
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study comprehends that the landscape of Ipsan Village is the accumulated output of the landscape management and social behavior by the historic personages through the reference research and field surveys. And the study sorted out the over-layered landscape characteristics of Ipsan Village by analyzing the dispersed landscape elements as follows. First, right before the start of Japanese invasions to Korea(1592–98), Tamjin(耽津) An(安) Family moved into Ipsan and started establishing the a single clan village. At a site with mountain background and facing the water(背山臨水), the village used to be a typical farming one with an organically planned road-system and housing area following the traditional order. However, the landscape has changed drastically since the 20th century with the construction of banks, roads and readjustment of arable land etc. Second, the original landscape, which can be figured out through the ‘Gosanjaesibyukgyeong(高山齋十六景)’ in the 18th century, shows its harmony with natural landscape: mountain & valley, stream & field, traditional trees, etc, cultural landscape: village, well, spring, etc, and momentary landscape: seasons, time, weather phenomena, sound, behavior, etc. Third, based on the second, 16 natural landscape elements: mountain & stream, planting, etc. and 25 cultural landscape elements: housing spaces, self-cultivation & ceremony spaces, community spaces and modern education & enlightenment spaces were selected and interpreted as landscaping meanings. Fourth, the over-layered landscape which stems from the compositive functions and inter-connectivity of landscape elements which consists Ipsan Village is regarded as ‘Natural geographical and Fungsu landscape’, ‘Rural production and livelihood landscape’, ‘Confucian ceremony and symbolic landscape’ and ‘Modern education and enlightenment landscape.’
        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study, targeting Deokbongmaeul, Choonchonmaeul, Hyodongmaeul and Kangsanmaeul, drew the characteristics of history culture resource utilization through the analysis of project plans and performance reports and field surveys. First, Deokbongmaeul is a rural village with scattered Confucian facilities. Ipsanmaeul conforms to Confucian order and has an attractive housing area landscape. Hoechonmaeul has forest landscape and distinguishing intangible recourses like Maeji farmer's music and traditional techniques and legends. Hyodongmaeul shows folk resources and folk behavior like traditional play and techniques. Second, the history culture resources chosen from the project plans focus on intangible history resources like individual historic buildings & structures and customs & traditional techniques. Third, cultural historic village projects are categorized by repair and restoration of historic buildings and structures, development of experience program and building facilities and maintenance and establishing the village landscape elements. From the research results, it is explained that history culture resource utilization methods of cultural historic village project are hard to be expected to have the project results based on the landscape identities of four villages.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to contemplate the archetypal landscape of a scenic site, Suseungdae area in Hwangsan-maeul village, Geochang-gun by reference research and field surveys and drew the results as follows. First, Since Seong Yundong(成允仝; 1450-1540) embarked on operating the Suseungdae in Eonari(魚川) in 16th century, Shin Gwon(愼權, 1501-1573) and Im Hun(林薰, 1500-1584) took a major role of establishing the archetypal landscape of the area. Henceforth, numerous scholars had kept exploring the scenery and completing the archetypal landscape of the area until the 19th century. Second, the locations of 50 archetypal landscape elements, including 「Guyeon-dong sipgugyeong(龜淵洞十九景)」 which are dispersed along the Wicheon, has been identified. On the base of this, the archetypal landscape of Suseungdae area is figured out as the ‘Guyeon-dong(龜淵洞)’ area coming down from ‘Cheoksuam(滌愁巖)’ to ‘Byeoram(鼈巖)’. Third, many archetypal landscape elements are from the locations along the river. Among them, the ones named with rock: Am(巖) and Seok(石), which are shapes of turtles or terrapins, take the high rate and so do the ones named with ‘Dam(潭)’, which are waterscape. Fourth, among the cultural landscape elements, there are many garden structures such as Nujeong(樓亭) and Seowon(書院), which are located at the spots of viewing the landscape and the structures like banks, bridges and dams are also included. Furthermore, the letters engraved on the rocks are mainly about the landscape elements and are sometimes about the records of building and operating the landscapes by the people who were appreciating the arts and nature. Based on the range and characteristics of the archetypal landscape in Suseungdae area from this study, it is needed to take follow-up studies on the guidelines for efficient management by means of classifying the detailed fields so that there are no negative factors conflicting with the adjacent land use.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Korean Indigenous Hylotelephium erythrostictum is widely distributed in South Korea and is used in Korean traditional medicine. In this study, the phylogenetic analysis of Korean native Hylotelephium erythrostictum and related plants on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences were investigated to distinguish its origin. Methods and Results : The phylogenetic analysis of 6 species of Hylotelephium were investigated by ITS. The dendrogram was constructed by UPGMA(Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) clustering algorithm based on genetic similarity of ITS. In the ITS sequence analysis, the size of total was varied from 676 to 779 bp. The size of ITS 1 was rated at 287bp, while ITS 2 was rated at 123bp. The G+C content of ITS region was ranged from 60 to 66%. In the ITS tree, six species of Hylotelephium were monophyletic, and H. viviparum was the first branching within the clade. Conclusion : H. spectabile formed a clade with H. erythrostictum, while H. verticillatum formed with H. viviparum.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study targets Korean culture theme park in Yeongju-Zone and World confucian scholar culture park in Bonghwa-Zone among the Three Major Cultural Areas Projects supervised by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The study analyzes the Historical and Cultural Authenticity of each project on the basis of the reports and the report materials for meeting with related organizations. The results of the study are drawn as follows. First, through the theoretical consideration, this study drew the types of authenticity: originality, identity, specificity and visibility, which are evaluation items on the Historical and Cultural Authenticity. Second, Bonghwa-Zone succeeded in acquiring originality with tangible cultural properties but Yeongju-Zone chose a project site without it. Third, with originality, Bonghwa-zone was evaluated as having resources and concept with high traditional culture connectivity and fulfilled identity. It led the feature showing the high affinity between originality and identity. Fourth, compared to the projects of Andong-Zone in the Three Major Cultural Areas Projects, these two projects failed to acquire the distinctions since the primary and the secondary influence area and major facilities & programs coincided with those of the projects of Andong-Zone. Fifth, compared to Bonghwa-Zone, Yeongju-Zone realized visibility faithfully by the conceptual flexibility of "Korean Culture" and a large-scale development. Sixth, in terms of the Historical and Cultural Authenticity of project plan, it is evaluated that Yeongju-Zone and Bonghwa-Zone only fulfilled visibility and specificity respectively.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        활용가치가 높은 부존식물자원인 갈대의 기내 번식을 통한 배양체계를 확립하고 재분화 식물체들의 유전적 다양성을 검토한 결과, 성숙종자 유래의 캘러스를 통한 기내 식물체 재분화는 N6배지에서 MS배지보다 양호하였고, 0.25~0.5 mg/L의 BA를 포함한 N6배지에서 가장 높았다. ISSR 마커를 이용하여 재분화 식물체의 유전적 안정성을 분석한 결과, 검출된 총 94 유전좌중 유전적 다형성은 17%였고, 평균 유전자다양도 값(h)은 0.03, BA 5 mg/L를 포함한 N6배지에서 0.008, NAA 0.1 mg/L와 kinetin 2 mg/L를 포함한 MS 배지에서 0.040으로 나타났다. 이것은 재분화된 갈대식물체 개체간에 유전적으로 구조가 매우 단순하고 균일하며, 유전적 다양성 진단에 ISSR 마커가 효과적임을 시사한다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        기내배양한 양란 심비디움 원괴체에 전자빔(2 MeV/n, 0.5 mA)을 10 Gy~300 Gy로 조사하여 생장 변화와 유전적 변이의 다양성을 검토하였다. 전자빔을 조사 후 배양 10주째에 선량의 증가에 따라 원괴체로부터 신초유도가 감소하였고, 200 Gy 이상의 선량을 조사한 처리구에서는 신초분화가 크게 억제되었다. 원괴체 18개체를 ISSR 분석한 결과 대조구는 12.5% 다형성을 나타내었고, 전자빔 조사구에서는 42.2%의 다형성을 나타내었다. RAPD 분석한 결과 대조구에서 13%의 다형성을 나타내었고, 전자빔 조사구에서는 43.8%의 다형성을 나타내었다. 따라서 RAPD 및 ISSR 분석 모두에서 전자빔 조사시 대조구보다 3.5배 정도 다형성이 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 유전적 유사도 지수(GSM)는 전자빔 처리가 대조구보다 낮게 나타나 전자빔 처리에 의하여 개체들 간의 유전적 다양성이 높아진 것으로 보인다. 군집분석 결과 RAPD와 ISSR 분석 모두 대조구와 전자빔 처리구가 분리되어 그룹을 이루었다. 이와 같이 전자빔 조사로 기내 배양 양란 심비디움의 유전적 다형성이 증대됨을 확인하였다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        식물유전자원의 소재를 확대하고자 동진 1호 벼의 건조 종자에 감마선(60Co, 300 Gy)을 조사하여 선발한 조기출수 계통의 유전적 변이성을 분석하였다. 선발한 조기출수 계통의 M7(2010년)과 M8(2011년) 세대에서 평균 출수기는 대조품종인 동진 1호(중만생종) 보다 각각 11일(γ-2 계통), 10일(γ-5 계통), 6일(γ-1 계통), 5일(γ-3 계통), 4일(γ-4 계통)이 빠르게 나타났다. ISSR 분석 결과, 선발계통의 유전적 다형성은 γ-2 계통 5.9%, γ-1 계통 7.5%, γ-4 계통 15.1%, γ-3 계통 15.3%, X-1 계통 19.4%, γ-5 계통 23.4%로 대조품종의 4.3% 보다 높게 나타나 방사선 조사로 DNA 수준에서 변이가 증가되었음을 확인하였다. 엽록체 DNA(rps16-trnK 영역) 분석 결과, 염기 길이는 대조 품종과 같은 664 bp인 반면, 총 5개 염기서열 영역에서 치환 변이가 발생하였고 그 중 6 bp 및 587 bp 영역의 변이는 선발 계통에서만 나타났다.