
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        educational cooperation with Rep. of Sakha in recognizing the propbrloesmpes ctaivnde tnheee ds struedlayt edr etvoi eewdsu catthioen al liitnefroartmuraet izaotino n. cIunr retnhte psutrastuuist ofo f thies dupcuartpioosnea,l iinnffoorrmmaattiizoant ioann d ine duRcaetpi.o n osf ysSteamkh ai n aRndu ssidae vFeelodpemraetniot n sbteactuasu sef oer duncaattiioonnaall ssyysstteemm. oAf ntdh e fiReeldp ubstliucd yo f oSna kshcah oiosl st hean dp arutn iovfe rRsuitsiessia nu sFiendge rtahteio ne deudcuactaiotinoanl ienxfpoermrta tiinztaetriovnie wi n weSraek haal,s o siumrvpeleym efnotre d.e dTuhcaet iorensaul ltso ffoicf iatlhsi s asntdu dye dcuacna tiboen csounmdmitaiornizse d anda s prfisotlilonwe s.e nvFirroisntm, enSt akchoan taihnaisn g uanbiuqnudea ntc limmianteer, al greeosgoruarpcheics acnodm puttreera sunreytw. orLka ncdo nnmeacstsio, n tdhiifnfliyc ultp. opSuol,a tefudr thaerre ar,e seloacraclh adnivde rasnitayl ysmisa dine reengvairrodnsm etnot wthilel bRe eprbeliqcu ireodf. SSeackohnad's, mpoeroep leq, uanctuilttautrivee, aenddu caqtiuoanli tatainved rneesceeasrscahr y fotro ssuobljveec t thoef epdruocbaletimons iann d Sarkehcao gniniz e thteh efiro rmn eeodfs . suTrvheiryds, athree aanmaolynsgi s thoef cAoPuEntCr ierse gtihoant hisa ven eesdimedil art ol evuenldse rosft anedd uctahtei oncaul rriennfot rmeadtuiczaattiioonn itnrefonrdms atiaznatdi onp ocalinc iebse. prFersoemnt edt.his
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research was to identify the situation of ICT use in education in the Russian region, its reasons, and possible problems and solutions. In order to achieve the attempted purpose, analysis was done on thirteen individual and collaborative final presentations of 34 Russian (Sakha) trainees who attended the APEC e-Learning Training Program during 2007-2013 and Russian government project on ICT in education. The results of the research are as follows. First, the most mentioned problem and need to the Russian education informatization was identified as a shortage of ICT equipment. The next two problems identified were the problem of the insufficiency of educational resources and lack of teacher motivation in using ICT. Third, the implementation of ICT in Russian schools should become one of the important objectives of the region’s education administration and school administration. Thus, Russian regional government officials, who are responsible for education, need training to implement better policies and measures for improvements of ICT use in education. Also it’s important for them to learn the best foreign experience in using ICT in Education and adapt it by taking into consideration culture, geographical and other regional features.