The genus Etainia Beirne is one of the small group in the family Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea) and is comprising 16 described species in the world. Among them, just four species have been known from the East Palearctic region. As results of taxonomic studies on Korean nepticulids, two species of Etania, E. peterseni Puplesis and E. trifasciata (Matsumura), are newly recognized from Korea. Description and illustrations of diagnostic characteristics including male genitalia for each species are provided with information of host plants.
A nepticulid leaf-mine ichnofossil is described on the basis of a fossil leaf of Fagus from the early Miocene Geumgwangdong Formation (ca. 21–14 million years ago) in Pohang basin. This mine trace is characterized by a linear-blotch type with clear centric frass trail of closely and randomly dispersed pellets filling the mine width in early stage. We found traces of possible egg case and exit slit from the fossil. These features are most consistent with those produced by Nepticulidae. Our record represents the only reliably-identified nepticulid leaf-mine on Fagus in Miocene. Nepticulid leaf-mines in Miocene and the leaf-mine fossils from the Geumgwangdong Formation are briefly reviewed.
The genus Stigmella is one of the largest group in the family Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera: Neticuloidea), comprising 428 described species in the world. In Korea, totally eight species have been known to date so far we know. Recently two newly recorded species are collected from Gwangneung forest, Gyeonggi province, Korea. This study is aimed to report two species, S. omelkoi Puplesis, 1984 and S. kurokoi Puplesis, 1984, for the first time from Korea. These two species have been known as mining on Quercus (Fagaceae) in larva stage. We provide specific diagnosis, illustration of diagnostic characters for each species with available information including collection locality, host plant and distribution range.
꼬마굴나방과(Nepticulidae)는 꼬마굴나방상과(Nepticuloidae)에 속한 작은 분류군으로, 미소나방류 중 성충의 크기가 가장 작은 종들로 구성되어 있다. 본 과에 속하는 종들은 유충 시기에 기주식물의 잎 또는 줄기에 굴을 파고조직 내부에서 서식하는 대표적인 잠엽성 곤충으로 대부분 종들이 단식성이며, 기주 특이성을 가지고 있다. 지리학적분포는 전 대륙에 넓게 퍼져 있으나, 현재까지 유럽 학자들에 의해 연구가 활발히 이루어져 있어, 서 구북구 지역의종 다양성이 가장 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 전 세계적으로 22속 880여종이 기록되어 있으며, 한반도 주변 인접국가의보고된 종 수를 고려할 때, 국내 분류학적 연구를 통해 보다 많은 종이 분포 할 것으로 예상되는 분류군이다.본 발표에서는, 국내·외 꼬마굴나방과 표본, 기주식물 정보 확보 방안을 모색하고 계통분류학적 연구 계획을 고찰하고자 한다.