
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2003.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The four types of management accounting systems(traditional full costing, direct costing, activity-based costing, throughput accounting) are compared in this study. This paper reviews the differences between throughput and contribution margin. The paper concludes that the definition of totally variable cost(TVC) to calculate throughput is situational specific.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate the factors which impact the possibility of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) implementation in automobile companies in Vietnam. A survey was carried out with automobile enterprises’ managers, getting 198 usable respondents, with data and theoretical model analyzed by using SPSS with EFA method. Results indicated that in Vietnamese automobile enterprises, the possibility of EMA implementation was driven by elements including motivation to reduce production costs, reactions to environmental issues, compliance to legislation, procedures and processes in the working environment which they are in business. The government and professional institutions should play a vital role in promoting EMA practices by issuing specific guidelines and continuous training. Besides, tax authorities should apply the favor policies such as tax incentives to stimulate interest enterprises to implement EMA. However, this study’s results only reflect about 63.7% of the impact to the implementation of EMA in Vietnamese automotive enterprises, so there are still some other factors that should be found out in the future researches. This is the first attempt to systematically analyze enterprises’ perception and willingness to apply EMA in Vietnamese automobile industry. This study contributes to not only the existing empirical literature of EMA but also enterprises’ managers in Vietnam and other transitional economies.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study explores whether the implementation of sustainability disclosure can trigger or stimulate the change in the roles of management accountants in adopting organizations in Vietnam as business partners. To do so, it explores the roles of management accountants in integrated reporting (IR) adopting organizations and sustainability reporting (SR) adopting organizations based on the use of the pragmatic constructivism (PC) theoretical framework. In addition, qualitative semi-structured interviews were used to provide an in-depth investigation of management accountants’ work in both IR and SR adopting organizations. The empirical findings suggest that the adoption of the IR framework has triggered changes in management accountant roles toward the new business partner roles to support the decision-making process within their organizations. On the other hand, management accountants from SR adopting organizations still work as traditional “bean-counter” roles. Our paper concludes by indicating several propositions based on our empirical findings that can be tested by future researchers from the domain by collecting relevant data. Our study can be seen as a response to the recent call for a more in-depth examination of the practice of sustainability disclosure from the practitioners’ perspectives in adopting organizations.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study investigates the relationship between broad-scope management accounting information usage, market orientation, and the firm performance. This study employs a survey data of 149 top-level and mid-level managers working in Vietnamese tourism enterprises. To analyze research data, we employ SmartPLS 3 software. The analytical process include measurement model evaluation (evaluate the scale’s validity and reliability) and structural model evaluation (test research hypotheses). The results reveal that broad-scope management accounting information usage has a positive direct effect on market orientation dimensions (include information generation, information dissemination, and responsiveness). Then, market orientation dimensions also have positive direct effects on the performance of Vietnamese tourism firms, excluding information dissemination. Moreover, this study also reveals that the market orientation dimensions mediate the relationship between broad-scope management accounting information usage and firm performance. The findings of this study suggest that tourism firms should pay more attention to the use of management accounting information in decision-making. With the increasingly fierce competition of the tourism firms today, capturing and meeting the needs of the market is a prerequisite to help firms enhance their competitiveness and improve their performance. To do that, Vietnamese tourism firms need to consider pursuing market orientation and enhancing broad-scope management accounting information usage.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the effects of factors related to management accounting systems and managerial performance. The factors include budgetary participation, decentralization, and management style. Furthermore, this research investigates the consequences of the management accounting systems on managerial performance and the direct effect between management style and budgetary participation on managerial performance. Survey questionnaires were distributed to both public and private hospitals in Palembang, the South Sumatera region, Indonesia. The sample consisted of 62 respondents from 15 hospitals Target respondents were all managers in hospitals, including financial managers, service managers, human resource managers, quality managers, and other managers. The questionnaire was distributed online to each hospital, and approximately five or more questionnaires were hardcopies. This research was conducted over less than six months. The data obtained were processed via excel files, then checked for conformity, and analyzed by partial least square (PLS) software with descriptive statistics. This study uses path analysis, which that is structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings show that management style, decentralization, and budgetary participation significantly affect management accounting systems. However, management style and budgetary participation did not influence managerial performance. Finally, the findings indicate that management accounting systems are positively affected by managerial performance.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the effects of strategic management accounting on firm performance of finance businesses in Thailand. Strategic management accounting comprises of environmental scanning, competitor orientation and forward-looking information. In this study, 175 finance businesses in Thailand are the samples of the study. A mail survey procedure was used for data collection. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis is employed to test the research relationships. Firstly, environmental scanning positively affects operational excellence, organizational effectiveness and firm performance. Secondly, competitor orientation is positively related to managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness. Thirdly, forward-looking information has a positive influence on operational excellence, managerial efficiency, organizational effectiveness, and firm performance. In addition, operational excellence, managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness have positive impact on firm performance. Finally, to verify the mediating effects, operational excellence, managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness are the mediators of the research relationships. This study confirms that all dimensions of strategic management accounting play a significant role in determining business outcome as being congruent with the theory of resourcebased views of the firms. Executives of firms need to provide valuable resources and capabilities to support the strategic management accounting implementation in order to achieve good business outcome in highly competitive environments.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the effects of integrated performance measurement on firm success of beverage businesses in Thailand. Integrated performance measurement, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and firm success are the main variables of the study. In this study, all 653 beverage businesses from Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand are the samples of the study. The data collection was provided during February - April, 2016. A mail survey procedure via questionnaire was used for data collection. 163 responses were received. Of the surveys completed and returned, 159 were usable. The structural equation model (SEM) is conducted to examine the effects of integrated performance measurement on organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and firm success. The results show that integrated performance measurement positively influences organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and firm success. Organizational commitment positively affects both organizational citizenship behavior and firm success while organizational citizenship behavior positively impacts firm success. In summary, integrated performance measurement as a strategic management accounting approach is a key determinant of firms’ business outcome. Firms need to support their resources and capabilities in developing, implementing, utilizing, and maintaining integrated performance measurement. Potential discussion, conclusion, and suggestions and directions for future research are highlighted.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to assess the level of management accounting practices (MAPs) in manufacturing companies in Vietnam. Secondly, it purports to explore the impact of potential contingency factors on the current level of MAPs in the sample of studied companies from the industrial sector in Vietnam. The study examines the hypotheses that MAPs in Vietnamese manufacturing firms are affected by a range of contingent variables. A quantitative research was conducted by sending questionnaires to the target respondents that comprise both accountants and managers in 160 manufacturing enterprises in the north of Vietnam. The first main findings from the study reveal that MAPs in Vietnam are mainly traditional rather than contemporary ones, and oriented toward the shortterm rather than the long-term. The second main research findings resulted from multiple regression model show that MAPs in Vietnam are significantly affected by company size, commitment of directors, advanced manufacturing technology, and distinct number of products. However, no significant associations are found between MAPs and intensity of competition from the emerging market as hypothesized in this study. Research findings are bases for recommendations to promote the application of contemporary practices and enhance management accounting functions in manufacturing companies in Vietnam.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By applying behavioral intention theories and the theory of diffusion of innovation in organizations, this study identified several factors influencing the intention to apply management accounting in enterprises in Vietnam. Research data was collected from the questionnaire sent to Vietnamese enterprises in 2019, collecting 542 observations from accountants and directors. The data is, then, synthesized by excel file, conformity check, and processed by SPSS 20 software with descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results showed four factors that affect the intention to apply management accounting in enterprises in Vietnam: (1) Performance expectancy; (2) Effort expectancy; (3) Perceived trust; and (4) Subjective norms. The study pointed out that the above factors explain 60.618% of the variation of “intention to apply management accounting”, in which, Subjective norms has the strongest impact (regression coefficient is 0.238). The findings also show that raising the awareness of managers and accountants about the role of management accounting, improving the qualifications and knowledge of accountants, and increasing the trust of managers about management accounting information are needed to increase the level of management accounting application in Vietnamese enterprises. The study also proposes recommendations to improve the effectiveness of management accounting for managers in operation and decision-making.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Maintenance of facilities is also growing in importance with the increased quantity. In developed countries, it is trying to introduce the asset management of the facility. In addition, the Korea Accounting guidelines presents a valuation method for the facility. In this study, we investigated the methods presented in infrastructure assets for accounting guidelines.