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        검색결과 7

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Molten salt reactor (MSR) is one of the non-pressurized-water fourth-generation reactors that uses liquid nuclear fuel that integrates coolant and nuclear fuel, so it is a safe reactor that can fundamentally prevent severe accidents caused by coolant loss. MSR uses NaCl-MgCl2 as a coolant salt, which is considered a promising diluent that can dissolve the fuel salt by forming an eutectic mixture. In this study, a zone-melting system was used to remove impurities from the NaCl-MgCl2 used in MSR. The system was designed in detail to control eutectic salt impurities by traversing long charges into a small molten zone.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Attempts to use the molten salt system in various aspects such as MSR or energy storage systems are increasing. However, there are limitations in the molten salt-assisted technique due to the harsh corrosiveness of the molten salt, and a more detailed study on salt-induced corrosion is needed to solve this problem. In this study, corrosion behaviors of 80Ni-20Cr alloy in various salt environments such as eutectic NaCl-MgCl2 with NiCl2, CrCl2, and EuCl3 additives were investigated. Meanwhile, the corrosion acceleration effects of 80Ni-20Cr specimens were analyzed for various ceramic materials such as SiC, Al2O3, SiO2, graphite, and BN, and metallic materials such as Ni-based alloy, Fe-based alloy, and pure metals in a molten salt environment. The experiments were conducted at 973 K for up to 28 days, and after the experiment, the microstructural change of the specimen was analyzed through SEM-EDS, and salt condition was analyzed by ICP-OES.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Molten Salt Reactor, which employs molten salt mixture as fuel, has many advantages in reactor size and operation compared to conventional nuclear reactor. In developing Molten Salt Reactor, Offgas system should be properly designed since the fission products in off-gas accelerates the corrosion in reactor structure materials and deteriorates the purity of liquid fuel. The design of off-gas system therefore requires the preliminary study of the behavior of evolved fission products in off-gas units and the development of off-gas model is crucial in developing such system. In this study, we corrected the off-gas illustrative model proposed by ORNL (Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol 385(15) 111529, 2021) by employing physically consistent concept of capture rate of fission product and holdup. For the application of the corrected off-gas model to Chloride-based 6 MW Molten Salt Reactor, major fission products were firstly determined from OpenMC based neutronics calculation and chain reaction related to the major fission products were defined. Based on these data, the holdup behavior of fission products in off-gas units (decay tank, caustic scrubber, Halide trap, H2O trap and charcoal bad) were investigated.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A molten salt reactor (MSR) has considerably attracted attention due to its several advantages for the safety and efficiency over the light water reactors. Because the structural material in MSR is contacted with high-temperature liquid fuel during long-term, the excellent material for corrosion resistance is required to be applied in MSR. In this study, we evaluated the corrosion resistance for alloy 600 and 617, which are the nickel-based materials, in KCl molten salt at 800ºC for 100 h under Ar atmosphere containing less than 1 ppm of moisture and oxygen. After the corrosion experiments of alloy 600 and 617, the amount of the weight loss for them caused by the KCl molten salt were determined. In addition, the variation in the crystal structure, surface morphology, and elemental distribution was examined using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) do not contain their fuel in assemblies. It is then not possible to perform traditional item counting and visual accountability of the salt fuel. These facilities are closer to bulk accounting facilities, such as reprocessing plants, and require inventory determinations based on measurements of the actinide content of salts. This can be problematic due to the difficulty of sampling and the destructive analysis of actinide-containing molten salts. Some problems arise from the unique combination of high temperature and high radiation environments present in molten salt fuels. Another challenge is the continuous change in the isotopic concentration of fuel salts due to burn-up, conversion, plating out, and online chemical processing. There is a potential for fuel stocks outside the reactor containment vessel in on-site salt processing. In terms of proliferation resistance of 233U-232Th fuel cycle, the nuclide 232U is an important nuclide in thorium fuel cycle from the standpoint of proliferation resistance, because its daughter Thallium (208Tl) is a strong gamma (2.6 MeV) emitter. The hard gamma ray is not only barrier from to nuclear material theft, but also an effective means of detecting lost fissile material. However, there is a theoretical weakness in obtaining pure 233U at the core of the initial two weeks with a concentration of 232Pu less than 1,000 ppm. Therefore, Pu separation process is one of the most sensitive parts in online reprocessing facility. The decision to use a fertile blanket should also be based on proliferation risk considerations in addition to operational parameters. MSRs can be designed without a separate fertile blanket, which should be considered. In the case of the MSFR, even if fertile blankets are used, the production of 232U is large enough to make difficult the utilization of blankets for proliferation purpose. For the liquid-fueled MSRs without fissile materials separations, many of the observations from the previous section apply, except salt processing is minimized. The reactors will still need some method of estimating total actinide content. These reactor designs reduce proliferation risk for the reactor by not separating any actinides during operation.