
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2025.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Piloti-type buildings are widely constructed in urban areas of South Korea. Due to stiffness irregularities, piloti-type buildings are vulnerable to lateral loads such as earthquakes. Although seismic retrofitting is necessary for piloti-type buildings, many of these structures are privately owned, and the extensive number of buildings creates significant challenges in terms of cost and time for regional seismic performance evaluation. This study proposes a methodology for determining the seismic performance of multiple piloti-type buildings within a region by utilizing structural parameters. Information on piloti-type buildings is classified into public building data and exterior building data, which are integrated to define structural parameters for estimating the first natural period of the buildings. Linear regression analysis was performed to develop a regression equation correlating structural parameters with the natural period. Additionally, the natural period and structural parameters are used to perform another linear regression analysis to estimate the yield and ultimate points of the capacity curve. The capacity curves derived from the regression equations facilitate seismic performance evaluation based on structural parameters.
        2025.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Structures compromised by a seismic event may be susceptible to aftershocks or subsequent occurrences within a particular duration. Considering that the shape ratios of sections, such as column shape ratio (CSR) and wall shape ratio (WSR), significantly influence the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) piloti structures, it is essential to determine the best appropriate methodology for these structures. The seismic evaluation of piloti structures was conducted to measure seismic performance based on section shape ratios and inter-story drift ratio (IDR) standards. The diverse machine-learning models were trained and evaluated using the dataset, and the optimal model was chosen based on the performance of each model. The optimal model was employed to predict seismic performance by adjusting section shape ratios and output parameters, and a recommended approach for section shape ratios was presented. The optimal section shape ratios for the CSR range from 1.0 to 1.5, while the WSR spans from 1.5 to 3.33, regardless of the inter-story drift ratios.
        2024.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For low-rise piloti-type buildings that suffered significant damage in the Pohang earthquake, the seismic performance of those designed by codes issued before and after the earthquake has been recently revised. This study started with the expectation that many of the requirements presented in the current codes may be excessive, and among them, the spacing of column stirrup could be relaxed. In particular, the recently revised design code of concrete structures for buildings, KDS 41 20 00, suggests that the column stirrup spacing is 1/2 of the minimum cross-sectional size or 200 mm, which is strengthened compared to KBC 2016, but relaxed than the current KDS, 41 17 00, which is 1/4 of the minimum size or 150 mm. As a result of the study, it was found that the target performance level was sufficiently satisfied by following the current standards and that it could be satisfied even if the relaxed spacing was followed. Therefore, the strict column stirrup spacing of KDS 41 17 00 could be relaxed if a wall other than core walls is recommended in the current guideline for the structural design of piloti-type buildings.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017년 지진에서 다수의 필로티형 건물에 손상이 발생함에 따라 필로티형 건물의 내진성능 평가의 중요성이 대두되 었다. BST면의 활용과 검증은 여러 연구자들에 의해 이미 수행되었다. BST면을 활용하여 필로티형 건물의 횡저항성능을 파악 할 수 있다면, 필로티형 건물의 초기 계획 또는 내진보강 계획 시 횡력저항 시스템을 배치하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 이에 본 연 구에서는 필로티형 건물에 BST면의 적용가능성을 파악한 후, 실제 지진피해를 입은 필로티형 건물의 보강 전과 후의 BST면을 비교하여 횡저항성능을 파악하였다. 그 결과 손상된 필로티형 건물을 보강함에 있어 보강된 평면의 BST면과 밑면 전단력에 대 한 비틀림 모멘트의 비를 기울기로 하는 거동 분석을 통해 필로티형 건물의 횡저항성능을 파악함으로써 보다 효과적인 보강방 안을 제시할 수 있었다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Current seismic fragility functions for buildings were developed by defining damage state threshold based on story drift concerning foreign references and using the capacity spectrum method based on spectral displacement. In this study, insufficient details and dependence on the core location of piloti-type buildings were not reflected in the fragility function because it was developed before the Pohang earthquake. In order to develop an improved one for piloti-type buildings, several types of core were selected, damage state threshold was determined based on the capacity of structural members, and three-dimensional analyses were utilized. As a result, seismic fragility functions based on spectral acceleration were developed for various core locations and different shear strengths of the column stirrup. The fragility of piloti-type buildings significantly varied according to core location, an additional single wall, and whether the contribution of column stirrup was included or not. To estimate fragility more reasonably, it is necessary to prepare the parameters to reflect actual state well.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea developed seismic fragility function for various building types in 2009. Damage states for most building types were determined by structural analyses of sample models and foreign references because actual cases damaged by earthquakes rarely exist in Korea. Low-rise, piloti-type buildings showed severe damage by brittle failure in columns due to insufficient stirrup details in the 2017 Pohang earthquake. Therefore, it is necessary to improve damage state criteria for piloti-type buildings by consulting actual outcomes from the earthquake. An analytical approach was conducted by developing analysis models of sample buildings reflecting insufficient stirrup details of columns to accomplish the purpose. The result showed that current spectral displacements of damage states for piloti-type buildings might be too large to estimate actual fragility. When the brittle behavior observed in the earthquake is reflected in the analysis model, one-fourth through one-sixth of current spectral displacements of damage states may be appropriate for existing low-rise, piloti-type buildings.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pohang earthquake occurred on November 15, 2017, with a magnitude of 5.4. The damage of the structure caused by the Pohang earthquake was the most significant in 4-story piloti-type buildings, where the damage patterns were different according to the location of columns and walls at the first story. One building with a staircase at a corner shows shear failure at columns, and Another building with a staircase in the middle shows no failure or shear failure at staircase walls. Therefore, two different piloti-type buildings were selected; one has a staircase at a corner and another has in the middle, and the seismic behavior of the buildings were examined by nonlinear dynamic analysis applying a ground motion measured at Pohang. Analytical model well simulated the actual behavior of the piloti-type buildings during the earthquake. Analysis results showed that walls have an insufficient shear strength wherever the location of the staircase is and columns with insufficient transverse reinforcement could be failed when the staircase is located at a corner. Conclusively, structural engineers should design columns and walls in piloti-type buildings to possess sufficient capacity according to the location of staircase.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강한 지진에 대한 필로티형 고층 철근콘크리트 건물의 거동을 묘사하기 위한 해석기법의 개발과 성능평가를 위해, 상부벽식 하부 골조형식인 필로티형 건물에 대한 1/12축소 진동대 실험결과와 OpenSees를 이용하여 실험모델에 대한 비선형 시간이력해석을 수행한 결과를 비교하였다. 하부골조 형식은 모두 골조로 이루어진 형태(BF)와 전단벽이 한쪽 외부골조에 치우쳐 비틀림이 발생하는 형태(ESW)의 실험체에 대해 해석연구를 수행하였다. 철근과 콘크리트의 응력-변형률관계를 정의한 후 이를 단면에 이식시킨 섬유모델을 통해 비선형거동을 나타내도록 하였으며, 벽체는 MVLEM모델을 이용하였다. 해석결과 본 논문에서 제시한 비선형 모델은 필로티층의 거동(예를 들면 필로티층의 항복강도와 강성 상부구조물의 흔들림, 거동, 그리고 축력의 변화에 따른 축강성과 전단강성의 변화)을 비교적 정확하게 묘사하였다. 그러나 MVLEM으로 벽체의 비선형거동을 구성한 결과 거시거동은 실제 모델을 잘 따랐으나, 비틀림이 주된 진동주기일 때 발생하는 벽체 횡강성의 급격한 증가와 Warping현상으로 인해 코너기둥에 발생하는 과도한 인장력은 제대로 반영하지 못하였다. 비선형 해석으로 설계부재력을 구할 경우 실제보다 약 20{\sim}30% 작게 나타났는데, 이는 실험과 해석방법의 차이때문에 발생한 것으로 보이며, 비선형 거동이 과도하게 발생한 수준의 지진에 대해서는 필로티형 건물의 거동특성을 충실히 나타내었다.