Microalgae are a group of photosynthetic microorganisms living in the water. They are in the spotlight as biostimulators and biofertilizers in modern renewable and sustainable agriculture system, attributed to characteristics such as photosynthetic, and metabolism of various industrial wastes and to increase production when treating crops. Scenedesmus sp. CHK0059 is also one of the microalgae with these characteristics, and it has been reported to suppress various diseases in crops and promote the health of vegetables. However, the mode of action that has a positive effect on plants is not yet well understood. This study was designed to focus on the modulation in diversity change of plant microbiota community, which was the result of the preliminary study, and to determine the direct changes in microbial members that trigger the diversity change in the Arabidopsis model system. As a result, there was no change in the phenotype of Arabidopsis and the microbiota community structure in the rhizosphere during the treatment period, but two bacteria genera, Brevibacterium and Pseudomonas, dominance in the rhizosphere was positively correlated with the CHK0059 treatments. And the bacteria had a positive network correlative relationship with 24 other bacteria. Our findings suggest that the application of microalgae was correlated with several microbiota members in the rhizosphere and was expected to affect the microbiota community structure modification in long-term treatment.
This study investigated the effects of the light conditions on the productivity of scenedesmus dimorphus in the continuous mass cultivation system. To compare the algal productivity according to the light conditions, S. dimorphus was cultivated continuously under the wide range of light intensity(200-600 PPFD) and various light wavelength(white light and red-blue mixed light). After 100 days of cultivation under the different light intensity, the productivity of S. dimorphus increased as light intensity decreased. So, the productivity was maximized as 100 mg/L/d when light intensity was 200 PPFD. In case of light wavelength, the productivity of S. dimorphus was enhanced about 20% with the white light compared to that of the red-blue mixed light. Consequently, the optimal light conditions for the continuous mass cultivation of S. dimorphus were 200 PPFD as light intensity and white light as light wavelength.
This study investigated the effect of a co-culture of Scenedesmus dimorphus and nitrifiers using artificial wastewater on the removal of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the advanced treatment. To test the synergistic effect of the co-culture, we compared the co-culture treatment with the cultures using S. dimorphus-only and nitrifiers-only treatment as controls. After 6 days of incubation, nitrate was removed only in the co-culture treatment and total amount of N removal was 1.3 times and 1.6 times higher in the co-culture treatment compared to those in the S. dimorphus- and nitrifiers-only treatments, respectively. In case of total amount of P, co-culture treatment removed 1.2 times and 12 times more P than the S. dimorphus -and nitrifiers-only conditions, respectively. This indicates that the co-culture improved removal rates for ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate. This further implies that there was no need for denitrification of nitrate and luxury uptake of P processes because nitrate and phosphate can be removed from the uptake by S. dimorphus. In addition, co-culture condition maintained high DO above 7 mg/L without artificial aeration, which is enough for nitrification, implying that co-culture has a potential to decrease or remove aeration cost in the wastewater treatment plants.
This study investigates the effect of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on growth of S. dimorphus. NaHCO3 concentration was varied from 0 to 2 g-C/L. As a result, the increase in concentration of NaHCO3 up to 1.5 g-C/L increased dry weight of algae. The highest specific growth rate of S. dimorphus was 0.36 day-1 which was obtained at concentration of 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3. pH showed a large variation range at the concentrations lower than 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3 whereas inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rates were almost same at the concentrations higher than 0.5 g-C/L NaHCO3 (0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2 g-C/L NaHCO3). Their average inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rate were 70 mg-C/L/d, 11.3 mg-N/L/d, and 1.6 mg-P/L/d, respectively. Thus, NaHCO3 didn’t effect on inorganic carbon, nitrate and phosphorus removal rate of S. dimorphus.
This study aims to increase the organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies than the conventional method and meet higher effluent water quality standards by co-culture with bacteria in activated sludge in the aeration tank. By the co-culture in mixotrophic conditions through metabolic characterization of Scenedesmus dimorphus and bacteria in the aeration activated sludge, assessed how the impact on the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate. In addition, the study was to determine if it is possible to supply the oxygen necessary for the bacteria through the photosynthesis of algae without aeration. To test the synergistic effects of the co-culture, we compared co culture with S. dimorphus - only, Bacteria - only as a controls. In the co-culture condition inoculation ratio is based on the TSS concentration S. dimorphus and bacteria 1 : 5 (w / w), 5 : 5 (w / w) at a ratio. The growth rate of S. dimorphus - only condition was higher, which was 10 times and 2 times lower compared to B : A (5 : 1), B : A (5 : 5) respectively. Organic carbon removal rate of S. dimorphus - only condition was lower than other conditions, the remaining conditions were consumed at a similar rate. In the co-culture of Mixed bacteria and S. dimorphus, ammonium and phosphate removal rate has been high. But, nitrate removal rate showed a tendency to decrease compared to the Bacteria-only condition. When considering the Ammonium, nitrate and phosphate removal rate, N, P removal efficiency which is most excellent in terms of bacteria, such as S. dimorphus ratio (5 : 5) were co-cultured in the conditions. DO was maintained at 3 mg/L or more under all conditions. So, implying co-culture has the potential to decrease aeration costs.
The most effective chemical pretreatment method for Scenedesmus dimorphus was evaluated based on solubilization rate and saccharification yield. When 1% of S. dimorphus with 0.5 N of chemicals such as HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, NaOH and KOH was autoclaved at 120oC and 1.1 atm for 60 min, the solubilization rate was high with alkali chemicals while the saccharification yield was low compared to that with acid chemicals. The pretreatment efficiency was significant in order in HNO3, HCl and H2SO4, however, HCl would be effective for field application considering the cost. The proper concentration and time to treat with HCl were concluded in 1 N and 10 min. In the conditions with 1 : 1 mixed acid chemicals such as H2SO4+ HNO3, HCl + HNO3 and HCl + H2SO4, the solubilization rate was similar to that with single acid treatment, while the saccharification yield was enhanced about 34% in the mixed condition with H2SO4 and HNO3 compared to that treated with H2SO4.
This paper describes the working of algal culture system under batch and continuous feeding effluents in biological treatment process. The main objective of this study was the determination of fundamental operating parameters such as dilution rates, light intensity, biomass concentration, nutrients contents, which engender an effective nutrient and organic waste removal process.
The results of this research indicate that the algae system will remove effectively nutrient and organic waste. In batch cultures, 91.8% dissolved orthophosphate and 83.3% ammonia nitrogen were removed from the sewage in ten days. In continuous flow systems, a detention time of 2.5 days was found adequate to remove 91% T-P, 87% T-N and 95% NH3-N. At 22-28℃, 60 rpm, with an intensity of 3500 Lux, the specific growth rate, k was 0.59/day in batch experiments. The optimal growth temperature and nutrients rate (N/P) were respectively 25℃ and 3∼5. With an abundant supply of nutrients, it was possible to sustain substantial population densities in the temperature range of 22∼28℃.