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        검색결과 7

        2024.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This review explores the potential of pillared bentonite materials as solid acid catalysts for synthesizing diethyl ether, a promising renewable energy source. Diethyl ether offers numerous environmental benefits over fossil fuels, such as lower emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon oxides (COx) gases and enhanced fuel properties, like high volatility and low flash point. Generally, the synthesis of diethyl ether employs homogeneous acid catalysts, which pose environmental impacts and operational challenges. This review discusses bentonite, a naturally occurring alumina silicate, as a heterogeneous acid catalyst due to its significant cation exchange capacity, porosity, and ability to undergo modifications such as pillarization. Pillarization involves intercalating polyhydroxy cations into the bentonite structure, enhancing surface area, acidity, and thermal stability. Despite the potential advantages, challenges remain in optimizing the yield and selectivity of diethyl ether production using pillared bentonite. The review highlights the need for further research using various metal oxides in the pillarization process to enhance surface properties and acidity characteristics, thereby improving the catalytic performance of bentonite for the synthesis of diethyl ether. This development could lead to more efficient, environmentally friendly synthesis processes, aligning with sustainable energy goals.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Backfill is one of the main components of engineered barrier in a high-level waste repository. The material selection of the backfill determines the barrier performance of the backfill. Overseas, its related research has been carried out mainly in Sweden, Finland, Canada, and Japan. However, Korea has recently started backfill research, and it is urgent to select a potential material for establishing the concept of backfill material and conducting backfill research. This study reviews NEA report, potential materials for overseas backfill research, advantages and disadvantages of single and mixed backfill materials, cases of license applications in Finland and Sweden for the selection of potential materials for backfill in Korea’s high-level waste repository. The review results indicated that it is reasonable to carry out backfill research according to the following plan: Both single and mixed materials are considered as potential materials for backfill research; experiments and performance studies are conducted with these materials; and, based on the results, a potential material or candidate material for the backfill suitable for the HLW repository in Korea is determined. For this plan, the single material is tentatively selected, as in Sweden, as bentonite with a montmorillonite content of about 40-50%. Then, if the selection criteria for montmorillonite content are determined through experiments and performance studies, we determine the final potential backfill material. As for the mixed backfill material, the bentonite/crushed rock mixture seems to be more advantageous than the bentonite/sand mixture considering the disposing problem of crushed rock generated from tunnel excavation and economic feasibility through its recycling. It is thought that the bentonite used in the bentonite/crushed rock mixture should have a higher montmorillonite content than bentonite used as a single backfill material since the crushed rock acts as an inert material in the mixture. The results of this study can be used as basic data for selecting the backfill material to be applied to the high-level waste repository in Korea, and can be used as a guideline for selecting the potential material required for backfill experiments and performance studies to be carried out in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuels in Korea are temporarily stored at the nuclear power plant site and it is expected that will become saturated from 2031. Deep geological disposal in engineered barrier system (EBS) is one of the most important options for disposing spent nuclear fuel. The disposal canister is the first barrier that prevents leakage of nuclides in the spent nuclear fuel to the environment. Therefore, the corrosion behavior of the canister materials are significant factors in determining the overall disposal period. Oxygen-free copper is the most widely used material for disposal canisters, and manufacturing methods include forging, cold spray, and electro-deposition. In this study, corrosion behavior of materials that have the potential to replace oxygen-free copper manufactured using various 3D printing method were analyzed. As a result of electrochemical analysis of various materials such as copper manufactured by the Atmospheric Plasma Spray (APS) process and Inconel 718 manufactured by the Direct Energy Deposition (DED) process, the possibility of replacing oxygen-free copper was confirmed.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fungal mycelium-based composite is a new biomaterial to replace the existing composite material. To compete with lightweight, high-performance composites represented by fiber-reinforced plastic, various physical and chemical properties and functionality must be secured. Especially, the composite material made by using mushroom mycelium (or fruting bodies) is called mushroom plastic. Currently, Ecovative, Mycoworks, and Muskin in USA and Europe are launching new products including structural materials and leathers. Products utilizing mushroom mycelium can be launched in the market for construction materials, automobile interior materials and artificial leather substitutes. In spite of this high possibility, mass production using FMBC has not yet been reported. This presentation introduces the mycelium-based materials, a material that can replace existing plastics, inorganic building materials and animal skins in an environmentally and economically viable way, and looks at the possibility of future biomaterials by summarizing recent research contents.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 과학탐구공동체 구성을 위한 잠재적인 학습 자료로서 자연사박물관의 전시물의 교육적 잠재성을 탐색해보고자 한다. 과학 탐구공동체는 과학적 지식의 습득과 과학 방법의 학습으로 연결되는 과학실습의 한 형태로 제안하였다. 공동체 학습은 주변에서 접하게 되는 과학-기술-사회적인 이슈들을 통해 이루어질 수 있다. 자연사 박물관 전시가 이러한 사회과학적인 이슈들을 포함하고 있다면 이는 자연사박물관의 과학탐구공동체로의 가능성에 대해 고려해 볼 수 있음을 전제로 하였다. 이런 맥락에서 본 연구는 자연사박물관 전시의 사회과학적 학습 자료 잠재성을 탐색하였다. 구체적으로 사회과학적 소재로서 적용 가능한 지진' 학습의 과학탐구공동체 구현을 위해, 첫째 미국 뉴욕시의 미국 자연사박물관과 워싱턴 D.C.의 스미소니언 미국국립자연사박물관의 지진 관련 전시물과 지구과학 교육과정과의 연관성을 분석하였다. 둘째, 두 박물관의 관계자와 인터뷰하여 이와 관련한 박물관의 교육적 의도와 노력을 알아보았다. 마지막으로 과학탐구공동체 구현을 위한 주제와 관련된 자연사 박물관 전시물의 특징을 탐색적으로 분석하였다. 이 연구에서 조사한 박물관의 전시는 교육과정과 관련하여 사회과학적 소재인 '지진'의 다양하고 실제적인 사례와 사건에 관한 풍부한 자료를 제공하고 있었다. 대상 박물관은 지역적 흥미와 사회과학적 이슈와의 연관성에 초점을 맞추어 박물관의 교육적 목적을 달성하고자 했음을 알았다. 지진이란 주제를 관람객에게 적절하도록 하기 위해 전시특성에 있어 원자료나 상호작용적 매체를 이용하여 살아있는 경험의 전달을 강조되고 있음을 알아내었다.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Through different projects, CETIM and its scientific and industrial partners have evaluated the potential of the High Velocityy Compaction Technology in terms of materials and component shape. Various kinds of powder materials were studied: metals, ceramics and polymers. The HVC process was used with success to manufacture gears, large parts and multilevel components. Due to the high density of HVC parts, the green machining process enables shapes to be produced that would otherwise be impossible to compact and components to be produced with very hard sintered and homogeneous materials.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 총설에서는 마이크로플루딕스 기술에 대한 기초연구를 소개하고, 이 기술을 통하여 화장품산업분야에서 응용성이 큰 동공구조체, 응답성 소재, 캡슐 소재, 다층 콜로이드 구조체 등과 같은 신소재의 합성이 가능함을 기술한다. 마이크로플루딕스 기술이 적용되어 개발된 기능성 신소재들은 그 크기와 내부 모폴로지를 정확하게 피코리터 수준에서 조절할 수 있다. 또한, 소재의 화학조성을 다양하게 임의 조절할 수 있고, 고차 층구조를 갖는 콜로이드 입자나 캡슐의 개발까지도 가능하여 그 응용성은 무궁무진하다고 할 수 있다. 기본적으로 약물전달계, 화학물 분리공정, 바이오센서, 애튜에이터 등의 응용연구에 매우 유용하게 활용될 수 있다. 화장품산업에서도 마이크로플루딕스 기술을 이용하여 고기능성 신소재 개발이나 신유형 화장품 개발이 가능할 것으로 기대되어 더욱 복합적인 연구개발이 진행되어야 할 것이다.