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        검색결과 6

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        19-20세기 조선 사회는 격변의 사회였다. 개화기 시점에서 서양 과의 무역통상 조약을 맺음으로 강제화 된 개방을 해야 했다. 조선개화 와 더불어 19세기 서구 선교사들은 조선에 복음을 전하기 위해 다양한 방법을 통해 입국했지만, 폐쇄적이고 서구 종교에 대해 배타적인 자세 로 일관했던 조선에서 선교는 상당한 어려움을 맞았다. 이러한 입장에 서 19-20세기 서구 개신교 의료선교사들은 조선에 입국하여 병원을 세우고 가난하고 병든 조선 사람들을 치료하고 보살핌으로 조선에서 기독교 형성의 발판을 마련했다. 의료선교는 조선 개신교 형성의 출발 점이 되었으며 신앙 공동체의 모체가 되었다. 또한 조선 사회를 새롭게 변혁시키는 변혁의 주체가 되었다. 의료선교사들은 조선에서의 선교적 헌신을 통해 그리스도의 사랑을 실천했으며, 근대 병원 건립을 통해 선진화된 의료기술을 전수했다. 교육의 불모지지였던 조선에 위생교육 을 통해 복음의 접촉점을 마련했다. 나아가 조선간호협의회를 만들어 여성 리더십을 고취시키는 일 등을 마련함으로 조선 개신교 형성과 선교 사역에 지대한 공헌을 하게 되었다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea is recognized home and abroad as a country where various religions exist without conflict or enmity which is rare in the world. However, it's certain that Korea is one of the country where social conflict can happen caused by religious conflict or enmity at any time. The conflict and enmity among religions are already deep and it can’t be solved by temporary measure. It will be difficult to overcome this problem without continuous and honest conversations among religions. This study was done with this issue and I aim at finding the new way for conversation and collaboration to reach peace among religions. In Korea, the portion of protestantism and buddhism is biggest and these two religions have the most serious conflict between them. In this situation, I analyzed two survey results. One is ‘the survey for social credit to Korean churches’ done by ‘Christian Ethics Movement of Korea’ with the aim of “evaluating the social credit of Korean churches and finding a way to enhance it.” The other is ‘social culture in Korea and survey of people about religion’ done by ‘Buddhism Society Institute,’ affiliated by Jogye Order of Korean Buddhist with the aim of “finding a indicator for religions in Korea including buddhism and to utilize as a fundamental data on social culture and religion in Korea.” The result of the study shows that the future of Korea churches will be pessimistic if they continue church individualism and aggressive evangelism for the growth of church. It is an urgent task to reform such a image. The way to reach the harmony and co-existence for the peace among religions may be different but being different does not mean wrong. I believe that we can reach harmony with the spirit of ‘Hwa-i-bu-dong’(peace in difference) which is admitting and respecting others. In this era, community spirit is required for rebuilding of community. Religion is not an exception of it. Furthermore, religion has more responsibility and duty compared to other sectors in the society to enhance community spirit and social spirit. Like this, it can be the way to reach the ultimate goal or original function of the religion. For conversation and collaboration among religions, the authenticity from the deep inside of people’s heart is required absolutely.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to figure out how to write the role of women in mission by analysing two writings of mission history: one from women's history (Dana Lee Robert's writing)and the other from feminist history (Lesley Orr Macdoland). This paper aims to demonstrate the historical perspective and methodology for women in mission and identifies a certain view of Asian women in mission in the fields of western historiography for women. This paper adapts critical analysis in terms of methodology and perspectives on the writings. Two important works on mission history have been published: firstly, American Women in Mission: A Social History of Their Thought and Practice written by Dana Lee Robert in 1997; secondly, A Unique and Glorious Mission; Women and Presbyterianism in Scotland, 1830-1930 written by Lesley A. Orr MacDonald in 2000. The two writings share some similarities and at the same time differences in terms of the women's and feminist concepts of history. Both historians' writings are overlapped and integrated in the same theme, namely women in mission. There are some discussible issues on the writings of women from a Asian perspective. First of all, the limited use of materials was problematic. Both historians used only English sources writing about women in mission fields where were located out of the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. Even though the stories were about western missionary women, the historians objectively needed to deal with the indigenous women's feeling and assessment of missionary women. Their use of sources thus reflects a kind of favouritism. Secondly, Women's history emphasises only the clear lack of historical achievements by male-centred studies in the existing histories. Feminist history stresses upon the dual structure between men and women with the analysis and method of women's story. Their historiographies are not appropriate in order to clarify the significance of women's role in the relationship between people in mission fields. The absence of such practical aspects of mission impairs their analysis of the story of women in history. Thirdly, they mainly focus on the public work and try to justify women's status in mission in terms of concord and discord between women and institutions, thus using the same criteria for success. If we regarded a lot of hidden women in mission in practice, the historical research has to possess much wider insight of research objects, women, in mission history. Through the research of this thesis and with an Asian view, the researcher obtains how to develop historical research on the role of women in mission into the way of historical writing for women in a manner that reflect the strengths of the methodologies review in this paper, and redress their weaknesses.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since Korea disclaimed to open the ports, Korean architecture has met the impetuous transformation. Although there would be various factors of this transformation, the new-coming architecture by missionary seemed to be a significant one, and many researches have been carried out on this theme in diverse viewpoints. However, because these researches have preponderated on the Catholic tradition, it is deficient for clarify the whole history of mission architecture. Therefore, this research has the meaning to enrich the history of Korean modern architecture by making balance. First of all, this paper is focused on the activities of one missionary, Graham Lee. He is a practical missionary at the beginning, his architecture made a critical influence in Korean traditional architecture. Graham Lee was born in Rock Island, Illinois, 1861, and he determined to become a missionary through grown up. He spent his boyhood by working as a plumber for his purpose and studied in a university afterward. Graduating of McComick Theological Seminary, he was nominated as a pioneer of Pyeng Yang Mission Station and set foot in Korea, September of 1892. Since then he started to erect missionary facilities in Pyeng Yang, such as Well House(1898), Pyeng Yang Central Church(1900-1901), Pyeng Yang Academy(1902). These all his works are designed with eclectic style which shows western and Korean traditional style intermingled. This unique characteristic made a profound influence to the Korean mission architecture afterwards. Especially, the L-type plan of Pyeng Yang Central Church, which is first shown by him, is recognized very unique, and this plan type had been spread all over the country. Therefore the L-type plan became the peculiar feature of the early Korean churches. Furthermore, working with Korean carpenters, he taught them new skills of modem buildings. After that, they were expanded out northern part of Korea and took the roles of master builders. According to this expansion, his particular style had got spread and had been settled as a unique eclectic style in Korean modern architecture. In the conclusion, he is evaluated to be a critical pioneer missionary, who left a big influence on the frame work of Korean modern architecture in the transitional times.