The development of resistant seeds to manage this pest is a big challenge for breeders. We investigated the oviposition preference and development of C. chinensis on two susceptible mungbean cultivars (Seonwha and Gyeongseon) and one previously reported resistant cultivar Jangan, compared to the susceptible cowpea, Yeonbun, by offering a multiple choice test and a no-choice test. Additional, insect stage wise development of C. chinensis was also examined at four temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 35℃). The both choice tests results showed that the cowpea is the most suitable seed host for oviposition. Total developmental time from egg to adult stage ranged from 27.01 to 38.2 days, and developmental time was shortest on the cowpea and longest on Jangan mungbean. However, no successful development of C. chinensis on Jangan mungbean occurred at all constant temperatures. Higher rate of adult emergence and longer adult longevity were found on cowpea and mungbean except Jangan mungbean. Results suggest, higher performance of C. chinensis on cowpea and mungbean might be governed by physical as well as chemical attributes of the seeds. Thus, Jangan mungbean could be stand as a resistant one against bruchids and it could be a resistant sources for successful breeding.
In general, the larvae of Protaetia brevitarsis is raised on fermented oakwood sawdust. Many attempts have been to changes components sawdust, such as using other tree instead of oakwood or adding another material. Like this some study exists, about 'component' of sawdust, however little is known of relation between larval growth and quality of sawdust. The phenomenon-big particle size sawdust flows up on excrement from the larvae-is occurring in used sawdust for raising the larvae. This study was conducted to observe the larvae and adult of Protaetia brevitarsis act according to each sawdust particle size. We conducted choice experiments with Protaetia brevitarsis, which were offered sawdust differing in particle size. Females preferred to lay their eggs on the fine particle sawdust. Also in the case of larvae, the more fine sawdust particle has the more high level of preference, and so is hatchability. Especially larvae tend to be slanted toward finer sawdust. Growth rate of the larvae was shown the highest level in the finest sawdust just as others do. These results show that fine sawdust particle size is advantage for larval development and oviposition.
This study was conducted to determine the oviposition preference and development of adzuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on five different leguminous seeds a) cowpea, b) white kidney bean c) soybean cultivar Daepung d) mung bean and e) azuki bean. A multiple choice test and a nochoice test were conducted to record the number of eggs laid, total developmental time, number of adults emerged, and adult longevity of C. chinensis on the five different leguminous seeds. Both choice and no-choice tests revealed cowpea seed as the most preferred oviposition substrate. Total developmental time from egg to adult stage ranged from 28 to 31 days; shortest of that on the cowpea followed by adzuki and mung bean seeds. Successful development of C. chinensis was not witnessed on soybean or on kidney bean. Rate of adult emergence was higher on adzuki and mung bean seeds with longer adult longevity of those emerged from adzuki bean and cowpea. Higher egg laying preference and shorter developmental time with longer adult longevity of the beetle on cowpea probably signifies importance of physical as well as chemical attributes of the seed as an oviposition substrate other than evolutionary history of the insect. Cowpea seeds can possibly be used as a pull stimulus either as a trap crop or as a stimulant in the mechanical traps against C. chinensis where other leguminous host crops are grown as main crops.
The oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta, is an oligophagous insect feeding on a few species of Solanaceae plants, including Nicotina tabacum. This study investigated the relationship between H. assulta and plants, focusing on oviposition preference and larval performance of the specialist in host and non-host plants. (1) In choice experiments, N. tabacum and Phaseolus vulgaris were put in a cage with 5 females and 10 males. Most of eggs (ca. 98%) were layed in N. tabacum, whereas few eggs in P. vulgaris. (2) In non-choice experiments, N. tabacum, Datura stramonium, or P. vulgaris was individually put in a cage with 3 females and 6 males, resulting that N. tabacum was the most preferred host, followed by D. stramonium and P. vulgaris. Oviposition was delayed about 2 days in P. vulgaris (a non-host plant) compared to the two host plants. (3) Larval performances were also compared with the three plants. Larval growth was better in N. tabacum followed by D. stramonium and P. vulgaris, High mortality (ca. 100%) of larvae was observed in P. vulgaris, suggesting toxic component(s) derived from the non-host plant might cause the death. The ovipositional avoidance in P. vulgaris is current being investigated to search for the oviposition deterrent, which could be useful for the environment-friendly pest management of H. assulta.
Oviposition preference of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus to sites on a plant and within a field, to plants at different developmental stages, and to different leguminous germplasms was observed. The insect layed its eggs mainly on the back surface of leaf in the upper half of plant in both observation from oviposition cage and soybean field. The egg number in fields were observed at a statistically-same rate in marginal and inside area, and at a median value of one egg per leaf in oviposited leaves. Full seed stage of soybean hardly affected oviposition preference of the insect. A statistically-significant difference in oviposition to different leguminous germplasms was observed.
광대노련재의 계대사육법을 확립하기 위해 , 605% R.H., 16L.8D광주기조건 의 실내 사육환경하에서 대체먹이인 생땅콩을 급여하여 사육하면서 발육 특성과 기주 및 산란선 호성을 조사하였다. 광대노련재의 1세대 소요일수는 평균 48일이었다. 알은 유백색의 구형이고 1 난괴당 산란수는 14개가 대부분이었다. 알.약충의 발육기간을 조사한 결과 알기간은 8.20.4일 이었고 각 령별 약충기간은 1령 5.40.2일,2령 8.40.5일, 3령 6.40.4일,4령 7.40.3일,5령 12.60.8일이였다. 성충의 생존일수는 수컷이 평균 30.8일, 암컷은 35.4일 정도였다. 성충화율은 5 57.1%였는데 암수비융은 47: 53으로 수컷의 비율이 약간 높았다. 산란전기간은 평균 22.5일이었 고 펑균산란회수는 4.4회였다. 산란선호성은 기주식물이 있을 경우에는 기주에 산란하지만 기주식 물을 제외시킨 경우에는 아크릴 사육상자, 철망보다는 인조잎에 더 많이 산란하였다. 광대노린재 성충의 기주선호성을 조사한 결과 대상식물 18종 중 황벽나무, 산초나무, 산수유, 충층나무 등의 줄기 및 과실을 가장 잘 흡즙하는 것으로 나타났다.
수박 부위별 산란습성은 상위엽과 하위엽보다는 중간부위의 잎에 산란량이 많았고 잎자루와 줄기보다는 잎에, 잎의 앞면보다는 뒷면에 주로 산란하였다. 목화바둑명나방 유충의 작물 선호도는 오이, 박, 수박 등의 순이었고, 참외, 동아, 멜론, 안동오이 등은 중간정도이었고 수세미와 목화는 매우 낮은 선호도를 보였다. 수박시험장에서 수집한 유전자원과 육성중인 계통에 대한 목화바둑명나방 유충의 선호도는 품종 및 계통간의 뚜렷한 차이가 없었으며 보유중인 품종 중에서는 목화바둑명나방에 대한 저항성 계통을 발견할 수가 없었다. 목화바둑명나방의 섭식량을 추정하기 위한 일별 배설량은 유충 초기에 배설량이 매우 적었고 점차 증가하여 16~18일차에 최고에 달하며 그후 다시 급격히 감소하였다.