In this study, a high speed planing boat with 7.2 meters in length is developed as the beam larger about 10% by comparing with the general planing boat. The design speed of a boat is 30 knots (about 15.4 m/s) by using 150 hp outboard engine and the main material is FRP. The resistance performance related to the free running attitude as trim and sinkage is discussed and the wave patterns are observed to clear the relationship between the performance and wave characteristics by model test. The turning circle is estimated by Lewandowski´s equation. The results show that not only the wave pattern but also the free running attitude of the boat have the strong influence on a resistance performance. The boat needs smaller engine power and has more stable running attitude because of large sinkage and small variation of trim due to the large area for the lift force and light weight.
The planing hull is characterized by a large change in the posture according to the speed, and the shape of the propeller varies, so that the hull resistance varies greatly depending on the propeller used. Especially, the Savitsky system, which is widely used for estimating the resistance of planing hull, does not consider the characteristics of these propeller and ship bottom spray rails. In this paper, in order to investigate the difference in resistance characteristics between the propeller and the bottom of the propeller of 6m and 12m class propeller using propeller such as outboard or stern drive, A comparative test was conducted on resistance and attitude posture changes in the Circulating Water Channel of Institute of Medium & Small Shipbuilding. As a result of comparison test, it was confirmed that there is a clear difference in the attitude change due to the presence of the bottom floor spray rail and the change in resistance characteristics due to the installation of the propeller. However, attitude change with the propeller was found to be insignificant.
As a “kind of” mature ship form, planing hull has been widely used in military and civilian areas. Therefore, a reasonable design for planing hull becomes more and more important. For planing hull, resistance and trim are always the most important problems we are concerned with. It affects the planing hull’s economic efficiency and maneuverability very seriously. Instead of the expensive towing tank experiments, the development of computer comprehensive ability allows us to previously apply computational fluid dynamics(CFD)to the ship design. In this paper, the CFD method and Goal Driven Optimization (GDO) were used in the estimations of planing hull resistance and running attitude to provide a possible method for performance computation of planing hull.
A series of model tests carried out at the CWC of WJFEL for the purpose of prediction of resistance for the performance and improvement of resistance by attaching appendage for the ship of 50 knots class planing hull. The resistance performance evaluation has been carried out for the bare hull and for the appendage hull with two different depth of vertical type wedges. In the bare model test, trim and sinkage is calculated for the planing hull and the resistance is calculated. For minimizing the resistance, wedge appendage is attached and tested. Analysis and tests shows that for a 12.5mm wedge, resistance is minimum and overall power tallied to 5636ps.
This study was carried out at the CWC of Chosun university for the purpose of resistance performance improvement of planing hull, and the results of the tests were confirmed cooperatively with WJFEL. G/T 100 ton class planing hull form was selected, and the improvement of hull form including appendages were performed by using some model test techniques. The model test scope comprises resistance relative tests including wave profile observation, trim and sinkage measurement and flow visualization tests at full load and trial conditions for one bare hull and for two appended hulls. The final wedge and spray strip combined with improved hull form showed about 1.0 knot speed improvement at both of full and trial conditions, and outstanding improvement for fore wave phenomena.
In this paper a free-form hull design program and performance prediction program for planing boat is introduced. This program enables the designer to do complex geometric hull shape design on a personal computer and accurately to predict power requirements for a given loading and velocity. For a free form design, Bezier curve model is adopted as a basic representation tool of curves and surfaces, and this program has versatile functions to do fairing jobs with a convenient graphical user interface. After creating a hull form the geometric data is provided in a manner compatible with a variety of analysis tools including 'Motion Analysis(by Zarnick)' for prediction of motion characteristics in regular waves, 'Running Attitude (by Savitsky)' for prediction of the running attitude and required power.
활주선 선형을 갖는 고속어선의 저항특성을 체계적으로 연구하기 위한 제 1단계로서 단면형상 및 장-폭비와 저항특성과의 관계에 대한 실험적 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구는 새로운 고속 활주형 어선을 개발하기 위한 초기연구로서 다음의 내용을 포함하고 있다. - 4가지 단면형상에 대한 저항 특성 - 4가지 장-폭비에 대한 저항 특성