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        검색결과 12

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Patients with low back pain (LBP) experience misalignments in the center of pressure (COP) and muscle imbalances due to frequent onesided posture adjustments to avoid pain. Objectives: To identify the effects of Squat Exercises with Vertical Whole-Body Vibration on the Center of Pressure and Trunk Muscle Activity. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty LBP patients with an imbalance in the COP were sampled and randomly assigned to an experimental group of 15 patients who under went an intervention involving squat exercises with vertical WBV and a control group of 15 patients who were treated via a walking intervention. As pretests before the interventions, the subjects’ COP was identified by measuring their stability index (ST), and erector spinae, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, gluteus medius muscle activity was analyzed by determining the % reference voluntary contraction (%RVC) value using surface electromyography while sit to stand. After four weeks, a post test was conducted to remeasure the same variables using the same methods. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the ST (P<.01) and trunk muscle (P<.05, P<.001) in the experimental group before and after the intervention. In terms of the differences between the left- and right-side (RL) muscle activity, only the transverse abdominis (TrA) and gluteus medius (GM) exhibited statistically significant increase (P<.05). A comparison of the groups showed statistically significant differences in the TrA with respect to muscle activity (P<.05) and in the RLTrA and RLGM in terms ofthe difference between left- and right-side muscle activity (P<.01). Conclusion: Squat exercises with vertical WBV produced effective changes in the COP of patients with LBP by reducing muscle imbalances through the delivery of a uniform force. In particular, strengthening the TrA and reducing an imbalance in the GM were determined to be important factors in improving the COP.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Compared to healthy people, patients with chronic lower back pain have reduced balance abilities which may cause proprioception problems, patients with chronic lower back pain avoid physical activities due to pain, and reduced activity levels lead to muscle weakening, which can further exacerbate pain. Recently, there have been many studies on the use of sensory stimulation; and among these studies, interventions that use vibrational stimulation have shown functional improvements in the patients. Objects: This study examined the effects of a stabilization exercise with vibration stimulation on the balance ability and disability in patients with chronic back pain. Methods: The subjects of the study were 30 persons who were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group, with 15 subjects in each. The subjects were evaluated before and after intervention via a balance ability test, the Korean Oswestry disability index (KODI) test, a pain test, and a proprioceptive sensory test. Both groups received general physical therapy. The experimental group performed the stabilization exercise with vibration stimulation, and the control group performed a general stabilization exercise, three times a week for six weeks. Results: After the intervention, both groups showed significant improvements in the balance ability test, the KODI test, the pain test, and the proprioceptive sensory test. The experimental group showed statistically significant, higher improvements than the control group in the balance ability test, the KODI test, and the proprioceptive sensory test. Conclusions: The stabilization exercise with vibration stimulation for patients with chronic back pain has been reported to provide greater functional improvements than the conventional intervention method. Therefore, the stabilization exercise in a vibration stimulation environment could be a useful intervention for patients with chronic back pain.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, measuring instruments for SHM of structures had being developed. In general, the wireless transmission of sensor signals, compared to its wired counterpart, is preferable due to its absence of triboelectric noise and elimination of the requirement for cumbersome cable. Preliminary studies on the continuous vibration measurement of high-rise buildings using MEMS sensors have been carried out. However, the research on the low-rise buildings with relatively small vibration levels is insufficient. Therefore, in this paper, we used the wireless MEMS sensor to compare and analyze the vibration measurements of three low-rise buildings.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With increasing number construction of high-rise building which has about 40 to 60 floors there have been many kinds of problem which related with usage from vibration. To predict response acceleration, it is important to assess correct natural frequency. However, due to the noise of MEMS sensor, it is difficult to measure dynamic characteristic such as natural frequency when measuring ambient vibration using MEMS sensor within cell phone. Therefore, a comparative analysis on vibration measuring applications was performed after measuring ambient vibration of 2 skyscrappers which have height between 133.5~244.3m that are located in Seoul and Observation tower using I-jishin APP with noise reduction function of MEMS sensor in order to verify the effectiveness of low noise type vibration measurement APP.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        풍동 내 난류를 생성하기 위해서는 난류격자를 사용한 수동적 방법이나 난류발생장치를 활용한 능동적 방법을 활용한다. 그 중 격자에 의한 방법은 상대적으로 손쉽게 다양한 크기의 난류강도를 구현할 수 있다. 격자에 의해 생성된 난류의 강도는 격자요소의 크기, 격자요소의 간격, 격자로부터 측정점까지의 거리에 좌우된다. 단일 격자요소에 의해 발생된 난류에 대하여 세 가지 요소의 효과를 먼저 분석하였다. 격자의 크기가 커질수록, 격자요소 간의 간격이 가까워질수록, 그리고 격자로부터 측정점의 거리가 가까울수록 난류강도가 상승하는 경향을 확인하였다. 1m의 폭을 갖는 풍동에서 측정점 기준 좌우 350mm 내의 범위에 대해 측정된 난류는 적정 수준의 균질성도 확보하고 있었다. 교량 거더의 연직 와류진동을 평가하기 위해 필요한 수준의 연직 난류강도를 2.5%로 보고 이와 같은 낮은 수준의 난류강도를 구현할 수 있는 격자를 제작하였으며, 그 과정에서 파악된 현상 등을 제시하였다.
        2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a shear wall-slab damper system for seismic retrofitting of existing low-rise school buildings was proposed. The proposed system is to control the earthquake-induced vibration of the existing building structures using the energy dissipation effect of hysteretic damper inserted between the extended shear wall and existing moment frame. The numerical analyses were performed to investigate the vibration control efficiency of the shear wall-slab damper system and to identify the range of optimal yielding strength of the slab damper. In addition, variation of shear force of the extended shear wall with regard to the yield strength of the dampers in a range from 10 to 100 percent of the maximum base shear force of the retrofitted structure was investigated. The numerical analyses results showed that the maximum displacement of the structures with the slab damper whose yield strength is equal to 20 percent of the maximum base shear. On top of that, the slab damper system reduced the shear force of the shear wall by about 50 percent in comparison with the existing frame-shear wall system with rigid diaphragm slabs.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is concerned with the dynamic characteristics of buildings, especially with the measurement of the natural frequencies(natural periods) and the damping. Process of ambient vibration and synchronized human excitation tests for natural period and damping are given. Data from measurement on 16 reinforced concrete buildings in Seoul and Seoul national university of technology are given. 16 Low-rise Reinforced concrete buildings are measured for ambient vibration to obtain the vibrations characteristics. The natural periods obtained by ambient vibration measurements are compared with those of forecast model suggested by standards and foreign researchers. The natural periods show a clear dependence on building height. On the other hand, the damping ration scatter under the influence of various factors, for example, building height and natural frequency.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        무가선 저상트램은 친환경 고효율 교통수단으로서 저렴한 건설비, 도시 미관의 개선, 도시 주변 지역 활성화 및 승객 편의성 확보 등의 장점을 보유한 신교통 수단으로 10개 이상의 지역단체에서 도입을 검토 중에 있다. 이에 따라 무가선 저상트램 차량과 노면선로 및 도로교통과 복합된 신호시스템의의 개발, 인프라시스템 구축을 위한 연구가 활발히 진행 중에 있다. 무가선 저상트램 노면선로 중 도심지 구간에서는 레일이 노면에 매립되는 매립형궤도 시스템이 적용되고 있다. 매립형궤도 시스템은 소음 진동의 저감, 공기 단축 및 유지보수 최소화 등의 장점을 보유한 것으로 알려져 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 국내에서 시공사례가 전무한 매립형궤도 시스템을 설계하여 시험시공을 수행하였고 시공과정에서 발생한 문제점을 파악하였다. 또한 시험선 완공 후 진동과 소음을 일반 자갈도상궤도와 비교 측정하여 매립형궤도 시스템의 소음 진동 저감 성능을 정략적으로 분석하였다.