「시설물의 안전 및 유지관리에 관한 특별법(이하 ‘시설물안전법’」에서는 제1종 및 제2종시설물에 대하여 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단을 통하여 시설물의 안전 및 유지관리를 실시하고 있으며, 종외 시설물의 노후화에 따른 안전관리 문제가 제기됨에 따라 제3종시설물을 지정하여 안전관리를 할 수 있도록 시설물안전법을 전부개정(’18.1.18.)하여 시설물 전반에 대한 안전관리를 하고 있다. ‘제3종시설물 안전등급 평가 매뉴얼(이하 ‘매뉴얼’)에서는 교량, 터널, 건축물 등 시설물에 대한 정기안전점검 기준 및 방법에 대하여 평가 등급기준을 3단계로 제시하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 매뉴얼의 3단계 평가체계에서 5단계 평가체계로의 전환을 위해 평가등급별 기준을 도출하였으며, 현장적용성 검토를 통해 평가지 표의 적정성을 확보하고자 한다.
The law of facilities safety is maintained for the purpose of protecting the safety of the people. Recently, the law of facilities safety is revised to introduce an evaluation system based on performance. In this research, we classified the civil complaints that occur continuously in relation to the introduction of the performance evaluation system and through this we drew the improvements to establish the system.
In this study, the scope of facilities subject to performance evaluation and the status of facilities subject to performance-based evaluation are discussed, and the methods for improving performance-based evaluation performance assessment performance status through review of performance assessment order status
Performance-based maintenance system is necessary to prepare for social disasters as domestic water supply facilities age. The maintenance methods of domestic Social Overhead Capital(SOC) facilities focuse on safety. However, considering the performance of facilities is essential in perspective of the deterioration due to aging this study introduces the future direction of the performance-based maintenance system on assessment of water supply facilities
As the aging of domestic establishment progresses, the maintenance cost of the establishment is expected to have a great influence on the national economy. In this study, we introduce the performance - based maintenance method considering safety, durability and service performance of airport establishment
With the development of national industry, the number of social infrastructure facilities is gradually increasing. In addition, as time goes by, the aging of facilities is progressing gradually. For this reason, the importance of maintenance to ensure the safety of facilities is continuously increasing. However, there is still a lack of effective ways to invest the maintenance budget of facilities. For this reason, advanced foreign countries are actively studying facilities asset management techniques. In this study, construction cost and depreciation method of existing major facilities(1,2 class) were applied to examine the asset size of existing facilities according to changes in the service life of facilities.
Performance-based maintenance system is necessary to prepare for social disasters as domestic water supply facilities age. The maintenance methods of domestic Social Overhead Capital(SOC) facilities focuse on safety. However, considering the performance of facilities is essential in perspective of the deterioration due to aging this study introduces the future direction of the performance-based maintenance system on assessment of water supply facilities.
As the aging of domestic establishment progresses, the maintenance cost of the establishment is expected to have a great influence on the national economy. In this study, we introduce the performance - based maintenance method considering safety, durability and service performance of airport establishment
With the development of national industry, the number of social infrastructure facilities is gradually increasing. In addition, as time goes by, the aging of facilities is progressing gradually. For this reason, the importance of maintenance to ensure the safety of facilities is continuously increasing. However, there is still a lack of effective ways to invest the maintenance budget of facilities. For this reason, advanced foreign countries are actively studying facilities asset management techniques. In this study, construction cost and depreciation method of existing major facilities(1,2 class) were applied to examine the asset size of existing facilities according to changes in the service life of facilities.
Maintenance of facilities is also growing in importance with the increased quantity. In developed countries, it is trying to introduce the asset management of the facility. In addition, the Korea Accounting guidelines presents a valuation method for the facility.
In this study, we investigated the methods presented in infrastructure assets for accounting guidelines.
By amending of the special law on the safety management of the facility, coastal structures(breakwaters) have been incorporated into kinds of facilities. In this paper, an inspection manual for the coastal structures(breakwaters) will be introduced.
By amending of the special law on the safety management of the facility, underground structure have been incorporated into kinds of facilities. In this paper, an inspection manual for the underground structure will be introduced.
Comprehensive evaluation by the old sewage treatment plant residual value, investments are needed, such as adequacy of established objective criteria, such as after maintenance or abolition of sustainable operations. In this study, we propose a comprehensive evaluation items of evaluating structural measures to determine whether the abolition of the old sewage treatment plant.