
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2007.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pound net fishery is very important one in Korean coastal fishery and it need to grasp the characteristics of the net affected by many factors. It is considered that the structure and the shape of the pound net can be changed by the direction and speed of current, wave height, depth and conditions of sea bed. However, most of all, the speed of current and wave height influence more upon the pound net than any other factors to deform and flutter. In this study, author carried out the experiments with a model of double one-side pound net made by the similarity law as 1:100 scales at a real experimental area, and additionally the model net experiments were conducted in the circulating water channel in Pukyong National University. The author analyzed the data of transformation of shape and tension of the model pound net to recognize the characteristics of the current and wave acting on it. Regardless of the direction of flow affecting on the fish court net or bag net, the deformed angle and depth to the side panel and bottom of box nets becomes bigger as the wave gets higher and the period of wave is faster. The tension in both upward or downward tends to be changed by the speed of wave. Those value of changes occurred similarly in either fish court net or bag net. Generally, when bag net is located at upward of flow, the value of tension was bigger 10% than any other location or nets. Regardless of the setting direction, the tension of the pound net is increased in proportion to flow speed, wave height and period of wave, and it becomes bigger about 15-30% at upward to flow than downward. Where the flow is upward in the court net, the tension in the wave increased to 37% compared to the one in the flow only in the condition of flow of 0.1-0.3m/s. Where the flow is upward in the bag net, the tension in the wave increased to 52% in the flow of 0.1m/s, and the tension increased to 48% in the flow of 0.2-0.3m/s.
        1999.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with litter which has sunk and accumulated on the sea-bed of the Chinhae Bay obtained by using a beam trawler. The litter collected through the duration of survey (1997~1998) were distributed from 8.76~80.63 items/ha and 3.51~108.39 kg/ha, respectively, in quantities and weights. Especially bulky wastes(shell, tires, motorcycle and refrigerator) were composed of 76% of them, next metal and glasses, 29.5%. The seasonal variability of litters in the bay is large, as 62% in April, next August, 23%, in total weights.These discarded substances have the widespread distribution but varied in each sampled area. Therefore they exist in a significant pollutants, as threatening the fishing activities and near marine environment, and also potential damage to marine resources.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선망어법의 어회과정에 있어서 어군행동에 관한 기초적인 연구를 목적으로 제주 근해에서 사용하고 있는 고등어 선망어구인 파워불록용 선망(Powetblock seine)과 앞으로 예상되는 단선조작에서의고등어 선망어구인 트리플레스용 선망(Triplex seine)의 두 가지 모형망을 1/180로 제작 하고 선망에 의해 포위된 어군의 망내행동과 양쪽 선단의 개구부를 통하여 도피하는 어군의 행동을 관찰 분석함과 동시에 망단의 개구부의 면적 및 장력변화 등을 해석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분일 때, 개구부로 도피하는 아군의 평균 유영속도는 Powerblcok seine에서 9.71cm/sec, Triplex seine에서 9.97cm/sec였다. 2.죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분중 좀줄을 50% 정도 감아들었을 때, 선망내의 어군은 Powerblock seine의 경우 I section 10%, II section방향으로 10% 유영하는 행동을 보였다. 3.죔줄죄기 소요시간 20분중 10분 경과했을 때, 전면 망단 개구부의 면적 감소율은 Powerblock seine이 63.5%, Triplex seine이 어군도피에 대한 수평적 서단능력이 높았따. 그리고, 좀줄에 걸리는 최대장력은 Powerblock seine이 약 8.1톤, Triplex seine이 8.3톤으로 나타 났는데, 양자의 차이는 그다지 크지 않았다.
        1996.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The authors carried out a field experiment to confirm the effect of underwater sound on the luring of fish schools in a setnet in the coast of Cheju Island. The effects of the acoustic emission on the luring of fish schools were observed using a manufectured underwater speaker in the setnet, and pure sound, of which frequency was 600Hz and the source level was 126dB, was emitted on and off at 5 minutes intervals in the set net during the night of ,July 29 and ,July 31. So we had recorded behavior of fish schools by the telesounder with two channel and shape of the setnet by underwater video camera and analyzed them. When the flood and ebb currents were around the setnet, the nets rised to the surface of water and it happened occasionaly at the stand of tide. Therefore, it was in the state that fish schools feel constraint to enter into the setnet, and was required a new design of the setnet stand up to strong tidal current. As the pure sound, of which frequency was 600Hz was emitted for the luring of fish schools in a setnet, the catch ammounts of fish, the young horce mackereWI'rachllrlls japonicus), was increased 4~6 times than not emitted.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mesh selectivity of diamond and suare mesh cod-ends at the Southern Korean Sea and the East China Sea were compared for Pampus argenteus, Trachurus japonicus, Trichiurus lepturus. Selection trials were carried out using diamond and square mesh cod-end by trouser type cod-end with cover net. of which the mesh cod-end has four types : A(51.2mm), B(70.2mm), C(77.6mm), D(88.0mm). Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated using a logistic model. The results obained are summarized as follows : 1. Harvest fish : In B. C and D type selection range and fifty percent selection length of the square mesh were about 21mm, 11mm : 12mm, 18mm and 34mm, 5mm higher than those of the diamond mesh, respectively. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 1.54 and for the square mesh was 1.68. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 97.4mm and for the square mesh was 89.3mm, the difference was 8.1mm. 2. Horse mackerel : In A type, selection range was nearly the same for the diamond and the square mesh, but fifty percent selection length of the square mesh was 43mm higher than the diamond mesh. In B. C and D type, selection range and fifty percent selection length of the square mesh were about 6mm, 3mm : 24mm, 21mm and 11mm, 42mm higher than those of the diamond mesh, respectively. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 2.37, for the square mesh was 2.77. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 78.1mm and for the square mesh was 66.8mm, the difference was 11.3mm. 3. Hair tail : In A, B and C type, selection range of the square mesh was about 34mm, 8mm, 60mm higher than those of the diamond mesh. Fifty percent selection length for the diamond mesh was about 5mm, 7mm, 8mm higher than that of the square mesh. Selection factor of master curve for the diamond mesh was 3.11, for the square mesh was 3.48. The optimum mesh size for the diamond mesh was 64.3mm and for the square mesh was 57.5mm, the difference was 6.8mm.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mesh selection analysis for the trawl net were carried out at the Southern Korean Sea and the East China Sea during the 1992-1994 years by the training ship Seabada of the National Fisheries University of Pusan, using A type (51.2mm), B type (70.2mm), C type (77.6mm), D type (88.0mm) square mesh cod-ends. The fishing trials were made using bottom trawl of the trouser type cod-end with cover net. Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated by a logistic model for Sphyraena pinguis, Pampus argenteus, Trachurus japonicus, Pagrus major, Callanthias japonicus, Trichiurus lepturus. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Red barracuda : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A type was 115.8mm, 292.8mm, respectively. 2. Harvest fish : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the B. C. and D type was 37.7mm, 113.8mm : 40.1mm, 131.7mm and 64.8mm, 148.6mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope, 3.81 : intercept, -6.4. Optimum mesh size was 89.3mm. 3. Horse mackerel : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A, B, C and D type was 43.0mm, 148.3mm : 60.7mm, 183.2mm, 214.5mm and 91.4mm, 254.9mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope 2.30 : intercept, -6.4. Optimum mesh size was 66.8mm. 4. Red seabrem : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the D type was 42.7mm, 203.4mm, respectively. 5. Yellowsail red bass : Selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A type was 84.0mm, 110.6mm, respectively. 6. Hair tail : Each selection range and fifty percent selection length in the A, B and C type was 59.7mm, 176.0mm : 100.9mm, 250.7mm and 178.6mm, 307.0mm, respectively. Selection parameters of master curve were : slope, 1.54 : intercept, -5.4. Optimum mesh size was 57.5mm
        1994.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to estimate the optimum harvesting mesh size of multispecies, the 24 species of catching data which were taken by fishing trial of trawl gear in Korean Southern Coast and East China Sea during 1991-1993 year were grouped and divided by the Cluster analysis method, considering first maturity length and body width, body height, body girth based on the first maturity length. With the same method, the above groups were subdivided by the potential escape such as possible escape index, range factor and selection factor. In case of the species devoid of selection parameters, these species were first subdivided by the use of possible escape index and length range factor. Next, the optimum harvesting mesh size of multispecies was properly classified according to the optimal mesh size of a fish estimated by first maturity length against selection factor. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Psenopsis anomala, Priacanthus macra-canthus, Trachurus japonicus, Argyrosomus argentatus was 71.1-79.5mm, and Saurida undosquamis was 65.5mm. 2. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Scomber japonicus, Pseudosciaena crosea, Pseudosciaena Polyactis, Sebastes thompsoni, Doderleinia berycoides was 78.5-85.6mm, and Bembras japonicus, Sphyraena pinguis was 48.4-51.3mm. 3. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Zeus faber, Pampus argenteus, Zenopsis nebulosan was 118.4-124.1mm, and Caranx equula was 91.4mm, and Thamnaconus modestus was 131.2mm, and Pagrus major was 149.4mm. 4. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Upeneus bensasi, Callanthias japonicus, Sardinops melanosticata, Konosirus punctatus was 36.8-42.8mm, and Acropoma japonicum was 21.2mm, and Apogon lineatus was 26.3mm.
        1994.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선택어획의 궁극적인 목적은 미성숙어의 남획과 혼획을 방지하여 일정크기의 체장이 되었을 때 계속적으로 생산을 유지하기 위한 것이다. 그러나 일찍부터 Huxley의 Doctrin 같은 논리에서부터 시작하여 수산자원의 특성과 관련한 제문제와 어로기술의 급진적 발전으로 인한 어획량의 증가에 따라 어족자원의 감소는 심각한 수산현안의 문제로 되고 있지만, 우리나라는 아직 자원관리를 위한 어업기술의 방향이 모색되고 있지 못하는 것 같다. 이러한 점에서 균형적인 어업분야의 발전을 위해서는 하드에 적합한 소프트의 개발과 선택은 물론이고 소프트를 현실에 맞게 적용할 수 있는 하드의 개발이 필요한 것 같다. 어업기술면만 보더라도 생역화를 위한 어로기기의 개발, 자원관리형 어구, 어법의 개발 등의 소프트와 어업학이라는 하드의 조화가 최근 수산분야의 중요한 일면임에 틀림이 없을 것이다.(이 논문의 결론부분임)
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada in order to analyse the mesh selectivity for trawl cod-end, in the Southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June. 1991 through August, 1992. The trawl cod-end used in this experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net. and the mesh selectivity was examined for the five kinds of the opening of mesh in its cod-end part. A total of 163 hauls, of which having mesh size 51.2mm ; A 89, 70.2mm ; B 54, 77.6mm ; C 55, 88.0mm ; D 52 and 111.3mm ; E 20 were used respectively. Selection curves and selection parameters were calculated by using a logistic function, S=1/(1+exp super(-(aL+b)) ). The mesh election master curves were estimated by S=1/(1+exp super(-[a(L/M)+β]) ). and the optimum mesh size were calculated with (L/M) sub(50) of master curve. In these cases 'a' and 'α' are slope, 'b' and 'β' are intercept. 'L' is body length of the target species of fishes, 'M' is the mesh size, and 'S' denotes mesh selectivity. In this report, the four species of compressed form fishes were taken analized according to fish shape, and 'S' denotes mesh selectivity. In this report, the four species of compressed form fishes were taken analized according to fish shape, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Red seabream Pagrus major(Temminct et Schlegel) and yellow porgy Dentex tumifrons(Temminct et Schlegel) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.7%, 97.5%, 91.4%, 76.7% and 57.8% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 2.65 and -28.62, 4.40 and -77.73, 2.31 and -46.99, and their selection factors were 1.39, 2.10, 1.83 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.05 and -5.65 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.85. The optimum mesh size of Red seabream was 141mm. 2. Filefish Thamnaconus modestus (Gunther) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.6%, 98.3%, 91.2%, 80.0% and 48.6% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 5.82 and -55.10, 2.92 and -36.90, 3.91 and -63.09, and their selection factors were 1.35, 1.44, 1.45 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.02 and -4.32 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.43. The optimum mesh size was 129mm. 3. Target dory Zeus faber Valenciennes ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.7%, 100%, 83.2%, 91.6% and 65.0% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes C, D and E were 3.85 and -32.46, 4.19 and -57.38, 2.45 and -40.03, and their selection factors were 1.09, 1.56, 1.47 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 2.64 and -3.53 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.34. The optimum mesh size was 127mm. 4. Butterfish Psenopsis anomala (Temminct et Schlegel) ; Selection rate in each mesh size of A, B, C, D and E were 99.2%, 34.1%, 46.5%, 14.3% and 2.4% respectively. Selection parameters 'a' and 'b' of mesh sizes B, C and D were 5.35 and -71.70, 5.07 and -69.25, 3.31 and -62.06 and their selection factors were 1.91, 1.75, 2.13 respectively. Selection parameters of master curve 'α' and 'β' were 3.16 and -6.24 respectively, and (L/M) sub(50) was 1.98. The optimum mesh size was 71mm.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to estimate the mesh selectivity master curves and the optimum mesh size, experiments were made by the cover net method with the cod-ends of the five different the opening mesh sizes(51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm). After that 163 hauling were performed and there by investigated, on the training vessel Saebada in the Southern Korean Sea and East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. In this report, the mesh selectivity master curves were fitted by using logistic function(S=1/(1+exp super(-(aR+b))), R=(L-L sub(0))/(M-M sub(0)) and the optimum mesh sizes were estimated from each master curve. In this case, a and b are the selection parameters, M is the mesh size of each experimental cod-end. L is body length, L sub(0) and M sub(0) is the distance from the coordinate origine to intersection of linear regression between 25% and 50% selection length. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Trachurus japonicus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 2. 25, -4.73 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 79.3mm. 2. Trichiurus lepturus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 0.81, -3.17 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 64.5mm. 3. Photololigo edulis: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 1.30m, -4.10 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 89.9mm. 4. Todarodes pacificus: Mesh selectivity master curve parameters: a and b were 1. 35, -3.45 respectively and optimum mesh size was estimated to be 89.4mm.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to analyse the mesh selectivity for the trawl net, the fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada in the southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. The trawl net used in experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net, and the mesh selectivity was examined for the five kinds of the opening mesh size in its cod-end part. The selection curves and the selection parameters were calculated by using a logistic function, S=1/(1+exp super(-(aL+b))), and in this case, a and b are the selection parameters and L is the body length of the target species of fishes. In this report, the four species of aquatic animals were analysed because the catch data were enough to calculate normally the selection curves and the selection parameters, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Trachurus japonicus; Selection parameters a and b in each cases of the opening mesh size of 51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm were respectively 0.5050 and -5.4283, 0.3018 and -4.9590, 0.3816 and -7.3659, 0.2695 and -5.7958, 0.2170 and -5.1226. 2. Photololigo edulis ; Selection Parameters a and b in each cases of the former mesh sizes were respectively 0.7394 and -6.1433, 0.3389 and -4.2366, 0.3286 and -5.1002, 0.2543 and -5.0049, 0.1795 and -4.8040. 3. Trichirus lepturus; Selection curves in the opening mesh size of 111.3mm was calculated unnormally. The selection parameters in the other opening mesh sizes were respectively 0.3790 and -5.2891, 0.2071 and -4.9164, 0.1292 and -3.1733, 0.1153 and -3.8497 in the order of former mesh sizes except 111.3mm. 4. Todarodes pacificus ; Selection curve in case of the opening mesh sizes, 70.2mm and 111.3mm were calculated unnormally. In the order cases of the opening mesh sizes, the selection parameters were respectively were 0.5766 and -6.0169, 0.3735 and -5.4633, 0.2771 and -5.7718 in the order of former mesh sizes except 70.2mm and 111.3mm.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to analyse the mesh selectivity for the trawl net, the fishing experiment was carried out by the training ship Saebada belonging to the National Fisheries University, in the Southern Korea Sea and the East China Sea from June 1991 to August 1992. The trawl net used in the experiment has the trouser type of cod-end with cover net and the mesh selectivity in the cod-end part. In this report, the species of fishes caught and the catch rate for them in accordance with different mesh sizes were analysed, and the result obtained are summarized as follows: 1) 145 species of aquatic animals were caught in totally 138 times of trawl operations. 2) The number of species mostly not to escape are 28, 22, 19, 16 and 11 respectively, in each opening mesh size, 51.2mm, 70.2mm, 77.6mm, 88.0mm and 111.3mm of cod-end. 3) In view that the use of the opening mesh size above 54mm in cod-end of trawl net in Korea, it is necessary to device a counterplan against the overfishing, for the 22 species of aquatic animals mostly not to escape in the cod-end of the large mesh sizes more than 70.2mm.
        1986.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims at finding out the optimum operating condition to reduce fuel consumption for the training ship Pusan 402 with controllable pitch propeller. For this purpose, this paper examints the variation of ship speed and fuel consumption in accordance with the change of engine revolution and propeller pitch. The results obtained are as follows: 1. When engine revolution is constant, the ship speed sluggishly increases according to the increase of propeller pitch but fuel consumption extremely increases. The higher revolution the engine is, the more remarkable this tendency is. 2. As the engine revolution becomes lower, the fuel consumption per mile decreases. Howt.er = the fuel consumption under the same engine revolution differs according to the propeller pitch. 3. Specific fuel consumption is uniformed about 180g/ps.h at any case of load. 4. Among the various operating conditions which yield the same ship speed, fuel consumption lowers in the case of lower engine revolution and larger propeller pitch.
        1986.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The maneuverabilities of the M. S. PUSAN 402 are studied, based on maneuvering indices and the data obtained from her Z test. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The maneuvering indices K' and T' of the M. S. PUSAN 402 are 1. 490, 1.030 at 10˚ Z test and 2.644, 1.153 at 20˚ Z test and 3.382. 1. 027 at 30˚ Z test respectively. The above calculated values K', T' showed that her maneuverabilities are more increased when the rudder is used to large angle than to smaIl angle. 2. As her maneuvering indices K' and T' at 10˚ Z test are higher than the standard maneuvering indices of fishing boats, her turning ability was found to be higher but her obeying ability lower. 3. When the M. S. PUSAN 402 took a turn at her 10˚ test, running distance was about 8.4 times her own length and didn't exceed the standard maneuvering distance, 5 to 11 times ship's own length, therefore she was considered to have good maneuverabilities syntheticaIly.
        1984.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        년 간의 수로국 자료를 이용하여 충무항의 수온의 변동을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 연교차는 18~21℃ 이었고, 월교차는 2~8℃ 이었다. 2. 자료의 변동계수는 0.015~0.208의 범위에 있었고, 여름철에는 그 값이 작고, 늦가을부터 겨울철에는 컸다. 3. 연변동을 조사하기 위한 조화분석의 결과는 T(t)=15.66+8.06 cos(10˚t-233.5)+0.92 cos(20˚t-216)이었다. 4. 평균편차의 누년변동은 약 2년의 한랭기가 반복되었으며, 약 3년의 온난기가 나타났다. 5. 수온 y와 기온 x의 상관식은 Y=3.9496+0.7583 (r=0.987)로 나타낼 수 있었다.