Stress and fatigue are general physical aspects of our daily lives. It has been shown that physical therapists have different levels of job stress and fatigue according to the type A/B behavior patterns. This study collected data from 212 physical therapists between October 28 and November 23, 2016 using an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. The study results showed the proportion of physical therapists with the Type A behavior patterns(TABP) was 18% greater than that of physical therapists with the Type B behavior patterns(TBBP). In this study, physical therapists with TABP were compared with physical therapists with TBBP. The results indicated that physical therapists with TABP were more inclined to experience higher levels of overall job stress and fatigue from the following stress factors: physical environment, job requirement, and job autonomy. Therefore, the stronger the tendency toward TABP, the stronger the feeling of job stress and fatigue from physical environment, job requirement, and job autonomy. Those with a tendency toward TBBP showed positive correlations between job requirement and the total job stress score; thus, the stronger the tendency toward TBBP, the stronger the feeling of overall job stress and fatigue from job requirement.
This study suggests that it is necessary to manage the job stress and fatigue of physical therapists with both TABP and TBBP and to manage the job stress and fatigue of physical therapists with the type A behavioral pattern.
본 연구는 영상차원(2D vs. 3D), 영상 시청순서(2D → 3D vs. 3D → 2D), 그리고 설험참가자의 성차에 따라 영상 시청에 따른 주관적 피로감, 재인기억, 그리고 각성 수준에서 어떠한 차이가 있는지 살펴보기 위해 수행되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 주관적 시각피로도는 2D 영상차원에 비해 3D 영상차원에 대해 전반적으로 높게 보고되었고, 특히 3D → 2D의 시청순서 집단에 비해 2D → 3D의 시청순서 집단에서 이러한 차이가 더 뚜렷하였다. 둘째 영상 내용에 대한 정확재인률은 3D → 2D의 시청순서 집단에서만 2D 영상차원에 대한 3D 영상차원의 우세성이 관찰되었고, 특히 시청순서 조건을 통합할 경우 2D 영상차원 조건에서는 여성이, 반면 3D 영상차원 조건에서 남성이 상대적으로 더 높은 정확재인률을 보였다. 셋째, 3D영상이 전반적으로 시청자의 각성 수준을 높이기는 하지만, 이러한 경향은 영상차원 자체보다는 3D 영상과 대비되는 2D 영상에 대한 이전의 시청 경험이 더 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 관찰되었다.
Participants of this 1998 survey included 100 physical therapists working in hospitals located in Andong City. 77.7% of the participants were in their twenties and 20.2% in their forties. 46.4% of the participants were 3rd year students at a junior college, and 1.0% were college graduates. 67.6% of the participants had less than 5 years experience and 1.0% 16 years experience in their field. 59.6% of the participants were married. Regarding questions about occupational satisfaction, many of the participants replied "normal" for the first and third questions, and few answered "very much". Most of the participants answered "normal" for all the questions concerning their work environment with few replying "very much". With regards to awareness of the physical signs of fatigue, "occasionally, yes" were the most frequent answers. Regarding awareness of the psychological signs of fatigue, the similar proportions of participants answered "occasionally, yes" as that for "feeling nothing". Similarly, with regard to awareness of the neuro-sensitive signs of fatigue, there was a similar ratio of participants answering "occasionally, yes" and "feel nothing". It can be concluded that there are many causes of fatigue amongst physical therapists. Improvements in daily nutrition, mental health and general well-being are important in tackling these problems. It appears that fatigue amongst physical therapists may be cumulative and due to prolonged working hours To promote better daily functioning and early recovery from fatigue, appropriate assignments of working and resting hours are necessary. They would also benefit the prevention of symptomatic problems in the waist and shoulder.
The purpose of this study is to find out the subjective and objective fatigue level and the characteristics of seamen's physical strength with the service period on board, to have a new understanding of the vocation, and to explore a physical exercising program for the seamen. The questionnaire survey for the seamen who had been in service on the ocean going vessels was conducted and the results are fumed out as the followings. Total number of seamen who had answered the questionnaire was 64 persons and the distribution status of service period group was identified as 16 persons for each of 4 groups; the group was classified as the group of less than 5 years, 5 - 10 years, 10 - 15 years, and more than 15 years. 1. Working conditions Working hours in a week was identified as 44-56 hours(45.3%) and the number of 45.3% of the seamen answered the working hours in week is more than 56 hours. The seamen of 25.0% are unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with their vocation. The seamen of 65.6% are smoking, and 45.3% of them drink. The seamen of 44.,3% drink once or more in a week. And the seamen of 67.2% do not take any exercise in a week. 2. Contribution to the seamen's fatigue and subjective symptom The most contributive factor to the seamen's fatigue was identified as the short of sleeping(21.5%), overwork(19.2%), poor working conditions (18.6%), and the friction in human relations also becomes one the contribution to the fatigue(14.0%). The subjective symptom by fatigue was identified as the feeling of languid, sleepy and tiredness of eyes. 3. Characteristics of the seamen's physical strength and Interrelations The grip strength and back strength of the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years were measured as 40.44kg and 127.8kg. The sit ups in the group of service period less than 5 years was measured as 36.84 times, and the vertical jump for the seamen in this group was measured as 46.55cm. The closed-eyes foot balance was measured as 33.64 seconds in the group of service period between 5 and 10 years, and side-step was measured as 35.31 times in the group of service period less than 5 years. The standing trunk flexion was measured as 10.54cm for the seamen whose service period is between 10-15 years, and the trunk extension was measured as 50.70cm for the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years. And the step test of the seamen whose service period is between 10-15 years was measured as 54.44 numbers, and the number of flickers of the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years was measured as 32.94.