지진취약도를 산정하기 위해서는 목표 부지의 특성을 제대로 표현할 수 있는 입력 지진파의 산정이 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 국내 외 강진 및 중‧약진 지역에서의 입력 지진파에 대한 단자유도 모델의 지진취약도를 분석하였다. 분석을 위한 첫 번째 단계로, 국외 강 진 기록 중 근/원거리에서 측정한 2개의 입력 지진파 세트와 국내 중·약진 지역 특성에 적합한 입력 지진파 2개의 세트, 총 4개의 입력 지진파 세트를 선정하였다. 대상 구조물로는 3가지 고유주기에 대한 비선형 단자유도 모델을 적용하였고, 취약도 분석을 위해 증분동 적해석을 이용하였다. 또한, 4가지 손상 상태를 정의하고, 손상 상태 각각에 대해 4가지 입력 지진파 세트의 고유주기별 지진취약도 결과를 제시하였다.
처분시설의 개발과정에서 안전성평가 문서관리는 체계적인 품질활동이 수반되어야 하며, 본 논문에서는 중·저준위 방사 성폐기물 처분시설의 건설단계에 보완된 부지특성, 지하수특성, 최종설계내용 및 모니터링 입력데이터를 포함하여 Safety Case를 위한 안전성평가 입력데이터 품질보증체계를 설명하였다. 현장/실험결과데이터, 실제 설계데이터 및 적치계획, 콘 크리트 물성데이터, 지하수, 기상, 지진에 대한 현장 모니터링데이터, 생태계데이터 및 핵종재고량데이터를 입력데이터 결 정원칙에 따라 선별하고 안전성평가에 적용할 수 있는 데이터 관리체계를 확보하였다. 이는 향후 처분시설 안전성평가의 데 이터 불확실성 저감 및 안전성 증진에 기여할 것으로 판단된다.
New QTLs were identified for high grain yield with long panicle in rice. A total of 137 F15 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Dasanbyeo (Tongil) and TR22183 (japonica), together with the parents were evaluated for 16 agronomic traits at IRRI in dry and wet seasons under different phosphorus (P) and irrigation conditions. A linkage map was constructed using 236 polymorphic markers in 384-plex Bead Xpress indica-japonica single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) platform. P and water effects were significant in both wet and dry seasons. Both parents and RILs showed varying degree of sensitivities to scarcities in water and phosphorus in terms of panicle length. Collocating with 20 yield-related QTLs, the panicle QTLs on chromosomes 1 (pl01) ,2 (pl02), 9 (pl09), and 11 (pl11) under low P and rainfed conditions were identified. RILs with TR22183 allele at pl11 showed longer panicle length under low P input rainfed condition in dry and wet seasons. The whole-genome sequences of the two varieties are being compared to design the molecular markers for fine-mapping and candidate gene identification. Based on Nipponbare MSU 7.0 annotation, a total of 1464 genes with predicted function were identified within the four QTL regions. Candidate genes identified in other studies for QTLs under low P and water conditions, such as calmodulin and dehydrin genes, were targeted for designing molecular markers for fine-mapping and expression analysis. Pyramiding the panicle length QTLs correlating with yield QTLs will provide an opportunity of improving yield traits.
This paper proposes a novel face detection method that finds tiny faces located at a long range even with low-resolution input images captured by a mobile robot. The proposed approach can locate extremely small-sized face regions of 12x12 pixels. We solve a tiny face detection problem by organizing a system that consists of multiple detectors including a mean-shift color tracker, short- and long-rage face detectors, and an omega shape detector. The proposed method adopts the long-range face detector that is well trained enough to detect tiny faces at a long range, and limiting its operation to only within a search region that is automatically determined by the mean-shift color tracker and the omega shape detector. By focusing on limiting the face search region as much as possible, the proposed method can accurately detect tiny faces at a long distance even with a low-resolution image, and decrease false positives sharply. According to the experimental results on realistic databases, the performance of the proposed approach is at a sufficiently practical level for various robot applications such as face recognition of non-cooperative users, human-following, and gesture recognition for long-range interaction.
An efficient low-input system (LIS) for fertiliser use in rice cultivation is necessary to reduce fossil energy use and pollution. Japanese people like Japonica rice, especially cv. Koshihikari. However, it has very low lodging resistance in Japanese weather condition. Our objective was to develop a LIS with the minimum sacrifice of grain yield in rice. Koshihikari was grown using conventional fertilization as a control (CON) with 4 g N m-2 ., 8g P2 O5 m-2 and 8 g K2 O m-2 as a basal fertilizer dressing. It was compared with a low fertilizer treatment (LF) with only 4 g P2 O5 m-2 as a basal dressing in the first year and no basal phosphorus fertilizer in the second year. Chopped rice straw was incorporated into the soil before the cropping season in both years. Fertilizer of 4 g N m-2 was top-dressed at 15 days before heading in CON plots and 30 days before heading in LF plots in both years. Lodging was significantly less in LF than in CON plots, however, no rice straw effect was found in low fertilized condition. Grain yields in LF plots were reduced by 15-16% below those of CON plots. Lower yields in LF plots were associated with a reduced number of spikelets per unit area. However, big spikelet size was acquired in LF by 10 days earlier N top dressing than CON plots. A close relationship was found between spikelet numbers and N content of the plant at heading, and between grain yield or shoot dry weight and N content of the plant at maturity. Regardless of the fertilizer application methods, N use efficiency for the number of spikelets, final total dry matter and grain yield was essentially identical among fertilizer treatments. The reduced growth and yield in the LF plots resulted from low absorption of nitrogen. Conclusively, LIS can drastically reduce chemical fertilizer use and facilitate harvest operations by reducing lodging with some yield reduction..
A field experiment was carried out to observe the weed control effects of vetch and to evaluate vetch characteristics on clay loam soil in no-till direct-sown rice-vetch cropping systems. The effects of weed control, forage productivity, and N content of vetch plants were investigated. With the progress of plant growth, density of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) gradually decreased, but densities of foxtail and other weeds decreased steeply due to the depression by the over-shaded vetch canopy in a no-till direct-sown rice-vetch cropping paddy field. The vetch density in tillage systems was lower than in notillage cropping systems. Lower vetch density occurred with an increase in foxtail density and other weeds. Weed control effect increased by the progress of vetch growth, which indicated that the vetch canopy over-shaded the weeds. Vetch straw was degraded rapidly submergence after with water at the time of wet sowing of rice. Early harvesting of vetch seed resulted in lower seed germination. To acquire enough seedlings without re-sowing, the harvesting of seed should be delayed at least 28 days after the flowering stage in order to ensure the vetch population is sustainable in a no-till direct-sown rice-vetch cropping system. In order to improve the survival of vetch plants, vetch seeds should germinate from the heading .stage to before the full-ripening stage of rice plants. To enhance the percent of over-wintering survival, vetch seeds should germinate no later than the end of October in southern Korea. The dry weight of vetch plants increased with the progress of vetch growth until the flowering stage but N content decreased for 30 days from before the flowering stage (2.9%) until the ripening stage (1.8%). We concluded that Chinese milk vetch could have an effect on weed control before the flowering stage, sustainability without re-sowing of seed annually, and effective green manure for rice pre-crop in no-till direct-sown rice-vetch relay cropping systems.
노동력부족이 심화되는 농촌현실에서 이앙을 하지 않는 벼직파재배가 점차 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 건답과 담수직파재배를 실시하고 기존의 이앙재배와 수량성, 노동생산성 및 수익성을 비교하여 영농노력을 절감하고 경영비용을 저하시킬 수 있는 가능성을 검토하여 직파의 적부를 평가하였다. 다수성을 진속하면서 경영을 개선하기 위하여 농용자재의 적정투입과 생력화로서 영농노력을 절감하고 경영비용을 저하시켜 벼농사의 경영채산성을 확립 하고자 하였다. 직파재배는 무효분얼이 많이 발생하여 유효경비율이 50%에 불과하였고 출수기는 약 9일이 지연되었으나 현미수량은 이앙과 차이가 없이 455kg/10a(건답), 480kg/10a(담수)을 생산하였다. 노동시간투입은 이앙에 비하여 17%(건답), 28%(담수)씩 감소시켰고 생산비소요는 20%(건답), 32%(담수)를 절감하였고 농용에너지 투입은 건답은 약 5% 감소시켰으나 담수는 3% 증가되었다. 담수재배가 건답보다 생력화와 생산성에서 보다 효과적이었다. 직파재배는 본답기간이 연장되어 비료와 제초제의 증시가 필요하였고 앞으로 이들 보조에너지들의 절감과 효율성을 높이는 기술이 개발되어야 하겠다.