
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A preliminary study on species composition of a Korean purse seine catch landed at cannery was conducted in April 2011. In the cannery, all tuna catch are sliding through a sorting grid panel that filters and drops fish in the buckets by size class (above 9kg, 3.4-9kg, 1.8-3.4kg, 1.4-1.8kg and below 1.4kg). In cannery processing, species sorting was made for skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna only from catches greater than 3.4kg during filtering but not for bigeye tuna because of difficulties in species identification between bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna under frozen state. As no species identification was carried out for catch groups less than 3.4kg in the cannery process, this study focused on sorting out skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna from these groups and then identifying bigeye tuna from all size groups of yellowfin tuna. Using the mixture rate of species obtained from the samples taken, species composition of the landed catch was estimated. As results, cannery research showed 95% for skipjack tuna, 3% for yellowfin tuna and 2% for bigeye tuna in species composition, while vessel logbook data represented 96%, 3% and 1% for skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna, respectively. The proportion of bigeye tuna identified in the cannery was slightly higher than shown in logbook data by 1%.
        1999.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Specificity of catches has been analyzed to japanese tuna purse seine A principle component analysis was used to improve the efficiency of fishing and increase sustainable production and productivity of Korean tuna purse seine.The result are as follows;From the principal component analysis of the fish catches, the first principal component(Z1) to promote principal component score was skipjack Kastsuwonus Pelamis, LINNAEUS and yellowfin tuna Thunnus Albacares, BONNATERRE (Small : smaller than 10kg) and proportion was 86.8% of total. The second principal component(Z2) to increase principal component score was yellowfin tuna (Large : larger than 10kg) and proportion was 9.5%.On the other hand, fish operating that have caught skipjack and yellowfin tuna (Small and Larger) was not so much. Fish catches for one species raised volume of the catches while catches for multi-species decreased it since principal composition score for one species and both species together has been increased.Fish school could be divided into three groups of schools each of which was associated with drift objects, payaho and ship, school associated with shark, whale and porpoise and school of breezing, feeding and jumping from proportion of principal component analysis for fish catches of school types. However, the biological pattern is different among school associated with ship, payaho and school associated with drift objects for analysis eigen vector. School associated with ship, payaho and school associated with drifting object associated is judged as school which be assembled to vessel and drifted log temporary.
        1999.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The north-west sea area of Cheju Island is where originate two layer current in the summer season. The case of the fishing operations in this sea area is almost impossible for normal expansion of the net gear for shooting net, and is happened to be frequent occasions for rise of tension suddenly in purseline by changes of the net shapes in the operation. Therefore, the safety of the operations is often obstructed by the above mentioned. In connection with the above, model experiments on the purse seine in the circulating water tank was carried out in comparison and analysis on the changes of tension in the pruseline by deformation of purse seine in the sea area of two layer current. THe results obtained are as follows;In the case of the required time for pursing of 20 minutes in the no current set, the increasing curve for tension of purseline can be expressed as:Y=0.0004x3+0.0098x2+0.3000x(r=0.9989)where Y is tension(metric tons) of a purseline, x is required time(minutes) for pursing. And, the maximum value of tension in this time was an increase of 31.3 percent at 15 minutes, and was a decrease of 30.3 percent at 30 minutes than that of 20 minutes.When the bottom margin of net is held on the position in velocity of 0.5 knot at three-eighths of net in the bottom current to the net height, the maximum tension of the required time for pursing of 30 minutes in tight set and loose set were decrease of 29.5 percent and 28.7 percent respectively than that of 20 minutes.The work load during the required time for pursing of 20 minutes were calculated 5.79×106 kgf·m in no current set, 7.89×106 kgf·m in tight set and 5.15×106 kgf·m in loose set, therefore it was an increase of 22.3 percent in tight set, and was a decrease of 11.1 percent in loose set than that of the no current set. Where tight set and loose set is a range of the bottom current with velocity of 0.5 knot at three-eighths of net to the net height.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선망어법의 어회과정에 있어서 어군행동에 관한 기초적인 연구를 목적으로 제주 근해에서 사용하고 있는 고등어 선망어구인 파워불록용 선망(Powetblock seine)과 앞으로 예상되는 단선조작에서의고등어 선망어구인 트리플레스용 선망(Triplex seine)의 두 가지 모형망을 1/180로 제작 하고 선망에 의해 포위된 어군의 망내행동과 양쪽 선단의 개구부를 통하여 도피하는 어군의 행동을 관찰 분석함과 동시에 망단의 개구부의 면적 및 장력변화 등을 해석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분일 때, 개구부로 도피하는 아군의 평균 유영속도는 Powerblcok seine에서 9.71cm/sec, Triplex seine에서 9.97cm/sec였다. 2.죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분중 좀줄을 50% 정도 감아들었을 때, 선망내의 어군은 Powerblock seine의 경우 I section 10%, II section방향으로 10% 유영하는 행동을 보였다. 3.죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분중 10분 경과했을 때, 전면 망단 개구부의 면적 감소율은 Powerblock seine이 63.5%, Triplex seine이 어군도피에 대한 수평적 서단능력이 높았따. 그리고, 좀줄에 걸리는 최대장력은 Powerblock seine이 약 8.1톤, Triplex seine이 8.3톤으로 나타 났는데, 양자의 차이는 그다지 크지 않았다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1982~88년 사이 한국건착망 어업의 망선 48척의 어황일보에 의한 조업해구, 어종별 어획량의 자료를 이용하여 5개 해역별로 어획량의 특성을 분석하였다. 이들 해역중 제주도 연안해역(CC)은 양망회수와 어획량은 많으나 양망당어획량이 타해역보다 적으므로, 조업중 어구의 형상에 대해 계측한 자료를 이용하여 저층류에 의한 망형변화에 대해 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 건착망의 평균 CPUE는 31.6톤인데 음 10~4월은 평균보다 높고, 음 5~9월은 낮았다. 2. 건착망 어장 5개 해역중 CC해역은 양망회수비 42.4%로서 가장 높고 CPUE는 25.7톤으로 낮았으며, 각 해역별 CPUE는 1%의 유의수준에서 차가 인정되었다. 3. 고등어 CPUE의 계절변동지수는 음 11~1월에 평균 136.3%였고, 음 5~10월에 평균 63.7%였다. 4. 저층류에 의한 역조시 선망권의 직경은 가장 짧았고, 이때 납줄에 의한 포위면적은 더욱 좁아지며 어군의 포위효율은 낮아졌다. 5. 저층류에 의한 납줄의 형상은, 순조의 경우 유향으로 장원형이 되었고, 역조의 경우 유향과 직교되는 방향으로 장원형이 되면서 포위면적이 급히 축소되었으며, 망의 변형은 역조의 경우 가장 심하였다.