In this study, we verify the stability of the operation of mechanical dust remover by conducting the development of a rack-type operating structure and mechanism. This led to the development of a new type of mechanical dust remover, which resulted in the following conclusions. The optimum design was established for the specifications and shapes of the main structural and power transfer components according to the required capabilities of the mechanical dust remover. The power transmission structure of the worm gear and the spur gear corresponding to the rack bar gear box was determined to fit the lift structure, which is a combination of rack sprockets. When the rack bar is elongated, it develops a rack-type operating structure that enables smooth descent by allowing it to form a gap between the rake and the screen. And the mechanism was verified by calculating the stresses on the sprocket entering the rack box.
The oil-impregnated sintered bearings are used for various aplecations and, wide usages without refueling. The oil circulating mechanism operates smoothly the behavior of oil If doing at the time of passing and becoming a stationary state, and there is little thing where trouble is caused. On the other hand, the trouble of such as starting noise might be caused in the unstationary state that repeats operation for a short time. To study the behavior of oil of each parameter, we execute the numerical simulation and various verification experiments. As a result, we developed that the bearings were able to be used enough for various brief operating time in the unstationary state. Finally we have expanded the usage of the oil-impregnated sintered bearings by adding the consideration of the behavior of oil.
Honsangui (celestial globe) which is a water-hammering method astronomical clock is recorded in 「Juhaesuyong」 which is Volume VI of supplement from 『Damheonseo』, written by Hong Dae-Yong (1731~1783). We made out the conceptual design of Hong Dae-Yong’s Honsangui through the study on its structure and working mechanism. Honsangui consist of three rings and two layers, the structure of rings which correspond to outer layer is similar to his own Tongcheonui (armillary sphere) which is a kind of armillary sphere. Honsang sphere which correspond to inner layer depicts constellations and milky way and two beads hang on it as Sun and Moon respectively for realize the celestial motion. Tongcheonui is operated by the pendulum power but Honsangui is operated by water-hammering method mechanism. This Honsangui’s working mechanism is the traditional way of Joseon and it was simplified the working mechanism of Shui yün i hsiang t'ai which is a representative astronomical clock of China. This record of Honsangui is the only historical record about the water-hammering method working mechanism of Joseon Era and it provide the study of water-hammering method mechanism with a vital clue.
최근 남극 과학기지의 건설에 대한 국민적 관심이 높아짐과 함께, 시베리아 및 알래스카 등지의 동토지역에 매장된 막대한 에너지 자원의 개발을 위한 건설 수요가 급격히 증가하고 있다. 하지만 극지방에 건설되는 건축물의 경우, 내부의 열이 바닥 기초를 통해 지반으로 전달됨에 따라 동토지반의 교란과 열의 불균형이 야기되어 건물의 부등침하가 발생될 수 있는 문제점을 가지고 있어 이러한 지반의 동결 및 융해로 인한 피해 사고를 방지하고자 동토지역 지반 안정화 기술의 일환으로 열사이폰(Thermosyphon)기술이 사용되고 있다. 또한 겨울철 산간지방에서는 열사이폰을 사용하여 얻어진 지열로 도로를 가열시키어 도로의 결빙을 방지할 수 있는 신기술의 적용이 가능하지만 우리나라는 아직 이에 대한 연구가 매우 미비한 실정이다.
본 연구에서는 CFD(computational fluid dynamics) 해석을 통하여 열사이폰의 작동을 모델링하였으며, 이를 위해 상용 유한체적해석 프로그램인 FLUENT를 이용하였다. 구축된 모델의 검증 결과, 다양한 내부의 합리적인 거동 모습들을 통해 수치적으로 구축된 열사이폰 모델이 실제의 가동 상황을 적절하게 모사하고 있음을 판단할 수 있었다. 또한 본 연구에서 구축된 수치모델은 추후 열사이폰의 정밀 설계에도 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.