Carbon-based materials have emerged as an excellent class of biomedical materials due to their exceptional mechanical properties, lower surface friction, and resistance to wear, tear, and corrosion. Experimental studies have shown the promising results of carbon-based coatings in the field of biomedical implants. The reasons for their successful applications are their ability to suppress thrombo-inflammatory reactions which are evoked as an immune response due to foreign body object implantation. Different types of carbon coatings such as diamond-like carbon, pyrolytic carbon, silicon carbide, and graphene have been extensively studied and utilized in various fields of life including the biomedical industry. Their atomic arrangement and structural properties give rise to unique features which make them suitable for multiple applications. Due to the specificity and hardness of carbon-based precursors, only a specific type of coating technique may be utilized for nanostructure development and fabrication. In this paper, different coating techniques are discussed which were selected based on the substrate material, the type of implant, and the thickness of coating layer. Chemical vapor deposition-based techniques, thermal spray coating, pulsed laser deposition, and biomimetic coatings are some of the most common techniques that are used in the field of biomaterials to deposit a coating layer on the implant. Literature gathered in this review has significance in the field of biomedical implant industry to reduce its failure rate by making surfaces inert, decreasing corrosion related issues and enhancing biocompatibility.
손드하임의 뮤지컬은 20세기 후반의 미국 극장예술의 새로운 양식을 갈망하는 사람들에게 해답을 주었다. 그의 뮤지컬 음악은 각 대본과 극중 인물에 대한 깊은 이해와 고찰의 결과물이다. 또한 다양한 장르의 음악과 그 수준을 따지지 않고 활용하는 그의 비범한 절충주의의 결과이다. 이 논문에서는 그의 대표 뮤지컬 중 몇 장면을 음악적인 측면으로 분석하고 사용된 작곡 소재와 기법을 화성, 선법, 리듬, 텍스처, 형식 구성 원리 등의 측면에서 살펴본다. 그리고 그 결과 어떻게 극의 총체적 예술성에 공헌하고 있는지를 살피고 왜 그의 뮤지컬이 미국 고전으로 남을만한 가치가 있는지에 대해 논의한다.
High strength PM aluminium alloys Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (7075 type) were studied by using commercially available powder blends and the sinter-forging technique for component production. Principal areas of focus include the response to PM processing, micro structural assessment and material properties of Aluminium sinter forged products. Green preforms are successfully sintered to near full density by solid-supersolidus liquid phase sintering. Sinter forging method can produce components with net shape and mechanical characteristics of the material have improved greatly. Properties of this new PM Al-alloy were found to be reproducible in an industrial production environment.
Recently, most underground structures are used parking lot and artificial ground greening is growing on the top of the structures also. Various waterproofing-root resistance materials and methods has been developing to artificial ground greening system based on concrete structures. However, It is hard to confirm proper quality control standard of waterproofing-root resistance materials because of complicated environment and conditions of special site which is artificial ground greening. This study goals to develop a evaluaion techniques to mak sure of the long term stability waterproofing-root resistance material on artificial ground greening system.
With the recent increased awareness of underground water as a resource and detection of radioactive material called radon in underground, underground waterproofing system is newly regard as not only ensuring stability and durability of the structure but also preserving underground water, safety of employee working underground structure, protecting of facilities and comfortable use. For these reasons, constructing industry have highly demanded feasible underground waterproofing system that responding long-life and high-performance new material and developing waterproof performance evaluation techniques. Therefore, this study attempts to build environmental responding waterproof system with high adhesive sealant material and setting a manual of field application in waterproofing construction technique.
피부, 옷 등 실세계의 대부분의 물질들은 반투명한 재질로 되어있고, 부드러운 외양을 띄고 있다. 본 논문에서는 GPU 기반의 계층화 알고리즘을 통해, 양극 확산 (dipole diffusion) 기법에 기반한 표면 내에서의 빛의 산란에 의한 조명을 근사하여 반투명한 재질을 실시간에 렌더링하는 기법을 제안한다. 무수히 많은 수의 픽셀 빛 입자들은 GPU를 활용하여 쿼드트리로 계층화된다. 렌더링될 각 픽셀마다, 많은 빛 입자를 대신하여 좋은 화질로 근사할 수 있는 집합들을 선택하고, 이것을 사용하여 조명을 계산한다. 우리는 또한, 고해상도 이미지를 효율적으로 렌더링하기 위해 공간적 일관성과 early-z 컬링을 이용한 계층적 화면 보간 기법을 소개한다. 이를 위하여, 화면 정보를 GPU 상에서 계층화한다. 우리는 공간적 유사도가 높은 픽셀들을 하나의 픽셀로 렌더링함으로써 적응적으로 보간한다. 실험을 통해 빛 계층화를 통해 반투명한 물체를 실시간에 렌더링할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 화면 보간 기법은 동급 화질에서 렌더링 비용을 2~4배 정도 감소시켰다. 모든 과정은 GPU를 사용한 이미지 공간 상에서 빠르게 수행되며, 어떠한 긴 전처리과정도 필요하지 않는다.