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        검색결과 8

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Republic of Korea has implemented an obligatory vaccination on major livestock breeds to prevent and eradicate nationwide foot and mouth disease (FMD) since the end of 2010. The government has executed massive serological survey to check the immune level of various herds after vaccination, and seropositive rates against FMD virus (FMDV) structural proteins can be measured to assess FMD immunity level. The purpose of this study is to investigate the FMDV serological level of every cattle breeding farm in the country and to determine whether there is a significant difference between groups classified by time, age, and management authority. A total of 5,781 serum samples was collected in 18 cattle breeding farms from 2020 to 2021, and the seropositive rates were measured using PrioCHECK FMDV Type O ELISA kit. Firstly, the cattle breeding farms were classified by which they are managed: the central government, the local government, and the private agency. Every management authority had a seropositive rate of 99.5% or higher. Secondly, the samples were divided into 6 to 12 months old, 12 to 24 months old, and 24 months or more. The 6 to 12 months old group in 2020 showed a significantly low seropositive rate of 98.1%, but it was improved by implementing the enhanced vaccination policy from 2021 to 100%. In summary, there are considerably high seropositive rates including all groups with time, age, and by which they are managed, which means the FMD vaccination in cattle breeding farms is well-managed.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In insect exoskeleton/cuticle, structural cuticular proteins (CPs) and the polysaccharide chitin are the major components of the procuticle. CPs are cross-linked by quinones or quinone methides produced by the laccase2 (Lac2)- mediated oxidation of N-acylcatechols. We reported that two major CPs, TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, belong to the CPR family that contain the RR-2 consensus motif (Rebers & Riddiford), are essential for formation and stabilization of the rigid cuticle of Tribolium castaneum adults. In this study, we characterized and investigated functions of the third most abundant protein, TcCP30, in extracts of elytra. TcCP30 cDNA encodes a protein with 171 amino acid residues containing a putative signal peptide. Unlike TcCPR27 and TcCPR18, TcCP30 mature protein lacks an RR motif, with a very unique amino composition, 36% Glu, 21% His, 20% Arg and 16% Gly. TcCP30 gene is highly expressed right before and after eclosion (in 5 d-old pupae and 0 d-old adults). Immunohistochemical studies revealed that TcCP30 protein was present in rigid cuticle such as elytra and ventral abdomen but not soft cuticle such as hindwings and dorsal abdomen of adult T. castaneum. Injection of dsRNA for TcCP30 into late instar larvae had no affect on larval and pupal growth and development. However, the subsequent pupal-adult molt, more than 50% adults were unable to shed their exuvium and died entrapped in their pupal cuticle. In addition, the resulting adults exhibited wrinkled, warped and split elytra. TcCP30-deficient adults could not fold their hindwings properly because probably due to the malformed elytra. These results indicate that TcCP30 is critical for formation of rigid adult cuticle as well as development and growth of T. castaneum.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 리뷰의 목적은 벼 종자 저장단백질 구조분석 및 발현특성분석 결과 종합화를 통하여 종자형질 개선 등의 실용화연구를 위한 기반구축을 모색하는데 있다. 최근 벼 염색체염기서열완전해독 연구 결과를 이용한 유용형질 유전자 분리 및 실용화 연구가 많이 진행되고 있다. 특히 벼 종자 저장단백질은 인류에게는 주요 영양원으로 사용되어지며 종자 발아시에는 식물체 성장을 위한 질소원으로 사용되어진다. 벼 종자 저장단백질의 분류는 용매에서의 용해도에 따라 약산성 및 알카리 용해성의 glutelin, 알코올 용해성의 prolamin, 염 용해성의 globulin으로 나눈다. 벼 염색체 상에는 11개의 glutelin 유전자와 33개의 prolamin 유전자가 존재하며 prolamin 유전자의 경우 5번 염색체 15 Mb 부위에 15개의 유전자가 위치하였다. 이와 같이 종자저장단백질 유전자들이 동일 염색체 부위에 위치하고 있는 것은 진화학적으로 동일 염색체에서 유래하였거나 유사한 유전자발현 조절영역을 가지고 있음을 의미한다. Globulin 유전자는 5번 염색체에 단일 유전자로 존재하였다. 마이크로어레이를 이용한 종자저장 단백질 관련 유전자의 조직 특이 발현 양상을 분석한 결과 glutelin과 대다수의 prolamin 합성 유전자는 종자배유에서만 발현을 하였으며 소수의 prolamin과 globulin 합성 유전자는 종자배유와 발아종자에서도 발현을 나타내었다. 종자 저장단백질의 프로모터부위를 분리한 후 종자에서의 발현 양상을 분석한 결과 glutelin type C1 프로모터가 종자의 전체 부위에서 발현을 나타내었으며 glutelin type B5와 α-globulin 프로모터가 많은 양의 발현을 나타내었다. 본 리뷰를 통하여 벼 종자 저장단백질의 구조및 발현특성 연구 진행사항을 살펴보았다. 이러한 연구 동향분석은 종자형질 개선 및 물질생산 등의 실용화 연구를 수행하는 연구자들에게 최근의 연구 현황을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.