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        검색결과 310

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경상남도농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2021년 화색이 연황 색이며 화심이 녹색인 미니 절화용 거베라 품종 ‘크림쿠키’ (Cream Cookie)를 육성하였다. ‘크림쿠키’ 품종은 2014년 황색 미니 ‘Sun City’를 모본으로, 백색 미니 ‘Blandy’를 부 본으로 인공교배를 실시하여 육성된 품종이다. 2021년까지 생육 및 개화 특성검정과 기호도 조사를 실시하였으며 ‘크림 쿠키’의 생육 및 개화특성을 대조품종인 ‘Sun City’와 비교하 였다. ‘크림쿠키’는 연황색(RHS 4C) 꽃잎과 녹색 화심을 가진 반겹꽃 거베라 품종이다. 화폭이 7.1cm인 작은 꽃이며, 화경 장은 58.9cm였다. 화경 직경은 상부 0.4cm, 하부 0.7cm 였 다. 외부설상화의 길이는 2.8cm이며 폭은 0.8cm였다. 개화 소요일수는 65.7일로 ‘Sun City’에 비하여 18.8일 빨랐으며, 첫 개화시 엽수는 22.4매였다. 연간 주당 절화수량은 102.3 본으로 ‘Sun City’의 82.0본에 비하여 20.3본이 많았다. 절 화수명은 17.8일로 ‘Sun City’보다 4.1일 더 길었다. ‘크림쿠 키’는 화폭이 7.1cm의 미니 품종으로 연간 주당 100본 이상 절화 생산이 가능하다. 또한 수확 후 꽃 캡 씌우기, 꽃목 보강 등 추가적인 작업을 생략할 수 있어 생산비 절감이 가능하므 로 농가보급 확대가 기대된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), which affects cloven-hoofed animals, is economically important because of its highly contagious nature. FMD virus (FMDV), the causative agent of FMD, involves seven serotypes (O, A, Asia1, C, and SAT 1-3). Serotype Asia1 is unique to the Asian territory and is subdivided into nine genetic groups (G-I-IX) based on nucleotide variations in the VP1 sequence. Asia1 Shamir, the most representative Asia1 vaccine, is not highly protective against the Asia1/MOG/05 (G-V) lineage found in North Korea in 2007. Therefore, we investigated whether a chimeric virus strain (Asia1/MOG/Shamir), in which the VP4, VP2, and VP3 sequences of Asia1/MOG/05 were combined with the VP1 sequence of Asia1 Shamir, can simultaneously protect against both viruses. We determined the optimal viral growth conditions for the commercial utilization of this chimeric virus strain. Of the three types of cell culture media, the Cellvento medium resulted in the highest amount of antigen in the samples. The chimeric strain was proliferated in a small bioreactor to produce a test vaccine, and its immunogenicity was evaluated in pigs. The virus neutralization (VN) titer against the Asia1 Shamir virus was > 1/100 after the second immunization with the chimeric vaccine in pigs. In addition, a single dose of the test vaccine resulted in a VN titer of > 1/100 against the Asia1/MOG/05 strain. Taken together, our chimeric vaccine strain provided sufficient protection against the Asia1/MOG/05 and Asia1 Shamir viruses, suggesting its potential as a novel vaccine for both these strains.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nuclear fuel that melted during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 is still being cooled by water. In this process, contaminated water containing radioactive substances such as cesium and strontium is generated. The total amount of radioactive pollutants released by the natural environment due to the nuclear accident in Fukushima in 2011 is estimated to be 900 PBq, of which 10 to 37 PBq for cesium. Radioactive cesium (137Cs) is a potassium analog that exists in the water in the form of cations with similar daytime behavior and a small hydration radius and is recognized as a radioactive nuclide that has the greatest impact on the environment due to its long half-life (about 30 years), high solubility and diffusion coefficient, and gamma-ray emission. In this study, alginate beads were designed using Prussian blue, known as a material that selectively adsorbs cesium for removal and detection of cesium. To confirm the adsorption performance of the produced Prussian blue, immersion experiments were conducted using Cs standard solution, and MCNP simulations were performed by modeling 1L reservoir to conduct experiments using radioactive Cs in the future. An adsorption experiment was conducted with water containing standard cesium solution using alginate beads impregnated with Prussian blue. The adsorption experiment tested how much cesium of the same concentration was adsorbed over time. As a result, it was found that Prussian blue beads removed about 80% of cesium within 10-15 minutes. In addition, MCNP simulation was performed using a 1 L reservoir and a 3inch NaI detector to optimize the amount of Prussian blue. The results of comparing the efficiency according to the Prussian volume was shown. It showed that our designed system holds great promise for the cleanup and detection of radioactive cesium contaminated seawater around nuclear plants and/or after nuclear accidents. Thus, this work is expected to provide insights into the fundamental MCNP simulation based optimization of Prussian blue for cesium removal and this work based MCNP simulation will pave the way for various practical applications.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The domestic Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PWHR) nuclear power plant, Wolsong Unit 1, was permanently shut down on December 24, 2019. However, research on decommissioning has mainly focused on Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs), with a notable absence of both domestic and international experience in the decommissioning of PHWRs. If proper business management such as radiation safety and waste is not performed, it can lead to increased business risks and costs in decommissioning. Therefore, the assessment of waste volume and cost, which provide fundamental data for the nuclear decommissioning process, is a crucial technical requirement before initiating the actual decommissioning of Wolsong Unit 1. Decommissioning radiation-contaminated structures and facilities presents significant challenges due to high radiation levels, making it difficult for workers to access these areas. Therefore, technology development should precede decommissioning process assessments and safety evaluations, facilitating the derivation of optimal decommissioning procedures and ensuring worker safety while enhancing the efficiency of decommissioning operations. In this study, we have developed a program to estimate decommissioning waste amounts for PHWRs, building upon prior research on PWR decommissioning projects while accounting for the specific design characteristics of PHWRs. To evaluate the amount of radioactive waste generated during decommissioning, we considered the characteristics of radioactive waste, disposal methods, packaging container specifications, and the criteria for the transfer of radioactive waste to disposal operators. Based on the derived algorithm, we conducted a detailed design and implemented the program. The proposed program is based on 3D modeling of the decommissioning components and the calculation of the Work Difficulty Factor (WDF), which is used to determine the time weighting factors for each task. Program users can select the cutting and packaging conditions for decommissioning components, estimate waste amount based on the chosen decommissioning method, and calculate costs using time weighting factors. It can be applied not only to PHWRs, but also to PWRs and non-nuclear fields, providing a flexible tool for optimizing decommissioning process.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 유입 가능성이 높은 검역 관리해충인 Spodoptera eridania 및 S. ornithogalli는 전 세계적으로 토마토, 콩 등 여러 종의 작물을 가해하는 광식성 해충이다. 이에 따라 국내 유입 시 해당 작물에 높은 경제적 피해를 입힐 가능성 이 있으므로 신속 정확한 진단이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 상기 두 종을 대상으로 현장 활용이 가능한 LAMP 진단법 개발을 수행하였다. 표적종 두 종 및 비표적종 11종(국내 발생 Spodoptera 종 및 동일 기주 가해종 등)의 전장유전체 정보를 확보한 후 비교 분석을 통해 각 표적종 별 특이적 영역을 확보한 후 해당 영역을 대상으로 LAMP 프라이머를 제작하였다. DNA 농도 10 ng/μL, 반응시간 40분을 기준으로 LAMP 진단을 수행한 결과, Spodoptera eridania는 5개의 LAMP 진단 마커를 개발하였고, S. ornithogalli는 3개의 LAMP 진단 마커를 개발하였다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bombyx mandarina (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), the presumed ancestor of B. mori, has long been a subject of study to illustrate the geographic relationships in connection with origin of B. mori. We report 97 mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences of B. mandarina collected from Korea and Japan. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses showed that all individuals of B. mandarina collected in Korean localities formed a strong group together with all individuals originated from northern China (mainly north of the Qinling-Huaihe line) and some of southern China. This group was placed as the sister group to B. mori strians suggesting that this group had been served as an immediate progenitor for B. mori.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the recent concern regarding cellulose enhancing radionuclide mobility upon its degradation to ISA, disposal of cellulosic wastes is being held off until the disposal safety is vindicated. Thus, a rational assessment should be conducted, applying an appropriate cellulose degradation model considering the disposal environment and cellulose degradation mechanisms. In this paper cellulose degradation mechanisms and the disposal environment are studied to propose the best-suitable cellulose degradation model for the domestic 1st phase repository. For the cellulose to readily degrade, the pH should be greater than 12.5. As in the case of SKB, 1BLA is excluded from the safety assessment because the pH of 1BLA remains below 12.5. Furthermore, despite cellulose degradation occurring, it does not always produce ISA. At low Ca2+ concentration, the ISA yield rate is around 25%, but at high Ca2+ concentration, the ISA yield rate increases up to 90%. Thus, for the cellulose to be a major concern, both pH and Ca2+ concentration conditions must be satisfied. To satisfy both conditions, the cement hydration must be in 2nd phase, when the porewater pH remains around 12.5 and a significant amount of Ca2+ ion is leaching out from the cement. However, according to the safety evaluation and domestic research, 2nd phase of cement hydration for silo concrete would achieve a pH of around 12.4, dissatisfying cellulose degradation condition like in 1BLA. Thus, cellulose degradation would be unlikely to occur in the domestic 1st phase repository. To derive waste acceptance criteria, a quantitative evaluation should be conducted, conservatively assuming cellulose is degraded. To conduct a safety evaluation, an appropriate degradation model should be applied to determine the degradation rate of cellulose. According to overseas research, despite the mid-chain scission being yet to be seen in the experiments, the degradation model considering mid-chain scission is applied, resulting in an almost 100% degradation rate. The model is selected because the repositories are backfilled with cement, achieving a pH greater than 13, so extensive degradation is reasonably conservative. However, under the domestic disposal condition, where cellulose degradation is unlikely to occur, applying such model would be excessively conservative. Thus, the peeling and stopping model derived by Van Loon and Haas, which suggests 10~25% degradation rate, is reasonably conservative. Based on this model, cellulose would not be a major concern in the domestic 1st phase repository. In the future, this study could be used as fundamental data for planning waste acceptance criteria.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Concerns with colloids, dispersed 1~1,000 nm particles, in the LILW repository are being raised due to their potential to enhance radionuclide release. Due to their large surface areas, radionuclides may sorb onto mobile colloids, and drift along with the colloidal transport, instead of being sorbed onto immobile surfaces. To prevent adverse implications on the safety of the repository, the colloidal impact must be evaluated. In this paper, colloid analysis done by SKB is studied, and factors to be considered for the safety assessment of colloids are analyzed. First, the colloid generation mechanism should be analyzed. In a cementitious repository, due to a highly alkaline environment, colloid formation from wastes may be promoted by the decomposition of organic materials, dissolution of inorganic materials, and corrosion of metals. Radiolysis is excluded when radionuclide inventory is moderate, as in the case of SKB. Second, colloid stability should be evaluated to determine whether colloids remain in dispersion. Stable colloids acquire electric charges, allowing particles to continuously repel one another to prevent coagulation. Thus, stability depends on the pH and ionic condition of the surroundings, and colloid composition. For instance, under a highly alkaline cementitious environment, colloids tend to be negatively charged, repelling each other, but Ca2+ ion from cement, acting as a coagulant, makes colloid unstable, promoting sedimentation. As in the case of SKB, the colloidal impact is assumed negligible in the silo, BMA, and BTF due to their extensive cement contents, but for BLA, with relatively less cement source, the colloidal impact is a potential concern. Third, colloid mobility should be assessed to appraise radionuclide release via colloid transport. The mobility depends on the density and size of colloids, and flow velocity to commence motion. As a part of the assessment, the filtration effect should also be included, which depends on pore size and structure. As in the case of SKB, due to static hydraulic conditions and engineering barriers, acting as efficient filters, colloidal transport is expected to be unlikely. In the domestic underground repository, the highly alkaline environment would lead to colloid formation, but due to high Ca2+ concentration and low flow velocity, colloids would achieve low stability and mobility, thus colloidal impact would be a minor concern. In the future, with further detailed analysis of each factor, waste composition, and disposal condition, reliable data for safety evaluation could be generated to be used as fundamental data for planning waste acceptance criteria.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the subacute oral toxicity of Dendropanax morbiferus H.Lév leaves hot-water extracts (DMWE) using male and female Spargue-Dawley rats. Rats were orally administered the DMWE at dose levels of 0, 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mg/kg body weight (BW) for four weeks. For experimental period, clinical signs and the number of deaths were examined, and feed intake and BW of all experimental animals were measured once a week for four weeks. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected from all rats, and all animals were euthanized and autopsies were performed to collect major organs. No dead animals were found during the experimental period. In addition, no differences were found between control and DMWE-treated groups in feed intakes, BW changes, organ weights, clinical signs, hematological parameters, and serum biochemical parameters. The results of this study provided evidence that oral administration of DMWE at the dose of 2,000 mg/kg BW is safe in rats and may not exert severe toxic effects.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the acute toxicity of Dendropanax morbiferus H.Lév leaf hot-water extracts (DMWE) was examined in male and female ICR mice. Mice were orally administered the DMWE at dose levels of 0, 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg body weight (BW) for single-dose toxicity test. There were no significant differences in change of BW between control and all DMWE treated-groups. In hematological and blood biochemical analysis, none of the parameters were affected by the DMWE. Similarly, there were no significant effects on markers for liver and kidney functions in all DMWE treated-groups. Since there were no adverse effects of the DMWE in single oral toxicity tests, even at the highest doses, it was concluded that the lethal dose 50 (LD50) of DMWE is estimated at > 2,000 mg/kg BW.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the aging of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in 37 countries around the world, 207 out of 437 NPPs have been permanently shutdown as of August 2022 according to the IAEA. In Korea, the decommissioning of NPPs is emerging as a challenge due to the permanent shutdown of Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1. However, there are no cases of decommissioning activities for Heavy Water Reactor (HWR) such as Wolsong Unit 1 although most of the decommissioning technologies for Light Water Reactor (LWR) such as Kori Unit 1 have been developed and there are cases of overseas decommissioning activities. This study shows the development of a decommissioning waste amount/cost/process linkage program for decommissioning Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR), i.e. CANDU NPPs. The proposed program is an integrated management program that can derive optimal processes from an economic and safety perspective when decommissioning PHWR based on 3D modeling of the structures and digital mock-up system that links the characteristic data of PHWR, equipment and construction methods. This program can be used to simulate the nuclear decommissioning activities in a virtual space in three dimensions, and to evaluate the decommissioning operation characteristics, waste amount, cost, and exposure dose to worker. In order to verify the results, our methods for calculating optimal decommissioning quantity, which are closely related to radiological impact on workers and cost reduction during decommissioning, were compared with the methods of the foreign specialized institution (NAGRA). The optimal decommissioning quantity can be calculated by classifying the radioactivity level through MCNP modeling of waste, investigating domestic disposal containers, and selecting cutting sizes, so that costs can be reduced according to the final disposal waste reduction. As the target waste to be decommissioning for comparative study with NAGRA, the calandria in PHWR was modeled using MCNP. For packaging waste container, NAGRA selected three (P2A, P3, MOSAIK), and we selected two (P2A, P3) and compared them. It is intended to develop an integrated management program to derive the optimal process for decommissioning PHWR by linking the optimal decommissioning quantity calculation methodology with the detailed studies on exposure dose to worker, decommissioning order, difficulty of work, and cost evaluation. As a result, it is considered that it can be used not only for PHWR but also for other types of NPPs decommissioning in the future to derive optimal results such as worker safety and cost reduction.
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