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        검색결과 6

        2016.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Previous studies have investigated the potential relationship between promoter polymorphism (-308, G/ A) of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and various autoimmune diseases. However, results from published data were inconclusive. To verify relationship between TNF-α polymorphism (-308, G/A) and susceptibility to autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, we have performed a metaanalysis with all relevant articles before October 2016. The electronic search of PubMed, google, and Embase databases was performed to identify eligible studies investigating the relationship of TNF-α polymorphism with autoimmune diseases including vitiligo, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Genotype frequency data of TNF-α polymorphism (-308, G/A) were extracted and the meta analysis was performed by Comprehensive meta-analysis program with odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Genotype models were applied with dominant and recessive models and allele model analyzed. The final analysis included 37 publication papers with a total of 6,102 autoimmune disease patients and 6,987 control subjects. In result, a statistical significant correlation between TNF-α polymorphism (-308, G/A) and susceptibility to autoimmune disease was not detected in our meta-analysis (p>0.05 in all models). Our results suggest that the TNF-α polymorphism might not be related to the development of autoimmune disease. If further results in larger studies would be accumulated in the future, this relationship would be clarified.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생체 내 실험에서 발효 인삼꽃 추출물(FM), 발효하지 않은 인삼꽃 추출물(FD)과 대조군으로 생리식염수를 2주간 마우스 체중 ㎏ 당 100, 200 ㎎/㎏ B.W.의 농도로 마우스에 경구 투여한 후 LPS에 의해 활성화된 복강 대식세포가 분비하는 염증성 사이토카인 IL-6, TNF-α의 생성량을 측정하였다. 그 결과, IL-6는 발효 LPS로 자극한 경우, 두 가지 농도에서 모두 처리한 군에 비해 높은 증식능을 나타내었고, LPS로 자극한 결과, 특히 발효 인삼꽃 추출물 200 ㎎/㎏ B.W. 농도에서 유의적으로 낮은 IL-6 분비량을 보였다. TNF-α의 경우, 100 ㎎/㎏ B.W.와 200 ㎎/㎏ B.W. 두 농도 모두에서 LPS로 자극하지 않은 경우, 낮은 증식 효과를 보여주었고, 자극한 경우, 인삼꽃 시료를 첨가한 군이 대조군보다 낮은 TNF-α 분비량을 보였으며, FM에서 FD보다 더 TNF-α를 억제하는 효과가 큰 것을 볼 수 있었다. 이상의 결과에 따르면 FD의 사이토카인 IL-6, TNF-α 생성 효과는 200 ㎎/㎏ B.W. 농도 투여 시 효과적으로 면역 세포와 면역 기관의 주요 기능을 증진시킬 가능성이 있을 것으로 사료된다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 앞으로 인삼꽃 발효를 이용한 기능성 사료 개발과 더불어 산업적 측면에서 보다 긍정적인 효과를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Transglutaminase 2(TGase 2) expression is modulatecl by π>JF- a in various carcinoma. The role of TGase 2 ancl TNF- a expression in salivaIY gland tumors is not clear yet. Establishecl SGT cellline has been used to study the pathogenesis of salivaIY gland adenocaI‘cinoma on a cellular level in vitro. 까le pupose of this study were to examine n버NA expression of TGase 2 and TNF- ain SGT cellline comparecl to other tumor celllines, ancl to apply these results to the paùlogenesis of salivary gland tumor. After SGT, SCC-15, HN 4, and HeLa tumor celllines were culturecl under preconfluency, ancl 3 clays after postconfluency, the cells were harvested for total RNA extraction and cDNA preparation. RT-PCR for semiquantitative mRNA analysis was done. 까le obtained results were as follows. 1. TGase 2 and π>JF- amRNA expression was not induced by confluency in all the celllines 2. TGase 2 and π'JF- amRNA expression was variable but markeclly enhanced 비 SGTcellline 3. TGase 2 n버NA expression appeared to be associated with that of π>JF- ain SGT cellline From the aboving res ults, mRNA expression of TGase 2 and TNF a should play an important role in the pathogenesis of SGT cellline originated ti'om ductal cell.
        2016.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salmonellae are gram-negative bacilli of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Gastroenteritis was the most frequent clinical sign and osteoarticular infection like septic arthritis were extremely scarce in a patient with Salmonella infection. An immunocompromised state are known risk factors for development of septic arthritis due to Salmonella. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has recently seen a paradigm shift with the introduction of biological therapy. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist (anti TNF-α) have especially been able to play major roles in the treatment of RA. But there is concern that this will result in an increased incidence of infection. There have been few reports of Salmonella infection following anti TNF-α in a RA patient. Here, we report a rare case of septic arthritis of the left knee by Group B non-typhoidal Salmonella in a RA patient who was receiving etanercept therapy. The patients was treated with arthroscopy guided irrigation and debridement, and administration of intravenous antibiotics (ciprofloxacin) for 4 weeks. Since then, he achieved a full recovery from the infection.