The purpose of this study is to institute ecotourism programs through the discovery of excellent ecological, cultural, and landscape resources around Andong lakefront. The applicability of an ecotourism certification system was confirmed based on data construction and valuation. Through analysis of geographical, ecological, and political factors, four types of resources (including natural ecology resources, natural landscape resources, historical culture resources, and living culture resources) and 46 resources ecological and cultural resources were constructed into the mapped database. In particular, this study identified four areas of inland wetlands lakeside as main sites around Andong lakefront. Results of valuation were high for natural ecology resources and historical culture resources, and comparatively low for others, such as living culture resources. Seven factors for standard evaluation were proposed, including ability, landscape, convenience, accessibility, connection, diversity, and value; four ecotourism program courses were proposed regarding field survey, acceptance of local residents’ opinions, travel range, and time required. Finally, this study confirmed the applicability of a natural tourism certification within the certification grades of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
본 연구는 식생경관의 생태학적 해석을 통한 질적 경관평가방법의 모색을 위해 설악산국립공원을 대상으로 생태계 형성위계에 따른 우수 경관자원을 추출한 후 추출된 자원의 시각적 노출량과 탐방객의 탐방로 선호도와의 관계성을 분석하였다. 설악산국립공원을 대상으로 생태학적 해석을 통해 선정한 우수경관 요소로는 아고산식생대와 고지대 바위군, 계곡 낙엽활엽수림, 암반지역 소나무 토지극상, 대경목군락지, 화목류 및 단풍류 우점군락지, 아고산대 침엽수 군락지이다. 연구 결과 탐방로 선호도와 상관성이 있는 우수 경관자원으로는 대경목군락지의 면적, 화목류 우점군락의 면적, 아고산 침엽수군락의 면적이 탐방로의 선호도에 긍정적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 탐방로의 가시권과 우수 경관자원의 분석을 통해 자연지역에서의 일반적 탐방로의 소개에서 나아가 경관자원의 가시성을 바탕으로 특정 탐방로의 특정 탐방시기를 제시할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 일부 경관자원의 가시성이 탐방로 선호에 긍정적 역할을 하고 있었는데 자연환경에서 복잡한 경관요소의 종합적인 가시권 면적보다는 특정 경관의 가시권 면적이 탐방로 선호도에 영향을 주며 단순히 자연지역의 넓은 면적이 시야에 들어오는 지역을 선호하지는 않는 것으로 나타났다.
국내에서는 자연 환경에서 발견되는 각종 지질 및 지형경관자원을 주 대상으로 내재적 가치를 이해시키고 자연보존을 촉진하는 지질관광에 대한 체계적이고 일관된 연구가 크게 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 관광지질학 활성화를 목적으로 지질관광 대상지역의 다양성 제고를 촉진하고 국립공원관리공단에서 제공하는 자연해설 프로그램의 다양화를 배가하기 위하여, 태안해안국립공원에 부존하는 지질 및 지형경관자원의 유형 및 분포상황을 조사하여 활용방안을 제시하는데 있다. 조사대상지역인 태안해안국립공원을 구성하는 지질 및 지형경관자원의 개체수 및 유형을 살펴보면, 총212개로서 해안지형→풍화지형의 순서로 분포되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 상기 조사 자료는 지질학 및 지형학 전문가로 구성된 전문가집단과의 심도 있는 선별과정을 거쳐 일반대중에게 흥미와 과학의 이해를 돕는 지질관광 대상지역으로서 적극적으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 아울러, 수요자 지향형의 지질관광대상지역 개발 활성화를 위해서는 지질 관광지역 방문객의 인구통계적 특성, 지질관광 대상지역에서의 방문객 행동특성, 지질관광대상지별 방문객 성별에 따른 방문객 행동성향비교 및 지질관광 프로그램 및 이벤트 개발을 위한 분석 등의 모니터링이 수반되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 지질관광 대상물에 대한 풍화도 평가 및 보존기술개발 등 지질공학적인 부분과 환경과학적 측면이 병행된 연구 노력이 이루어질 때 관광지질학의 활성화가 결실을 거둘 것으로 판단된다.
이 연구의 목적은 오대산 국립공원 일대의 지질 및 지형경관자원을 조사하여 그 특성을 분석하고, 이들 가운데 경관과 학술적으로 보존가치가 있는 지질 및 지형경관자원을 선정, 이들을 체계적으로 관리, 활용하는 방안에 필수적인 자료를 제시하고자 하는 것이다. 이 조사과정에서는 147개의 지질 및 지형경관자원을 조사하였다. 조사지역에서 가장 많이 관찰되는 지형은 구조지형이며, 다음으로는 풍화, 하천, 산지, 호소, 주빙하 지형 등이다. 다양한 지질 및 지형경관 자원 가운데 4개 노두가 관광자원으로 활용될 수 있고, 5개 노두는 학술연구를 위한 가치 있는 자원으로서 고려될 수 있다. 상기 조사자료는 관광지질학 활성화를 목적으로 지질관광 대상지역의 다양성 제고를 촉진하고, 국립공원관리공단 에서 탐방객에게 제공하는 자연해설 프로그램의 다양화와 기능성 제고를 배가하는데 유용할 것으로 판단된다.
Plans to utilize the resources of the coast guard are underway for the revitalization of the area and the development of tourism resources in recent years. As most of the plans have been focused on some specific factors such as geographical or regional conditions, and therefore systematic approaches are needed in corporation with other related projects. This study suggested the measures on activating the coastal tourism resources for Woodoo~Woocheon village in Goheung-gun by using the coastal landscape elements. The current status of natural environment and tourism resources for coastal regions were investigated in Woodoo~Woocheon village and plans for enhancing connectivity with local residents were suggested. Based on the scenic values of coastal region, landscape were assessed from the perspective of the sustainable coastal tourism resources in the future. Several solutions were suggested to enhance tour values; coastal deck road to enhance connectivity between resources and accessibility of foreign tourists, social communication among local residents and authorities, continuous development of cultural and historic resources in local area. In addition, information signs and new stair ways would be needed to improve the accessibility of tourists. In the future, if the plan for this study was to generate profitability with persistence, it suggested that there was a way to move forward in conjunction with the profit rate local projects distributed around it.
This study aims to contemplate the archetypal landscape of a scenic site, Suseungdae area in Hwangsan-maeul village, Geochang-gun by reference research and field surveys and drew the results as follows. First, Since Seong Yundong(成允仝; 1450-1540) embarked on operating the Suseungdae in Eonari(魚川) in 16th century, Shin Gwon(愼權, 1501-1573) and Im Hun(林薰, 1500-1584) took a major role of establishing the archetypal landscape of the area. Henceforth, numerous scholars had kept exploring the scenery and completing the archetypal landscape of the area until the 19th century. Second, the locations of 50 archetypal landscape elements, including 「Guyeon-dong sipgugyeong(龜淵洞十九景)」 which are dispersed along the Wicheon, has been identified. On the base of this, the archetypal landscape of Suseungdae area is figured out as the ‘Guyeon-dong(龜淵洞)’ area coming down from ‘Cheoksuam(滌愁巖)’ to ‘Byeoram(鼈巖)’. Third, many archetypal landscape elements are from the locations along the river. Among them, the ones named with rock: Am(巖) and Seok(石), which are shapes of turtles or terrapins, take the high rate and so do the ones named with ‘Dam(潭)’, which are waterscape. Fourth, among the cultural landscape elements, there are many garden structures such as Nujeong(樓亭) and Seowon(書院), which are located at the spots of viewing the landscape and the structures like banks, bridges and dams are also included. Furthermore, the letters engraved on the rocks are mainly about the landscape elements and are sometimes about the records of building and operating the landscapes by the people who were appreciating the arts and nature. Based on the range and characteristics of the archetypal landscape in Suseungdae area from this study, it is needed to take follow-up studies on the guidelines for efficient management by means of classifying the detailed fields so that there are no negative factors conflicting with the adjacent land use.
The purpose of this study is to reveal network potential among agricultural villages focused on landscape and amenity resources. For this study, we conducted Social Network Analysis (SNA) utilizing existing landscape resource database. As a result of the study, major landscape types shared among villages were found for each city. For example, agricultural and residential landscapes were identified as major types for Danjin city. Add to major landscape resources, in Dangjin city, Habduk village were recognized as a core. Seokmun, Daehoji, Woogang, and Sunseong villages were widely found as the sub core group. For Seosan city, Jigok, Palbong, and Kobuk villages were widely recognized as core group. Most of villages which indicated the highest degree centrality were superior in terms of the number of total landscape resources as well as landscape type diversity. These results can be useful for initial planning process when considering major theme for landscape-based network organization. Also, this information will be helpful for planning stage through the specification of the potential role of each village in overall network.
The purpose of this study is to introduce the village project for conservation and improvement of rural tourism village. So, in this study, the current rural tourism village and storytelling planning are examined and the village project presented in village planning is also examined. And this study propose the storytelling implementation of the village project through the case study related with the Susanri in Jeju. The results are summarized as follows. Firstly, it is important that each village projects are storytelling for tourism resource and improve rural tourism village. Secondly, it is necessary to define story range, action planning, and management agency of village projects. Thirdly, it is desirable that the village projects should be carried out as reviving the local community. Comparing to the storytelling tourism plan, there are few rural tourism plans so far, so, it is difficult to applicate the system of the village project, but, continuous studies in this line can help the rural tourism plan to ensure practicality.
On the basis of conducting a comprehensive investigation to agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources, we established a evaluation index system of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources. From the perspective of experts, comparing the importance of all levels indicators, we obtained the weights of landscape resources evaluation index through using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The result showed that the descending order of the weights of influence of agricultural sightseeing garden nineteen evaluation index is: reach ability (0.128), safety (0.083), location (0.078), participatory (0.076), cultural value (0.058), ecological conditions (0.057), scenic beauty (0.0505), environmental quality (0.051), featured properties (0.0501), environmental tolerance (0.048), reputation (0.047), environmental capacity (0.045), humanize (0.041), spots configuration (0.034), applicable travel period (0.033), scientific value (0.032), art value (0.031), holistic (0.03), suitability (0.027), it can provide a framework and basis for the planning, management, protection and exploitation of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape resources.
본 연구에서는 특성화를 전제로 식물원마다 지역경관자원이 잘 반영되기 위한 방향제공과 식물원 조성 시 비교적 적은 예산과 인력으로 최대한의 효과를 기대하기 위해서 지역경관자원을 활용한 식물원 계획지표를 개발하고 중요도를 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 상위계층(1계층)에서는 ‘자연자원(0.624)’이 가장 높게 나타났으며, ‘역사문화자원(0.203)’, ‘사회자원(0.172)’의 순으로 나타났다. 중간계층(2계층)에서는 ‘문화자원(0.592)’, ‘생태자원(0.454)’, ‘역사자원(0.408)’, ‘공동체자원(0.408)’, ‘산림자원(0.400)’의 순으로 비슷하게 나타났다. 하위계층(3계층)에 있어서는 ‘식생(0.688)’, ‘마을전통(0.641)’, ‘축제(0.581)’, ‘숲(0.557)’의 순으로 나타났다. 전체적으로 볼 때 중요도가 높은 것은 ‘식생(0.195)’, ‘숲(0.139)’이 높게 나타났으며, ‘초지(0.058)’, ‘습지(0.056)’가 다음 순이었다. ‘마을전통(0.053)’, ‘산(0.052)’, ‘지형지세(0.050)’도 계획 시에 중요한 지표가 될 수 있다. 그 외 ‘마을 상징물(0.050)’, ‘전설(0.044)’, ‘축제(0.041)’ 등의 항목도 중요한 지표로 판단되었다. 따라서 지역 경관자원을 활용한 식물원 조성방향을 설정하기 위해서는 ‘자연자원’의 ‘생태자원’, ‘산림자원’과 ‘역사자원’의 ‘마을전통’과 ‘문화자원’의 ‘전설’, ‘마을 상징물’과 ‘사회자원’으로서의 ‘축제’ 등이 중요한 계획지표라 할 수 있다. 따라서 지역경관자원을 활용한 식물원의 계획 시 기존의 자연자원 뿐만 아니라 지역의 정체성을 담을 수 있는 역사문화자원과 함께 사회자원을 수용할 수 있는 노력이 수반되어 할 것으로 사료된다.
The purpose of this study is to suggest a landscape resources evaluation strategy of rural waterfront villages along the river. This strategy consists of three phases: 1) an evaluation of rural amenity landscape resources, 2) an evaluation of water landscape resources, and 3) development of a positioning map based on the results of phase 1) and 2) the study result as follows. First, the evaluation method used in phase 1) was modified as a set of proposed evaluation indicators to assess development potential on rural waterfront villages. Second, to evaluate water landscape resources in rural waterfront villages, a series of evaluation index was developed including water area, diversity of water resources, biodiversity, and landscape quality. And the last, the positioning map showed relative position of waterfront villages obtained from two evaluation results: rural amenity landscape resources and water landscape resources. The study examined the proposed strategy as a possible alternative to evaluate landscape quality to 398 rural waterfront villages along the Han River. Landscape resources evaluation strategy proposed here could contribute to government officials and planners to operate systematic planning and management of rural waterfront villages.
Rural landscape is an outcome of residents' life activity based on natural environment. Unlike city, rural residents make their own landscape over a period of time interacting with nature through cultivating and building houses and huts based on the background. Therefore, residents' role in rural area is of greater importance than city's and their recognition of landscape is a key factor to evaluate and manage rural landscape. Landscape Evaluation Map which utilizing Feeling Map method is a evaluation tool to [md out residents' recognition of landscape. In this tool, responses evaluate landscape around their living space and mark color dots which mean landscape grade on a map. This research is to examine effectiveness and applicability of the tool, Landscape Evaluation Map, which is recommended to estimate residents' evaluation of landscape. Through analyzing 7 cases of field application, the effectiveness of Landscape Evaluation Map has been verified and also demerits have been drawn. After modifying detailed techniques and developing resident education, Landscape evaluation map could be applied to [md out landscape resources rather than to evaluate whole rural landscape.
This study is a plan for the Jeju Sanghyo Botanical Garden construction, and it is prepared to maintain the identity of the local landscape by composing the garden using the local landscape resources. The goals of becoming one of world's best, garden centered botanical garden and at the same time one that represents culture of Jeju. Unusual species are included in the collection and with the general collection, special collection and exhibition by different kinds are planned to be offered to the public. The garden will demonstrate the world's various types of gardens in a compressed way. It is our endeavor to become center of culture beyond plant education and exhibition, drawing a large number of people to our garden. Moreover, conservation of Jeju's unique botanic resources will be carried out and the garden will show the garden culture. Due to the size of the site, different themes will be exhibited in one zone in a parallel. Unique combination of each local landscape resource will create own theme. The display will be divided into three different stages: the 1st stage is an educational exhibition, assisting more understanding of distinguishing different locations, the second is exhibition by various species and the final stage will show an ideal way to develop a garden with harmony of various plant species.
Rural landscape is essential resources to reinvigorate rural tourism and local economy. The objective of this study is to apply the methodology that can assess landscapes of many rural villages based on the data of Rural Amenity Resource Survey. Above all, to make the data of rural amenity resources survey appropriate for landscape assessment, that was reclassified into 4 landscape resource and 12 lower items. Secondly, 4 evaluation standards of rural landscape; weight of landscape resources, weight of lower items, evaluation of lower items as the number, and evaluation of management condition was established by questionnaire survey. Thirdly, the evaluation standards was applied to case study area; Jug-Goc Myeon, Goc-Seong county, Jeollanamdo. Finally, this result was compared with the other result that management condition was not included in, and the villages that were urgent to improve management condition were selected. As a result, water resource and management condition have great effects on the total quality of rural landscape. Therefore, there are many villages that have peat potentials although that indicates low quality of landscape, now.
The objective of this study is to suggest a planning direction for the management and conservation of a rural landscape. For suggesting the planning direction, this study was classified rural landscape resources based on spatial type to understand the assessment of rural landscape. This study examined literature reviews and site investigations for collecting the data on the resources of a rural landscape to maintain rurality. First above all, it was classified into physical and non-physical resources. Non-Physical resources include elements such as inhabitants' will, leaders' will and the software. It is also to reflect all these factors on the planning. Next, this study classified the resources of a landscape into artificial and natural resources and applied these resources to rural areas which were divided into five types: industry area, life area, natural landscape area, program area and human behavior area. The pictures obtained from this field survey were used for a questionnaire survey to understand the value of a rural landscape. The contents of questionnaire survey were divided into two parts: the presentation condition of a rural land-scape and assessment of a rural landscape. Especially, the value of a rural landscape was divided into the ecological value, socio-cultural value and holistic value.
The purpose of this study is to present the conditions and methods for keeping the sustainability of the landscape resources of the East Coast of Gangwon province, the Republic of Korea by investigating the landscape resources management in the area and pointing out its problems. The unit of analysis in this study is four cities and two counties located along the national road route seven in Gangwon province. The classification and characteristics of the landscape resources in this area was analyzed by a literature review, and we surveyed the tourists visiting the area and statistically analyzed the data in order to examine their satisfaction with the landscape resources management and make recommendations.
The problems of the landscape resources management are: 1) the disturbance of the persistence of life by reclamation, the population reduction in the ecosystem due to the overload in environmental capacity, and the severance of space between land and water. 2) the reduction of the benefits from indirect experience by interfering with the conservation of fluxes --- the manipulation of horizontal arrangement of the landscape resource, the visual disturbance by the construction of high-storied buildings, and the disharmony between the color/image and the environment.
The means for keeping sustainability of the landscape resources include the regulations of development and use, the change in the recognition of the value of landscape resources and the moral system, and the improvement of resource management skills.