and reworking. The slow processes decrease the quality and increase the cost, which decreases customer satisfaction, and finally the income is decreased. All of them are so called wastes in processes. For this, adopting of lean six sigma methodology in process management can eliminate the wastes and reduce the variation. This study focuses on distribution with the domains like capacity, layout, amount of location, assignment of product, operation procedure and operation rule in order to improve these domains, we make a further application of eight analysis ways based on DMAIC method for improving operation of processes of distribution center as the third profit source. The goal of this study is to trace an approach that can easily adopt of Lean Six Sigma in operational management of distribution center by a kind of data, analysis method and template.
본 연구에서는 생사시스템의 전체적인 방식인 린 시스템과 과학적인 문제절차를 지향하는 6시그마를 융합한 LEAN SYSTEM의 효과적인 통합을 통하여, 기업이 린 시그마시스템을 도입했을 때 가시화 될 수 있는 시너지 효과 및 효과적인 도입방안에 관하여 연구하고자 한다.
기업 주변 환경 및 기업 내부 환경에 맞춘 시스템의 도입에 있어 중요한 것은 도입 시기 및 도입 절차 그리고 도입 후 기업에 맞도록 개선해 나가는 그 기업만의 로드맵 창출이다. 따라서 기업 환경의 여러 가지 시스템을 총체적으로 관리하고 이끌어 나갈 하나의 잣대적인 역할을 할 시스템 도입이 필요한 데 본 연구에서는 LEAN SIGMA SYSTEM을 통하여 6시그마의 변화관리 체계와 문제해결 절차를 LEAN SYSTEM추진에 적용한 사례 연구 및 이론 연구를 바탕으로 도입 시 발생하는 시행착오를 최소화하여 기업의 혁신 실패 비용과 시간 낭비를 최소화하여 기업 운영에 있어 효과적인 조직 시스템 모델을 개발하고자 하는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다.