
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Government is willing to abolish half of whole administration regulations and put emphasis to improve them. There was criticism that taper by bureaucracies' form and interest group's repulsion does not reach here upon in spite of these result. Therefore, need to ready diversified regulation adaptation administration countermeasure so that can observe because propel regulation innovation until now continuously and people, corporation, public official understand definitely contents of regulation. Contents of question regulation awareness about regulation adaptation and degree. On the basis of Question investigation about persons concerned of leisure safety law and wish to grasp observance degree, and produce synthetic Contents and field conformity degree, and draw solution plan of reformable item in leisure safety law and present development direction of leisure safety law.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 유산소운동능력의 차이를 보이는 두 집단이 각각 로윙에르고미터 최대하 운동을 실시한 후 혈중 활성산소의 변화에 어떠한 차이를 나타내는지 구명하는데 목적이 있으며 연구대상으로는 조정 선수집단 6명과 비선수집단 6명을 대상으로 최대유산소운동능력을 검사한 후 각각의 목표심박수 85~90%를 적용하여 로윙에르고미터 운동을 실시하였고 운동 전, 직후, 10분, 20분, 차30분에 각각 채혈하여 활성산소의 변화를 분석하였다. 그 결과는 유산소운동능력의 차이에 따른 활성산소의 변화에서 집단과 시기 간 상호작용 효과는 유의한(p<.05) 차이를 나타내어 시기에 따른 변화의 양상이 집단 간 차이가 있었고 사후검증 결과 회복기 10분에서 20분 그리고 20분에서 30분 구간에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 결론적으로 인체에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 활성산소로부터 유산소운동능력이 우수한 조정선수집단이 비선수집단에 비해 긍정적인 회복 패턴을 보였다.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        상선승무원들의 승선근무로 인한 질병 발생 실태를 조사하여 승선근무로 인해 발생되는 질병예방 및 건강증진을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 1049명의 상선승무원들을 대상으로 설문 및 면접을 통해 조사 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 12개월 동안 승선 중 당직근무에 지장을 받을 정도의 질병을 경험한 선원은 69.0%였으며, 질병경험분포에 유의성을 나타낸 변수는 연령(p<0.05), 소득수준(p<0.01), 승선경력(p<0.01), 직급(p<0.01), 건강인식도(p<0.01), 건강염려도(p<0.01), 피로도(p<0.01), 직업만족도(p<0.05), 휴식시간(p<0.05) 등이었으며, 질병경험은 치주질환 7.3%>무좀 6.6%>위궤양 6.4%>외상 5.3% 순이었다. 질병군별 질병발생은 근골격계질환이 17.8%로 가장 많았고 구강계질환 13.6%> 피부계질환 12.4%> 소화계질환 12.1% 순이었으며, 발생 질병의 불편기간은 31일 이상이 35.7%, 입원기간과 치료기간은 각각 7일 이하가 50.2%, 42.8%였고 의료시설 이용은 의원급이 27.9%로 가장 높게 조사되었다.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        H대학 실습선 28명의 선원에 대하여 40일간 장기간 항해 전과 후의 혈액과 소변의 생화학적 분석을 실시하였다. 원앙 후 부원 및 모든 연령에서 요소질소와 요산수치(creatine 및 uric acid)가 증가된 것으로 보아 선상생활이 신장의 기능을 나쁘게 하거나 기능저하를 초래했다고 판단되어진다. 또 총콜레스테롤(TC)과 고밀도지단백콜레스테롤(HDL-C) 및 저밀도지단백콜레스테롤(LDL-C)은 원양 전보다 후에 유의하게 감소한 반면에 중성지방(TG)은 유의하게 상승하였다. 연령별로는 TC와 HDL-C가 30대, 40대에서 유의하게 감소하였고, TG는 30대가 유의하게 증가하였는데 특히 30대에서 몇몇 선원에 대해서는 원양 후 TG의 높은 증가를 보여 고지혈증이 의심되고 있다. 또한 소변검사에서도 간세포성기능 및 신장기능의 이상을 진단하는 담즙색소(UBG)와 요단백(PRO)에서 장기간 항해 전과 후 모두 양성반응이 나타난 선원이 각각 7명과 5명 이었다. 특히 우로빌리노겐(Urobilinogen : UBG)에서 양성반응이 크게 증가하여 한 달간 원앙을 통하여 간세포성기능이 저하되었거나 이상이 있음을 보여주고 있다.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국민소득의 증가와 주5일 근무제의 확대적용, 3면이 바다이고 내륙에 비교적 많은 강과 하천이 분포되어 있는 지리환경적 여건으로 인해 쉽게 접할 수 있는 수상레저에 많은 관심이 주어지고 있다. 본 논문에서는, 우리나라의 수상레저사업자, 장비제조업자, 관련단체 및 동호인을 대상으로 설문 및 현장방문 조사를 통하여 수집한 자료를 분석하고 사업체의 형태 및 애로사항 등의 실태를 파악한다. 이 자료들을 근거로 수상레포츠 활성화 및 발전을 위한 산업기반기설 구축방안을 제안한다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to find out the subjective and objective fatigue level and the characteristics of seamen's physical strength with the service period on board, to have a new understanding of the vocation, and to explore a physical exercising program for the seamen. The questionnaire survey for the seamen who had been in service on the ocean going vessels was conducted and the results are fumed out as the followings. Total number of seamen who had answered the questionnaire was 64 persons and the distribution status of service period group was identified as 16 persons for each of 4 groups; the group was classified as the group of less than 5 years, 5 - 10 years, 10 - 15 years, and more than 15 years. 1. Working conditions Working hours in a week was identified as 44-56 hours(45.3%) and the number of 45.3% of the seamen answered the working hours in week is more than 56 hours. The seamen of 25.0% are unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with their vocation. The seamen of 65.6% are smoking, and 45.3% of them drink. The seamen of 44.,3% drink once or more in a week. And the seamen of 67.2% do not take any exercise in a week. 2. Contribution to the seamen's fatigue and subjective symptom The most contributive factor to the seamen's fatigue was identified as the short of sleeping(21.5%), overwork(19.2%), poor working conditions (18.6%), and the friction in human relations also becomes one the contribution to the fatigue(14.0%). The subjective symptom by fatigue was identified as the feeling of languid, sleepy and tiredness of eyes. 3. Characteristics of the seamen's physical strength and Interrelations The grip strength and back strength of the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years were measured as 40.44kg and 127.8kg. The sit ups in the group of service period less than 5 years was measured as 36.84 times, and the vertical jump for the seamen in this group was measured as 46.55cm. The closed-eyes foot balance was measured as 33.64 seconds in the group of service period between 5 and 10 years, and side-step was measured as 35.31 times in the group of service period less than 5 years. The standing trunk flexion was measured as 10.54cm for the seamen whose service period is between 10-15 years, and the trunk extension was measured as 50.70cm for the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years. And the step test of the seamen whose service period is between 10-15 years was measured as 54.44 numbers, and the number of flickers of the seamen whose service period is less than 5 years was measured as 32.94.
        1996.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was analysis of the muscle action in physical exercise in the rolling machine. The rolling machine moved by eletric power-driven was made to keep the constant cycle and size of rolling. The subjects of this study consist of 4 seaman(SM) and 4 landman (LM). The experiment analyzed the muscle power of lower and upper limbs by Intergrated Electromyogram(IEMG). The measurement was made on the ground, and 6 and 8 degrees of rolling separately. This study concludes as follows ; including analysis of IEMG of heavy exercise in two hands curl, a standstill walking and just standing. 1. IEMG of the lower limbs when standing. 1) In 6 degrees of rolling, for the landman(LM), vastus medialis m.(9.73), vastus lateralis m.(9.55), and rectus femores m.(8.73) acted more. As for the seaman(SM), tibialis anterior m.(5.38), biceps femores m.(5.05), and gastrocnemius m.(4.47) acted more. 2) In 8 degrees of rolling, in common, for both LM and SM, it were vastus medialis m.(11.20 and 8.97), vastus lateralis m.(16.20 and 4.63), and tibialis anterior m.(5.13 and 4.47). 3) It was showed that IEMG of LM was larger than that of SM. 2. IEMG of the lower limbs when walking. 1) On the ground, for the LM, gastrocnemius m.(7.08), vastus medialis m.(6.65), and vastus latralis m.(6.60) acted more. As for the SM, vastus lateralis m.(7.08), vastus medialis m.(6.58) and restus femores m.(5.10) acted more. 2) In both 8 and 6 degrees of rolling, vastus medials m.(14.50 and 11.98), vastus lateralis m.(10.10 and 14.10), and gastrocnemius m.(11.75 and 7.10) acted more in two groups. 3) It was showed that IEMG of LM was larger than that of SM. 3. IEMG of the lower limbs when heavy exercise(two hands curl). 1) On the ground, for the LM, vastus lateralis m.(21.68), vastus medialis m.(16.08), and rectus femores m.(14.08) acted more. As for the SM, tibialis anterior m.(16.08), vastus medialis m.(14.58), and vastus lateralis m.(8.78) acted more. 2) In 8 and 6 dgrees of rolling, it were vastus medialis m.(17.05 and 12.45), vastus lateralis m.(37.98 and 17.08), and tibialis anterior m.(19.83 and 13.20). 3) It was showed that IEMG of LM was larger than that of SM. 4. IEMG of the upper limbs when heavy exercise. 1) On the ground, the brachialis m.(44.30 and 17.80), and biceps brachii m.(13.40 and 25.10) acted more in two groups. 2) In both 6 and 8 degrees of rolling, the brachialis m.(37.60 and 24.35), and biceps brachii m.(11.38 and 7.97) acted more in two groups. 3) It was showed that IEMG of SM was larger than that of LM.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the correlation of physique factor( standing height, body weight, chest girth, body surface ) and vital capacity upon records of swimming discipline at sea water. The subjects are 194 sophomore students of Korea Maritime University who participated in the swimming discipline. The swimming records were divided into three groups - higher, middle and lower group. The results from this investigation are as follow ; 1. The standing height was above the average on the A, B+ record, body weight was above on the A+, A record, and vital capacity was above on the A+, A, B+, C record respectively. 2. The standing height, body weight, chest girth, body surface, vital capacity was significantly correlated between record P < 0.05 and P < 0.01. Therefore the higher record group has better physique factor and vital capacity than the middle or lower record group. 3. The standing higher of the higher record group was significantly correlated with body weight(0.514), body surface(0.768) and vital capacity(0.427), and body weight was significantly correlated with chest girth(0.525), body surface(0.940) and vital capacity. This standing heiht of the middle record group was sigificantly correlated with body weight(0.509) and body surface(0.779), and body weight was significantly orrelated with chest grith(0.618) and body surface(0.927). The standing height of the lower record group was significantly correlated with body weight(0.595), chest grith(0.363), body surface(0.802) and vital capacity(0.250), and body weight was significantly correlated with chest grith(0.678) and body surface(0.952).
        1986.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of the relationship between several factors representing the mental health enumerated in the psychology literature and the dadaptability to group life which all of th KMU students encounter. An empirical study was carried out to examine not only the differences in mental health of 4 kinds of students groups but also the impact of interaction which mental health affects to the adaptability to group life among grades. The several factors of the mental health can be utilized in suggesting the theoretical bases for the countermeasures of the effective group life along with the motivation of KMU students. The data investigating the impact of interaction between mental health and the adaptability to group life were collected from 537 KMU students selected from 4 different kinds of population-(1) Freshman group (2) Sophomore group (3) Junior group (4) Senior group-by the use of questionnaire method and interview. The 2-way analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used to analyze the data. The results of this study were found as follows; (1) There are significant difference in the cognition of gloom, personal sensitiveness, anagonism, anxiety and total score among 4 grade groups, (2) The freshmen group and the sophomore group have perceived gloom, personal sensitiveness, antagonism, and total score more acutely than the junior group and senior group have. (3) There are significant differences in perceiving an obession and personal sensitiveness according to the adaptation types to the group life; adaopted type, non-adapted type. The non-adapted group has recognized an obsession and personal sensitiveness more seriously than the adapted group has. (4) The interaction between grades and the adaptation status doesn't have an direct influence on the mental health.