
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present paper discusses the interrelationship among knowledge creation, heterogeneity, and open service innovation – an important theme of marketing research. Drawing on the literature of knowledge based innovation, we argue that both researchers and practitioners should extend the functionality of created knowledge into open and service-oriented innovation context. Our conceptual framework represent the following major points. First, the four classic knowledge creation mode each has different influences on open service innovation, given employee and customer knowledge is a cornerstone of service innovation. Specifically, socialization positively, externalization positively, combination positively, and internalization negatively predicts open service innovation. Second, knowledge heterogeneity moderates in the above mentioned relationships. Implication are discussed
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 기본설계는 서울시 마포구 아현동의 지형 상 최상부에 인접하여 위치한 3개의 공원을 대상지로 하였다. 설계의 목적은 마포구의 지형적으로 최상부에 위치한 근린공원으로서 하늘을 향해 사방으로 열린 조망형 휴게공원을 주변의 어린이공원, 공공공지와 연계하여 조성하기 위함이다. 또한 위치상 재개발지역의 입주민과 미개발의 기존주거지 사이에 위치하고 주변에 공원녹지가 부재한 환경에서 지역민들에게 휴게, 여가, 운동의 장 그리고 청소년과 어린이들에게는 건강한 놀이공원으로서의 역할을 담당하고자 한다. 대상지의 특성을 이용한 설계전략으로는 첫째, 마포구에서 해발고도가 가장 높은 곳에 위치하여 사방으로 탁 트인 조망권을 확보하고, 둘째, 2차선도로를 사이에 두고 근린공원 두 곳과 어린이공원, 공공공지의 용도별 공원과 공지가 하나의 영역에 있어 통합설계를 할 경우 서로가 시너지효과를 얻을 수 있다. 셋째, 지형적으로 다양한 높이차와 면적을 확보하고 있어 자연지형을 최대한 이용하여 다이나믹한 공간형성을 통한 공간활용 및 시설계획이 가능하다. 또한 절차상 행정기관인 마포구의 협력으로 각기 분리조성 될 공원을 통합 조성함으로써 위의 설계전략들이 실현가능하게 되었다. 본 설계는 현재 도심의 산지경사면 주거지역에 위치한 공원의 활용방안과 분산된 소규모 공원의 통합설계와 조성의 시너지효과를 보여주는 모범적 사례가 될 것이라 여겨진다.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The typical Japanese house has the characteristics of open dwellings to make them cool in the hot and humid summer. And then the traditional town house 'Machiya', being built very closely to each other and walled up both sides, it has taken the open-oriented characteristics in itself. The purpose of this study is to clarify that the open-oriented of traditional 'Machiya' has been succeeded to the new 'Machiya' in the latest. The new 'Machiya' shows the open-oriented, taking the ventilative 'Huki-nuke' space of traditional 'Machiya' as the new spatial formal elements, in the changes such as scale material space organization. The characteristics of 'Huki-nuke' space are represented as follows ; 1. The facade of the traditional 'Machiya', which has taken on a semitransparent qualty, has been generally changed to the closing qualty except for the open parts of shop and garage. This facade of the new 'Machiya' has been taken to be in keeping with the existing town as much as possible. 2. A series of three rooms, composed of shop/living dining kitchen/room from the road, have been dispersed to every floors in a building with a very extensive scale. But this serial and linear type remains as the loosefit space, and the long dwellings of the upper stories are divided by type each dwelling unit. 3. 'Tori-niwa', which is a consecutive and penetrating space, connects the road with the rooms of dwelling and functions as the circulation of man thing energy, The new 'Machiya' changed to the multi-story, the corridor and the stair have been fumed up as the elements in the place of 'Tori-niwa' The 'Huki-nuke' space was locted in the hall, stairwell, living dining kitchen room, and so on. 4. The small court yard 'Tsubo-niwa' and back yard 'Ura-niwa' at the both ends of living spaces would be made a hole in a series of rooms and enclosed by the neighboring 'Machiya'. On the contrary the new 'Machiya' at present takes in the private and closing organization enclosing the innercourt. 5. The open-oriented 「In」 or 「Out」 is not brought out because of the delicate spatial formal configuration in the traditional 'Machiya'. But the open-oriented 「In」, all sides being closed by walls, is well brought out in the new 'Machiya'.