As people's living standards and cultural standards have developed, interest in culture and art has increased, and the demand for large space structures where people can enjoy art, music, and sports has increased. As it accommodates a large number of personnel, it is most important to ensure safety of large spatial structures, and can be used as a space where people can evacuate in case of a disaster. Large spatial structures should be prepared for earthquake loads rather than wind loads. In addition to damage to the structure due to earthquakes, there are cases in which it was not utilized as a space for evacuation due to the fall of objects installed on top of the structure. Therefore, in this study, the dome-shaped large spatial structure is generalized and the displacement response according to the number of installations, position and mass is analyzed using a tuned mass damper(TMD) that is representative vibration control device.
In this paper, the displacement response to seismic loads was analyzed after installing TMD in spatial structures and high-rise buildings. In the case of a spatial structures, since it exhibits complex dynamic behavior under the influence of various vibration modes, it is not possible to effectively control the seismic response by installing only one TMD, unlike ordinary structures. Therefore, after installing eight TMDs in the structure, the correlation between displacement response and mass ratio was examined while changing the mass. The TMD must be designed to have the same frequency as the structure frequency so that the maximum response reduction effect can be exhibited. It can be confirmed that the most important variable is to select the optimal TMD mass in order to install the TMD on the structure and secure excellent control performance against the earthquake load. As a result of analyzing the TMD mass ratio, in the case of high-rise buildings, a mass ratio of 0.4% to 0.6% is preferable. In spatial structures, it is desirable to select a mass ratio of 0.1% to 0.2%. Because this study is based on the theoretical study based on numerical analysis, in order to design a TMD for a real structure, it is necessary to select within a range that does not affect the safety of the structure.
In this study, the retractable-roof spatial structure was chosen as the analytical model and a tuned mass damper (TMD) was installed in the analytical model in order to control the seismic response. The analysis model is mainly consisted of runway trusses (RT) and transverse trusses (TT), and the displacement response was analyzed by installing TMD on those trusses. The mass of the single TMD which is installed in the analytical model was set to 1% of the total structure mass and the total TMD mass ratio was set to be 8% or 6%. In addition, the mass of a single TMD was varied depending on the number of installations. As a result of analyzing the optimal number of installations of TMD, the displacement response was reduced in all cases compared to the case without TMD. Above all, the case with 8 TMDs was the most effective in reducing he displacement response. However, in this case, as the load on the upper structure of the retractable-roof spatial structure increases, the total mass ratio of TMD was maintained and the number of TMDs was increased to reduce the mass ratio of one TMD.
In the precedent study, the retractable-roof spatial structure was selected as the analytical model and a tuned mass damper (TMD) was installed to control the dynamic response for the earthquake loads. Also, it is analyzed that the installation location of TMD in the analytical model and the optimal number of installations. A single TMD mass installed in the analytical model was set up 1% of the mass of the whole structure, and the optimum installation location was derived according to the number of change. As a result, it was verified that most effective to install eight TMDs regardless of opening or closing. Thus, in this study, eight TMDs were installed in the retractable-roof spatial structure and the optimum mass ratio was inquired while reducing a single TMD. In addition, the optimum mass distribution ratio was identified by redistributing the TMD masses differently depending on the installation position, using the mass ratio of vibration control being the most effective for seismic load. From the analysis results, as it is possible to confirm the optimum mass distribution ratio according to the optimum mass ratio and installation location of the TMD in the the retractable-roof spatial structure, it can be used as a reference in the TMD design for large space structure.
본 연구는 기존 보도교의 TMD를 이용한 진동제어에 대해 기술한 논문이다. 본 연구의 대상인 보도교는 단순 강 박스형 교량이고 주 경간이 47.7m이다. 교량의 중량은 11.17kN/m이고, 매우 작은 감쇠율을 갖고 있으며, 1차 고유진동수가 1.84Hz이다. 이 진동수는 인간의 보행 진동수인 2Hz와 근접하고 있다. 따라서 보행자의 보행에 피해 불안정한 공진진동이 자주 발생하였다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 보행자로 인한 보행 진동을 억제하기 위하여 TMD를 이용한 진동대책에 대해 기술한 논문이고, 진동대책에서 경제성과 시공성을 고려하여 보도교의 난간에 설치하는 소형의 TMD에 대해 기술하고 있다. TMD 설치 이후의 현장실험과 수치해석으로부터 보도교의 구조감쇠가 TMD 설치 이전의 감쇠율보다 약 13배 증가되었고 공진 진동이 거의 억제되었음을 확인하였다.
본 연구는 지진동을 받는 구조물의 응답을 제어하기 위한 하이브리드 LQG 기법의 효용성을 조사하는 것이 목적이다. 입력 기진력은 엘센트로 지진이며 지반 가속도을 적절히 조절하여 구조물이 탄성 범위내에서 거동하도록 하였다. 수동 제어 장치로서 최상층에 설계된 TMD는 LQG 제어 알고리즘에 의해 통제되며 능동 제어기와 함께 하이브리드 제어 시스템을 이룬다. 이 기법을 통해 제어된 변위 응답을 비교한 결과 순수하게 능동 제어를 한 경우에 비해 훨씬 작은 크기의 입력으로도 변위를 제어할 수 있었으며 센서의 위치는 최상층에 부착하는 것이 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.