The ASEAN charter is a treaty established by ten member countries in the Southeast Asia founded on December 2008. Prior to the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) charter, the Maritime Professional Education and Training Development Program was facing a challenge of disruptions relative to maritime events. Due to the disruptions of maritime events, challenges such as gap in international relations, lack of database integration in the field of maritime education and training, lack of knowledge transfer and no effective and proper framework of future development particularly in the areas of maritime education and training among the ASEAN countries existing. The goal of this paper is to motivate professionals and the relations society to collaborate in the Maritime Professional Education and Training Development: Today and Tomorrow, to be able to fill the gaps presented to this paper. In order to ensure this study can be completed in the right ways and times, the Critical Path Method (CPM) is used. As a finding of this study, all professional maritime members are expected to strengthening the international professional relations in maritime education and training system among the ASEAN region.
미국은 국가안보와 해운산업 국제 경쟁력 강화를 위하여 미 연방상선대학과 같은 4년제 대학교육으로 상선사관을 양성하고 있다. 미국의 해기사 양성제도는 크게 연방정부에서 지원 운영하는 Academy (U. S. Merchant Marine Academy와 U. S. Coast Guard Academy)와 각 주(State)에서 지원 운영하는 캘리포니아해양대학교 등 6개 주립대학의 정규 4년제 교육을 통하여 이루어진다. 본 연구에서는 미국 해기사 교육기관 중 교육중심의 캘리포니아 해양대학의 교육제도, 실습방법, 실습선 운영형태를 파악하여 우리나라 해기사 교육제도에 도움이 되게 하고자 한다.
Accidents and incidents caused by poor performance in the maritime industry suggest the need to find ways to improve performance in order to operate effectively and improve safety. The data for this study was collected from maritime students and involves the performance and levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Various motivational factors were identified and the ways in which these factors relate to performance was analyzed. The importance of considering motivation when recruiting new trainees and workers, and continually looking for ways to increase intrinsic motivation, is stressed throughout this paper. The results suggest that high levels of good quality motivation correlate positively with better performance.
그 동안 각종 IMO 협약의 채택에도 불구하고 인명 및 해양환경에 관련된 대형 선박사고가 발생하는 것은 기국이 의무를 충실히 이행하고 있지 않고 이로 인하여 IMO 협약들이 효과적으로 이행되지 않기 때문이다. 특히, 기국 중 해당 선박과 기국 간에 진정한 연계가 없는 기국에서는 자국 내 해사안전 및 환경보호를 담당할 인적, 구조적 조직이 잘 정비되어 있지 않기 때문에 협약의 이행이 제대로 이루어 지지 않고 있다. 이와 같은 배경으로 IMO에서는 2003년 11월 제23차 총회에서 자발적 회원국 감사제도에 관한 결의서 A.946(23)이 채택되었고, 동 제도는 2009년 11월 총회 결의서 A.1018(26)의 채택으로 2015년에 강제화 될 예정이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 IMO 회원국 감사제도의 개요와 동 제도의 감사기준으로 사용하고 있는 강제협약 이행코드를 살펴보았다. 또한 2015년 회원국 감사제도의 강제화에 따른 당사국의 의무와 책임에 대해 검토하였다. 이를 중심으로 우리나라의 해기교육기관이 회원국 감사제도의 강제화에 선제적으로 대응하기 위한 해기 교육 강화방안을 제안하였다.
Marine officers should have crisis control ability because ship operation needs not only highly specialized information, but also functional capability due to the fact that there always exist dangers at sea, which are different from those at shore. Therefore, marine officers should be trained on the related specialized information under the systematical educational system including shipboard training. Their training is also based on the strong spiritual power and physical strength through the strict training process. In order to have these vocational personalities, dormitory life training and shipboard training courses seem to be essential processes, which are required of maritime education. The introduction of automatic system into the ship as a result of the recent development of technology brings decrease of the full number of crew. Consequently, marine officers are increasingly under heavy burden, and should have more ship operation capabilities than before. Maine officers should have not only specialized information which differs from that at shore, but also vocational adaptability which can reasonably tackle with all the problems which exist on the spot and are obstacles to individual, spiritual, physical, natural, and social demands. So it is required that marine officers should have study many areas to deal with as extra curricula besides their major field of study, which are unique characteristics of the education for them. These vocational adaptabilities are based on the spiritual characteristics, such as self-developmental education, responsibility, meticulous care, attentiveness, voluntary, planning, readiness, spontaneity, accuracy, self-denial, obedience, leadership, and etc.
As the education of maritime college has a characteristics of seafaring professional institutions, the potential benefit following from the employment of seafarers would put substantial impact on it. The socio-economic position of seafaring occupations has been deteriorated considerably with changes of ship's auto-mation, specialisation and low cost operation management of shipping companies through severe internatio-nal competitions. The quality and number of applicants for the maritime college has declined and most students have no hopes for the study of seafaring subjects which followed bewildering in their college days. However, the demands for seafarers are fairly large from the viewpoint of national maritime industry. The maritime institutions should not only meet these demands but also revitalise students by reforming the educational contents. The contents should be influenced by the social approach to educational needs in particular maritime shore-oriented subjects. The maritime education is no more restricted to the sea, it covers the land based world of the maritime industry as well. The new contents will lead the maritime educated students to the shore-based occupa-tions after finishing their seafaring if they want to. This may not only make ways to the maritime educa-tion fruitable, but also the students have a zeal and hope for the subjects taught.